
From Kamora Herrington. – 3:59

From Kamora Herrington.

3:59 pm.

Independence versus Dependency.

I. versus D?

I D.
of the Human, Naturals has been Identified as INFINITY.


** Genesis 17:5, KJV: “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.”

* Genesis 47:9) – a hundred and threescore and fifteen years – i.e. 175 years;”
Abraham lived to age 175.

GENE’S.P. IS. *Jeans Cap “3301”
I S. ( ISIS)
9-19. “Bella 9-19-20 rose bird painted on the wall near my left E.L.Bow painted to the right of the Rose bird code BREAD.
Gene S.I.S. Full Circle “Crowned IS”

That the Human Natural Espirit has been identified as an Infinite Energy Source.
Resourcefulness Ingenuity- a never-ending source of Expression of Ideas able to generate from “Out of The Blue” Ideas from an Infinite memory bank to create through Expression-Action- Energy which can re-build an Entire World and Universe into a venue worthy of eliciting the First Contact.


There has to be an Evolution of Consciousness.

I have never been dependent on the state- nor was I allowed to be.
I personally do not see anything wrong in taking assistance from the state in moments of change in one’s lives, personal crisis, or a time to simply sit down, pause and chill to sort things out. What I have a problem with is a mentality grown from this Dependency… reliance to always go back to the state.
The same way homeless people, mainly end up going back to Shelters, or those sent to prison, returning to prison.

Safety, routine, very bad habits.
The same with using opioids.
To be dependent on anything, anyone has always seemed to me, a very bad idea.

This script which I have proven which I have been aware that I am in, On coming to America, everything was stripped from me, ID, Passport, Portfolio, everything- not even a social security number was allowed me. Then the control of my body, then my awareness invaded, and even my being.
Then my ultimate Nightmare on discovering that I was literally designated to live with people in their homes.
That it was designated!

That it was part of a literally script, a Labyrinth Maze- which while solving each person riddles, in my desperate desire to not be in their homes- solving their riddles of existence, while offering them the proof that they had invited me into their homes, worlds lives because it was their sixth sense, identifying that in me was the response to the riddles of their existences, in all levels from economic, personal, sexual. emotional and romantic.
And of course, the guise they were able to use, that I was dependent on them- which they knew was a lie, but one which most held onto and enacted because- well no one could prove the work I was doing with them or its worth- except the persons or people I was doing it with.

It took me 19 years to prove that everything, every place, and the person I was sent to was pre-ordained, set up. And the only way I found that despite all my remarkable forms of ingenuity and resourcefulness to get out of what was The Ultimate Nightmare “TUN. NUT” ( you have no idea how Hellish- except perhaps through all of you have the experience of living with those you did not choose and not in your own space).

Such a Nightmare to live with people who lived enacted and behaved as though this 3D reality was real and had become complacent and used to it. Even their rebellion was based on this system- They had no other existence, blueprint, or mirror but this world.
It was more simple to me, it was a lack of imagination and courage to imagine- logically and reasonably- Dream
Even dreams have to be grounded aligned to function purpose and practicality.

** I saw myself being prompted to write this post, and I spent the first couple of hours aware and resisting coming to Facebook.

The number 330.00 was in my head right up until I woke up.
My body was so loose and free yesterday, I was exulting inwardly, “I am almost free… I was almost striding… and the feeling and memories flooded over me of how far this condition in my muscle, pituitary gland had taken away that naturalness of my being, through controlling and restructing movement.

But this morning as usual I felt “Reigned In” the muscle are still loose, but they are all twisted and thus, controlling me and in the end brought me here- because there is nothing else to do.
The attention of the unnaturalness in my body is so persistant- affecting my being leaves me no other choice.

There is medicare, – I have not seen a dentist in over 20 years, And have had no doctor or medical help except an absurd check-up in the shelter.

But I am in perfect health- despite what this 29-year sojourn and the physical exertion and stress on my body- and emotional and mental exertion.

I have proven that we are in a Universal Simulation.

Elon Musk?

Elon-A. EL-ON-E/ NOL- E Q.
/E-Alone Perfum. A-E LON E WO.LF= F L O W.S. * South Whitney O L F. Leander Ferrell completed F L. F L F. F C F – 6 3 6= 15 A.E-O. A.E.F.

