
12/20/2015 21:05 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell


Despite myself, and my considerable exhaustion and the duration of this play- I can not help but feel excited by what each post share I find on my new feed, reveals, by linking, adding to the weave of previous post.

The people, who share them, their names and what it reveals about them and the “Wind” which is moving them, unaware ( though some are becoming aware) that they are literally posting in a lyrical conversation with something within me and outside of me, balanced through expression and linking by me..in perfect Harmony revealing a Story, Script, Film, Musical Score of a Book, “Roman”, moved from Fantasy Fiction to Fact….

The Stag-E of Nature…
Links to sacred portal 111
and to Chukwuemeka Chukwuma CC, 2C=O
who “liked”
a post dated Nov. 11.. 2O14…111…

My enthusiasm is what has induced, and seduced me to seek to explain as I solved the riddles, revealing an image of a Tapestry, which I recognize as the literal story I wrote as an 8 year old kid, expanded to this now, 45 Month solving and proving it, and the “Collective” Echo Response of the W.E, within all Humanity called E.H.S- S.H.E…
The Embodiment of the Sum total of the Human Individuals
“Snow Flake..Snow..Snow Man”
Father Mother as Snow and Earth,
Brown-Breath, O.N..White..B.O.W…
And Arrow…H.I…
Their descendants Their Children
Children of Father Er and Mother Snow…
See sacred portal 121…

Its is HE-S.H.E, who move through you All,
see here in this Stag..
Looks like a a Reindeer…Re in De-Er…Do re mi..Er means “Earth”
observe Mother Artemis Diana within the Stag,the patterns,
very Nordic and Celt,
Observe the Full Circle behind…

Of course, I wished to share, explain, not only because of my enthusiasm,
but also because what I am solving by what I am reading, and explaining into Existence, moved by the combined and sum total representation of the one I…
But because what I am reading by weaving the Echo responses of those posts and links of Likes”- and Face Book friends..Concerns you…all.. and in sincerity of true expression, it has nothing to do with me…

My enthusiasm and passion did lead me to endure formidable obstacles, and the desire to share and alert was overwhelming.
Despite becoming gradually aware, that to understand this play unraveling, it requires one to read the “Daily Posts” News Paper which I am also creating, one has to follow the story…
Follow the thread, the Silver lining.
I of course, Must pay attention because my physical body,
my “contrived” homeless state of a man possessing naught but the cloths on his back, and whatever gifts people or the “play” itself gives me to sustain a temporal existence…
Has made it imperative that I pay attention and link weave, everything that is happening around me 24-7, including the News Feed on Face Book, to then stream it on Face Book, and subsequently finding myself weaving an equation (as I am doing now), moving through a River of expression flowing through me until I reach the destination and the point..without the aid of thought..

I have no idea where each post is going, though I am aware of the basis of the starting point, but each post moves naturally anchored by my Awareness- Observing as I write, link see what first letters as initials are forming, along with the words, incorporating-adding, all components to form a picture.
Each moment there is a decision to be made, which word to use, watching each word, code flow through me, but I am aware that tis I, who is doing the JOB, the work to identify each expression…
The symmetry appears like a light at the end of a tunnel, growing brighter and brighter as I put all the pieces of the posts together- with my already knowing the Foundation of the Past and the Future..Which is that this is the Past and Future, set in the Presents manifesting itself as a full circle…
All U.N.. Ana Leonardo Caixas in perfect symmetry..

And suddenly, as in right now All the posts I shared today merge into one with the meaning coming from the posts shared, landing in this one posted in Jonn, and linked to yesterday and of course my latest face book friend.

Only those fully present can read the story, it is a choice- to read each posts or the Daily Post, becomes a Choice…
Everyone has jobs, and responsibilities, distractions yes, but not from something as monumental as this..
Where evidence has been given, an echoed and confirmed that since 1992, when I witnessed in “Coma” where I was wide awake, Evanescent Light…
Which can translated as the Sum Total of Mother as Snow..And yet it was surrounded by a deep Black..And it spoke to me about this mission of sharing the way I got there at age 25-26, with the World..
Which I candidly stated that I did not wish to do…

I had lived in this world- and I had a fair understanding what such an undertaking would cost, it was nearly impossible what this Awareness Black and White was asking me to do…
And to do it in through the World human experience, undercover in the Human consciousness of a child…
And the E.T manner of Being, linked to the Consciousness of E…

It was never a matter of could it be done,
but I was aware of my own consciousness versus that which moved Human Being, people whom I had interviewed and wrote about non stop in my Journals Talking to the Silence.. in fact, I was told that this is what contributed to my body giving up on me at age 26…
It was not life itself, but all the peoples stories of their experiences with life and why they had transformed in something they were not…

