
From Marvin Sanders..

From Marvin Sanders..

Hence my Sadness…

There was no true desire by All to find the source of the Story…

Which is in the very codes you read of Adam meaning Red Man.. Red Brown Earth…

To Link things by using Nature as a Painting By Numbers Reference Guide.

All there was, Is a War a constant war to establish a Supremacy and Dominance by using something they never really cared about or they would have simply done the most simple thing…

Seek the Source of the Story…

The Mouth of God and enter that mouth to find the Source of the Expression….

Instead I observed that which I have observed for the last 16 years,

a desire of each to tell there version of a Story, yet to complete itself..

Yet to fully Unravel.

This is my Response, to Caesar Rivera’s Espirit who asked me about Divine Revelations…

It happens simply by Being…5.14… E.N.. Expressing Naturally…

Which is what I observed with Anthony Malgren, the same name as His Son…

As I observed with Anthony who nick named me Buns’

Enacted so beautiful yesterday when Anthony was in the Bathroom and the other Anthony was trying to get in an add more Toilet Paper…

Exasperated in not getting a clear response he turned to me with a remark… Which I countered and parried with Well he is in the bathroom and thus, must be occupied… (a one sanctuary of privacy here)

He understood immediately.. I will come back later..

The same Expression Natural I observed with Igbo Anthony who I meet each evening on the second floor…

Expression is not talking…

It is Being…

And being unfurls, Flowers, petals opening… at its own pace..

Divine Revelations in perfect timing.. but you have to pay attention to what you say… and the impact on others.

The impact today of our conversations today I ironically observed did not stimulate conversation or any one to join in…

One after the other went to sleep. first Anthony M, then David K, then Ratcliffe, Two left for dinner…. There was no Magic Excitement.. M.E.

There was not even Me, I was not there, and all I wanted to do was sleep.

It was not the speaker, but that the conversation had not evolved not had the Story…

Just this expression below…

I stood in the room in my brown skin, but I did not see it, but I knew the outside world did, do…

And I was invisible… as the Brown man to them, to the subject of the conversation… included… Excluded even as I spoke and poked and teased.. And grew tired of not being seen or heard.

Excluded from the Conversation while having it…

Africa was excluded, even though my Skin Color stood out so strongly..

So competely had the White Mans God taken over the Perception of White Black and so many others…

Despite it being common courtesy to acknowledge the other person before you.. The stranger so knowledgeable about your point of View.

Despite 16 years of work, research embodiment, being made to make the ultimate sacrifice against his will to prove a story of A White mans God and then even a Black Mans God…

But not included in the conversation…

In the Equation and it meaning nothing at all even when pointed out.

But they did hear my Expression, my Beingness in that Room, that Shelter my Presence and despite all the Spells and Casting they put me in I did break the Mold each time, until I became the Mystery..

And from that Mystery came forth my Expression and Voice…

Which then was made Silent.. Invisible.. my Entire Beingness. my Entire Expression… in a blink of an eye..

Once it came to the expression of the White Mans God..

Which wherever I go, I found no one really believes despite the Hollering and One Dollar Bill.. In God We Trust

And Adam in that story who did not Trust God when asked not to eat of the Apple…

He used his own Discernment, his Eve.. Innate Nature of Curiosity which is the Nature of Being, to see for himself.. Full Conscious of the Truth…

God is within me… Grace Breath the Creative Force.. The Sacred Feminine… Eve is Me…

And the Serpent.. Dragos… Beloved… ( Nenad M. Djurdjevic)

is the Fils.. the Thread the Link… the Accord of Memory that Man gave Birth to God…

Knowing Expression -Wisdom…

Discernment Holy Spirit…

Go to the Source… The SELF.. Self Expression..

God is not Outside of of you…

It is within you..

And there is where you will find the Garden of Eden..

Eternity, Frequency Bliss is Conscious,,,

And Ecstasy is Expression…. Because it manifest and brings Feeling Sensational.. Makes you feel Alive.. because you are!

It makes Awakens you. makes you Aware, Alert…

Not Sleep…that is when the story has gone on for far too long…

As this play.

People will always hold onto their beliefs, their traditions because it is safe..

But that is not life..

That is living Hell.. and then the worst horror.. getting used to it..

And hoping it will change when you do not…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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