For the 64…66 homes I had in the last 20 years, and a total of over 80 since Dec 23, 1992, including a brief reprieve when I had my own apartment with the Most Beautiful View of The Bosphorus in Istanbul- where my apartment on the European side overlooked Asia.

4:42 pm.

It’s not simply that the people lived in a world which was not real for me, but that I& I began to notice a pattern: there was nothing I could do to get out of staying in these peoples homes for the allotted time.
I had to communicate, build a bridge constantly from the moment I woke up to the most I was allowed to sleep.
And even then that is when the Unseen play of that which was deemed impossible in the western collective Mind Agreement took place.

-Only when I solved the riddle, would the doorway out of the place open, only when the conflict had been resolved, the mission completed, did I find that all the efforts I had used to find a way out, was a waste of energy time, because when it was time, in perfect harmony and with ease of what I realized and began to document ( To see if what I had experienced was true- that this was set up)- I began to see the pattern.
*And for a brief moment in my life, I was truly afraid.
-And only when that portal was resolved could I go.
There was my mission and then there were the people letting me go- which would only take place when their own dependency on me had reached a point when they became either too exasperated or felt that what I had given them, they had now mastered and that they did not need me anymore.
Do you know how many times I left dramatically- Kicked out? As you saw witnessed or read on how it was at 29 Lincoln, Cecil, and Isabel, and with Liberty on 7-21-2020…

Imagine enduring this 64 times and witnessing it, having recorded it in one’s Journals and note books- in order to reassure yourself that you were not dreaming this all up.

– And discover that these journals and notebooks are what was already set up to be the Emanual.World.com.
To be shared with the world who each personally benefitted from my Nightmare existence, witnessed it, and gave pittance in return.

Why you might wonder if my Expression Energy work was so valuable that a Universe Matrix Web could trap me, force me to document it so that I would see the evidence facts ( symmetry, which I have been posting especially via Facebook Memories as Evidence Facts of that Symmetry- even to money with inked codes written on them as far back as 6 7 years ago aligning to this very present and codes aligned to people, places and things.

And if that knowledge is worth a pittance, why go to all this trouble to Bind me in every dimension ouside of me to the vey edge and existing on the Razors Edge of Existence Life to my very body, core and a room with a Black Bean Bag, a black cushion headrest, a giant version the Japanese headrest pillow shaped like a Log? Why not release me- let me take care of my self and not be backed into a corner where the only thing I can do- is code and it being the only- Only source of Income?
My nightmare was not simply people’s way of being, but that they lived in perception, a way of seeing and being which caused my body physical pain, muscle to contract and tense with stress which if I did not work out, mainly through Expression Words building a bridge… Agony- now made so quiet, quietly born- it seemed like a light comical joke by others. Which allows them the excuse to make gestures but do

5:00 pm.

And the people, they did not really care, perhaps for a moment when they remember from some outside dramatic stimuli what happening to me is a real, before once more descending back into that 3D realm and their own private view of reality- their minds -where I made so sensitive could read- feel their thoughts sentiments and these vibration waves I would pick up, absorb, search for its origins because they weren’t mine. I would automatically transform into words ( because of my own private training “Sol A Needle Pulling Thread. The Point?) which would enter my awareness brain and become Imagery Sound- and I was suddenly seeing into their EMFields which they call Minds.
And all I wanted to do was escape- leave- but I would have that expression until I had to address the person and resolve it or there was no peace… for me.
They? Blissfully ignorant.

It became wonderful having me around because I was obliged for my own well-being and comfort that I solve these questions, emotional responses which most would not utter aloud or communicate- instead they would act it out.
And I would have to find the words to make the bridge- because I was in their homes- heads- and I discovered that I was being made to answer that which I knew from birth- that everything is in Harmony- but to the most absurd and petty situations. And if you felt it was not… then there was your riddle to solve.

I suppose that is why my body relaxes when I have to post, I can’t speak to the people, and because I am always astonished that they expect me to express and then explain the obvious nor have I ever been a big fan of the spoken word as an art form yes, but to be used- talking non-stop explaining – just as people here talk to fill up space, me it was to clear space, the air.