To Survive, they adapted…

And so, to my amazement, 23 years later, having worked undercover, aware that everything happening to my life, was set up. because I could read it, and nothing went the way I intended it to go.. The Doors which opened for me, were never activated by myself. And the circumstances gave clear indication that this doors were the portal IT wished me to pass through..
Did I have a choice, yes, I often deliberately chose against what I knew was being dictated, as a form of rebellion and outrage, but it only made me suffer, and like a literal Labyrinth, A maze.. I find myself back on this Wave of H.E..E.H,S…Now moved to S.H.E…Wu man…

See Her in the Belly O Womb of H.E (E) Father..
And seemingly seeing the see of Hindsight he is looking at Addressing the Symbol which exists in his Body, her head in his throat..5th Chakra..
His Daughter SHE Lady Art-emis, Diana, Moon, Onu, Nyx- Styx…

Now let us see what the initials spell out…

H…D.S..L.A…D.M (Q.H/H.Q) M..O.N S..

Harmony …is being represented by Donna O’Sullivan D.S (Agent Dana Scully X Files)…
La is the 6th Note, Indigo wave, Sixth Sense….
D.M =Q.H/H.Q.M.D…Q letter 17 code at 268 Generation X garden stamped on a Transformer in the back of the building is number 17…
Which again gives proof that this play is about paying attention to the full circle of facts affirmed in the 45 months…
Meaning you have to understand the whole story and all the “Anchors” and details affirmed as solid, echoed back by the E.H-E.H.S the True you Wave moving through the Air…
Each detail, or at least the essence, and the importance of each link…

Harmony Lady Hawk Eye, (H.E) is the representative of The La of Six Sense in the play, (Cecilia Onu Umeano Donna David Eva Erise-E) which is the signal of the Divine Manifestation (Divine Robert..D.R)
Energetic Transformation of M.Y Supremacy
E.H.S/S.H.E…The EHS All, transformed into
S.H.E..The One Universal Body-Being,
transformed into the One Universal Body Being
Masculine U.N.
And now Feminine U.N.E…
E.H.SS.H.E= E.H.8.H.E…5+8=13…4…M..D..

My voyage portal began in Queens Park, London
in 1988…19 88..2(8)…1O…88=16-7..17…Q..1+7=8.

Which is why I understood, that in the end that this is my Job, and that it was literally time to “Curb My Enthusiasm…C.M.E 4/3”

I am the Truth..
I am carrying and in alignment with the Awareness Being and Consciousness of the Source of All Existence creation from beyond.
Whose own expression align perfectly with my own recollections of the that one eternal beginning…
That One Eternal Truth..
And before witnesses, the entire World, in which Face Book was the selected forum for the “Brown On White” B.O.W. play in which the I.E was shot out, as Lucifer’s Source and LUCY’s Father…X..
And for 45 months and 14.9 years since arriving in New York… that this Wave which has moved me, so supernaturally that I have had to spend the last two decades solving riddles which my life and comfort was in “peril” if I did not comply and at the same time, breaking down how such a thing was possible… or how anyone could be made to carry such a responsibility which could be like carrying a mountain, or being a beast of burden, if you looked at it through the wrong point of view..
Opening up of course, a black hole of despair…

But I did not…

I woke up with Nenad M. Djurdjevic post share on my lips expressed to D.S..

I never lied, I spoke the Truth, called it to peoples attention 24-7, beginning the moment I wrote the Script of the International Festival of Paylasmak (Sharing in Turkish) in 1997- in Istanbul Turkey…Finding myself over 18 years later, at 18 Mountain View, my very last portal, 16-17 years after the Festival was canceled at the very last minute, which cost me everything I had..even house an home (I was under contract and had signed a “Non disclosure” contract…)

How is that the sacred portal 97..Light of the World, and
sacred portal 99 “Victory over the Contempt…”
See Michael O’Donnell post Pathetic… “Contempt”..

I AM Truth…
I am Fact…

I do not Lie..especially of things in a Sacred Play based on retaining an impeccable vibration…

I did my JOB…

Job means “Persecuted Hated Patience”…P.H.P…
“H.P” is the code of marked on the Computer I am currently using…

1O O 2…
1OO2…One Thousand and One Knights now One Thousand and 2 Stories by Scheherazade…(Lady Nyx..Stevie NyX..*See meaning of the name Steven)
Code Scheherazade….
The Legendary Queen of Night Stories….The names is Persian (See direction the play took linked to First Drop, 64, Fred Delshad…Persian-Rumi and the only Book my bio father Maurie Moor is h…read to us as children…