So I was even set up to speak on Facebook because who else could I speak to?
The people did not understand me, even when they tried and truly wished to.

5:11 pm.
E K.
E A-a.

You know I do not wish to be here.
Yes, The E Family is here present, but I am still here posting, coding the amount in my wallet as Evidence Facts.

There is a point of Insult Humilation and Mockery where it no longer has meaning other than that of which one has already concluded and summarized.
Which is why nothing surprises me any longer.
This Nightmare has reached a point where long ago where it can no longer be qualified as Evil, or Cruel… Unfair… all those words have long since been exhausted.

There is no feeling in me, no emotion or sensation. I have analyzed, pondered, solved coded equated, dealt with the truth of this experience, and finally, the acknowledgment that it is really a fact no longer held in private horror of contemplation for me day and night- but that there is a 3D public of Humanity finally witnessing it with me.

And even for them, you it is no longer this person recounting a horrific narrative- story but literally, a person’s experience in being in Existence.
That I told the absolute Truth, through all these years of your giving me the Lash for daring to tell you the Truth, I was led, made to tell you.
A Truth which has nothing to do with The truth I represent- and which I was made to prove exists in each and every one of you.
– A Truth you represent, which you contested and then, I had to prove came and still comes from you.

5:21 pm. Hmm…
Today’s Date.
E U.
E B A.

I have had enough time to analyze the Data.
How this Nightmare I am living, glossed over, with all this Fairy Glamor to make it as if my words are themselves a Fairy Tale because of the way I present myself to you

But you now know that they are not… but in truth what do you care? It is not happening to you- despite the Cage I am imprisoned in all coming from you.
But who is really the cage- and the other E C. A.G.E?

Backed into a corner I am?
To a Guest Room with first a person called Kim- going by the virtual reality name of Tree Sage? Kim Emeka… after being in someone’s portal called Esteban.
E K. K E.

Tree Sage? T.S= 20 19= 39 C I.
39 USD in my wallet in that play.

4 7= 11 28= 39 C.I.- +x 39= 12 3- 27= 39.
Full Stop.

Another called Jae Sherman.
J S= 10 29 = 29.
29 years since I came back from the Light in Dec -19 92 to 1993
Susan Train- S T= 19 20= 39.
39 USD in my wallet.
Allen Ginsberg. A G.
Edmund White. E W/ W E.

W E S T.
T S E “The Source E. Double U? Double V. VV V.I.E?

J A E. S.H.E.R.M.AN.

And you wish to tell me that this is not a set up a challenge?- defiance- Tree Sage Cheify.
C T.S.
Connecticut C T. S Stephen Ade.

3 6 1.16.

Yes, I have 61 cents in loose change.

*”What has Congress done to address the pandemic? … CFAP will use the funding and authorities provided in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and … by as much as 60 percent, while their workers collect partial unemployment benefits”

But do you know the license plate of the Chevrolet at L900 South Road?

3 16 33.
C P 33.

3 3 is the code for the body.
Sacred Portal 33.
But that is 33 Vertebra which supports the Body as Infinity Standing Up.
But it also required to be filled up.
Hence the Scripts alignment to Sacred Portal 55.
Expression Generates Energy.

Generation X- 55. Expression comes from out of the blue via 6th sense in Clarity “Crowned”
thus 61 is 6+1= 7 which is connected to 8 which is Infinity.
7 is the letter “G.”
G E E. Z. E.U.S.
Generates Expression- Energy.
E G- E XIT-S. Not You. E GO.ES.P-111
Thus Sacred Portal 33 and 55.
35 53. = 88.

33= 1.
55= 1.
88= 1. 16 64.1-:80.
A 80 Spring Street Balthazaar, Manhattan. Spring is Transformation (S I T) Hibernation to Bloom
80 is 8O. O= 15 letter. 1 is 5= 6. F.

1 80
1 😯
1 86.
1+86 is 87.

The one thing I understood today as I resisted posting and went to sit outside on the terrace tomorrow it will be 7 months I have been here.
It boggled my mind,
3 months at 29 Lincoln.
11 months at 900 South road.
3 months 2 days at Fairfield.
5 months here in 2019.
3 months at 29 South Lincoln- Red Rooster + Asylum Avenue.
and 114 Grant Moore.
27 Months at Delta Manor.
2 months at Green Point Assessment Shelter.”B R C”
9 months at 18 Mountain View.
2 Months at Miami Little Haiti
1 month at Green Point Assessment Shelter.
6 months at 268 East 4th Street…

66 portals.

4-7-11 28- 39
C I.
There is nowhere else to go- Backward?
7 months here.
The Body regenerates from back to Nothingness every 7 years.
& Cycles “Solfeggio” Sound.
DNA is made of Sound.
Sound Waves?
Sound Frequencies. S F.= 19 6= 25.

C F A P.?
Consciousness Fact.

“Attained Perfection” – Stephen Johnson quote.


*”Genesis 17:5, KJV: “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.” Genesis 17:5, NASB: “No longer shall you be named Abram, But your name shall be Abraham; For I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.”

** “Genesis 47:9) – a hundred and threescore and fifteen years – i.e. 175 years; ” Age Abraham lived to.

Consciousness = 17.5.

Arden is 17 years old.
18 on 6-12-2021.

I have been Cornered in my body for 17-18 years.

End of the road, nowhere to go?

Not so, the corner is the Arrow- Yes see my post on the Square waves yesterday.
I am the Apex- the Peak of the Square Waves.

6:04 pm.
The Point.
Not Cornered in a Cell with a Black Bean Bag and a Log Cushion for company.
I am I Q. H Q. G Q. F Q- E Q

17.5. Father Of Infinity. Source of Infinite Mother Of Infinity.
Q E-EQ I left Arden 1 month and 5-6 days after he turned 17. Its a Full Circle Quick Oats Quaker Oats- E Q O.Q.E. I Q.
F O I.
S O I.
M O I.

I have not really been waiting for you- but more my Body to Transform and rise.

This is the portal of Dependence.
Now transformed.
Tree Sage Kim relies on an Army Pension and Govt Aid- and his Art and Expression Voice now
Jae Sherman relies on Unemployment. But now practices her Singing Voice.

At 900 the I.
They are Independent.
Grow food.
Chris Gemino and his Father’s Brother and family built their own company.
The Children are Home Schooled Can survive in Nature and if the system collapses they have been trained in what to do their whole lives.

Freedom Liberty Independence D.AY.

I F L E. W

6:12 pm

Hey Arden.

Jeron does not use a birth certificate making him sovereign.

No, it is not perfect it wasn’t especially with Liberty and Thomas – but Chris Gemino is known to be magical, clean, and gifted with the Golden ratio or the Midas Touch.
It is not because he is Lucky, but rather as I witnessed he is clean and generous of spirit but not perfect- yet perfect in every flawed Human sort of way.
I saw the photo of him when Liberty seduced him ( she tells the story over and over again) when he was 19 years old.

Yes, me replacing Ferrell in his room at age 19.

What I can conclude by this post and codes of two 330. and my C P 33 versus C F A P.
Mine is I E-F: C.A.P.- T. A I. N E.

Is that in this Govt that Nothing is Free and that they own your bodies and that this was written into the Constitution of this 5th State to join the union called Constitution State? And what is your Constitution if not the System which effectively runs your Body System? From what you put in your mouth to what you release from your Anus? Environmental Atmosphere Well Being?

You are literally being used as Legal Tener- Shipments Cargo from the Old World.

Lot- Abraham Sara Hagar.


Who do not really wish to be free…and Independent.

One has to lash you, even for that which would make your Independent and Free and that is why I find this realm intolerable and why you are all slaves.

My means of support?

No, not really, it is the Manu- Script.

Hence the Money Codes as Evidence Submitted.

6:23 pm.

It’s the numeric code of 3:30 USD- I did some research because all night long this number kept intruding upon my awareness.

Now I see what I was being asked to decode because no one else thought to do it, even though you can now all read and Express in the 5th Dimensional Frequency Language D FL.
and AG. Sith sense to Fact “Ade” Stephan” Crowned A FACT. ION. E.

6:25 pm.

A Choice of a Voi. Way

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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