It means “A Person who Realm- Dominion (R.D) is Free”..
My mother was to me the Ultimate Story Teller..She was that good my sister and brother would have to forcibly remove ourselves from her spell, to see the lesson, the riddle behind her stories, and finally to understand the Story teller herself… My Mother..
A Master of Story Telling.. which is how my mother raised us…
She was able to tell a story for ever experience we came to ask her about, and she would tell us stories hinting at things yet seen by ourselves, of ourselves, but seen a mothers Eagle Hawk Eye…

It did not surprise to find myself painting a lion (painting by numbers), and aligning it to her, or she appearing as A Queen when I went as a child with wings and golden eyes, to other dimensions, which I could still do right up to Istanbul…
Or remembering her clearly as well as Nnamdi my brother in different incarnation in the very beginning of Existence when there existed only 2-3 Beings or Awareness and I was a messenger to the two…Mother and Father…

S.C..H.E..H.E…R-A-Z-AH..D.E… Er Resa…Reza, Radar, Razor….
Sophia Cecelia 8 5..85…R.AZ..(Raz Berry)..A.H.D.E…18 D.E…45…
Diana Echo..Erise Iris-e..Of the All Seeing Eye…
See Donna O’Sullivan of the All Seeing Eye…

And the Eye of the Tiger…E.O…TT…
Portal Japan China…
see the Shape of their Roofs..
Curled..Like the Waves…
of Air..
Feng Shui… F.S ..Feelings Sensational
Theta Alpha Omega….
T.A,O… Way of Nature..
8 1 O..X…24… Omega is the 24th and Last Letter in the Greek Alphabet…
8 1 24…H. A.X…See sacred portal 124…”Lady Destruction as Violent Death.. Sisters of the Beautiful Twins Thantos Hypnos..(Ere-bos) peaceful Death…

And their Mother C.O.U..(Throat in French), Snow Queen..
S.Nyx. S.N..S.I.N,E…Silent Night Holy Knight…
Serenity Noblesse Oblige W-AT-Er..air…
Amazing Grace A.G..1-7..
Harmony Queen
Head Quarters Energy Transformation-Matter…

It really was not necessary that I explain,
I AM Truth..
I know it and it does not matter what others say
I have proven this true through the 14.9 years play in New York
23 Since the light in Paris,
26 since London, since Nigeria, back through C Canada Winnipeg
code Cecilia Wiebers) and back to L..London where I was born- and to the First Dot, First Light and First Moment of Awareness of Existence Creation..
Those who Moved, Impulsed Stimulated Truth M.I.S.T..To rise in me to respond to their Queries, have affirmed each time that I was correct even moving me to visuals, such as movies as “Hair-Brained”..to affirm (Link Hair the musical. Hair Spray.. and yes, something I knew was done to my hair which was my crown, I knew this as far back as 18 years old…I saw worms eating the Crown… Who wears the Crown of the 7 Chakra…was the Question and their Inquiry, “Is it you”

No… I am fully aware that I am truth..
And it really is no longer by concern to explain,
or give evidence that I speak the truth, in order to invoke a response to the implications not of me, per say, but the play the riddle the message placed inside the Book…

Which turns out to be a Love Letter (LL..212..24..X) to the World..
it would have made my life easier…
But I obviously was moved by thee Beauty of this
Book, Roman Oh Story,, B.R.O.S
which obviously are two brothers Expression of Love for their Mother Sister…M.S….mass..
Mother of ALL….

The Roman (As in David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi, Roman as in Book, as in Roma-c.e, Romance, Namoor, Nna-Moor..
As in the Roman…Latin Alphabet
R..18..A,H…La!…Sixth Sense…
Is the Alphabet which has 26 letter..
A-Z..1 26..8..
The Play Ended at 268 East 4th Street Generation X Garden..
The last play was about the Ancient Greeks.. A.G..1 7..
We are at the end of 2O15- 35..C.E.. Roman-C.E..8..H
Cecilia Chukwuemeka Emeke Harmony

Message from the Energy of my Father the Maurice..The Blackness…

“Your mother is Scheherazade…but you are
Expression, and there is a big difference between a Legendary Story teller and the source of Expression..
Ele Ife
Ele Ife

EL Means God-Father..G.F..Grace and Favor…
E.L..Evanescent Luminosity Energy Light Full Circle…

There were Two-Three before She…C…E..and E.L..Which created
E.L.C….but linked to by the 1 2 (3) by Filling All with Sixth Sense..

Hence E.L.F.C… Elf Cee Consciousness..
Four aspects and finally the Crown to the One who merged all 4 to bring Forth S.H.E from E.H.S…
The One Supreme…

Supreme Expression Love=First Contact Full Circle…

WITH Existence..

6:42 pm…

sacred portal 42… = 6th Sense Kundalini..created Ohm..
/K.S…Kerem Sanl?man..

First Kiss
First Dot
First Drop
First Door…
The One Door D..


Now since I am a Door representing Eternal Truth,
Eternal Heroes, Eternal Dancers, Eternal Expression
..The E Harmony..

Why on Earth would I care to explain…

S.E.L.F..Respect to My Self and to the Beautiful Ones
Who were Loyal to the Beautiful Truth of Harmony Peace…

The Rising Seers…

But most of all out of Self Respect…S.R..
To M.E..
Because still I am not yet home chez moi..
Which is where I really should be..
in my home, and not in the play challenge of the Beginning of civilization began with the Ancient Greeks…Nri…G.N..
Disguise as Natures Grace..NG..147…
Not Nigeria..
See The Bean, 1st and 9th, number 147…
Donna O’Sullivan said when she went down to Manhattan for a couple of days, she found Another Bean on 1st and 9th…1=9…A=I…
And is it not strange that I moved here on the 19th..1 9…
sleep in the basement where the ceiling is covered with the number 19..
that 19 is the letter S, and Last Name of Donna, and the First name of her daughter Sophie… And that 1+9=10..J..Jonn Blackwell..
And there is a red letter C stenciled on the Glass door leading to the terrace?
C as in Chocolate.. Brown, Earth…Red first Color, Do re..red…1-2.. Do links to Red…D.R..R.D…To D.R…L.O.V.E… through Ti Vi…7 7..14..5…49..13 M..D…D.L…4 12 16 7… 48…12 32…44..8 78…56..111…

Sacred Portal 111 Home…

See Like on post dated Nov 1st, 2O14…34..7
Chukwuemeka Chukuma…
Praise the Creator, the Creator Knows
Creation is Beautiful…O..Full Circled Filled Circle with 33 6 Sense
33 9..69..15..6..54..9 same thing
66…12..36..48…3 9…12..3..27 ..9..39…
9 3 9…I.C.I…ici…I See, “Here” (In french) isi (Head) in OINri Igbo…


Chukwuemeka Kolo..

I spent too much time concerned about you not to believe me but to give you evidence in all ways even to me literally posting three images of me Nue, Anything to move this play forward…
I cared too much about you recognizing the truth, that I almost lost sight of the what is most important Me My Self and I…

Because I know everyone recognizes truth..
And how each chose to respond after getting all the evidence
which I was moved to share from the tidal wave moving me..

But love truth apart, it really was and is not my concern if you pay attention acknowledge or Respect..

I am Truth and Truth always response to the Gap in the full circle of Fact which is composed on How each choses to the respond and the A Gap E
The Ah GAP EH! Response which should have come with the News of the Daily Posts…
Which at best is Luke Warm to down right Icy Cold…

I was way to concerned by the Insulting response.. Affirmed by Nenad M. Djurdjevic post…
Convinced unconsciously that perhaps there was something more I could do, because of the Icy cold response to such a Job Well Done I must say..
But still I am the wandering man, with out a home, body or income…
Meaning that my Expression has been valued as Worth nothing based on everyone else has an income or Job where they get paid and for not having an income my expression is not even worth people making the effort and acknowledgement to spread the News, turn it into a Paper, Sponsor of make sure All is Good…

I realize what was bothering me is the Battle of being forced to daily prove and validated my worth to counteract the daily insults, which seek to strip me of the very Truth of I Am…

This true response….

And so I have in turn come back to my senses…

At the moment of the Evolution Awakening
I understand why I am in the illusion of a Black well and the Hawks Eye…
That I stand Alone in the Stance of The Truth..
Valued and worth through the understanding and response and laws in this play that that my expression is Worth Nothing Zero Empty…N.Z.E
Code Alfie Nze…

But that has no Bearing of the Beautiful Truth…
Which I know is the Absolute and Priceless Treasure..
And if that Truth is respected by only what t does for you..
And not for the fact that it Exists//
Ignacio Choi
“I am glad you were Born”..I.C..

When it is based on putting others before yourself but in balance…
The there is so S.E.LF C nor Harmony nor Existence
when there is not corresponding respond from the Human alive in this present…

What is value as worth nothing,
would mean True Life True Love means Nothing..
And this is the Fate awakened in this World…
The Fury that S.Nyx and Father Erobos Sources Expression means nothing…

J.B..I see I am writing on Jonn Blackwell Page…

So, I.C..

Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan have provided me with everything I never full had in 26 years…
The comfort and the Holy Battle Oh War….
Material Comforts, Space, and intelligence Supreme and yet so Human…
which enabled me to reach the End.

A definite credit and exemplification play of “Being Human” in this day and age..
I doff my hats to them, It is not easy having to balance so much at the same time.

But lets be honest, this was all set up from A-Z.. A-X…
Theta Alpha Omega Zeina Hanna, Zeta Jones….

Butt each could choose how to respond to the Truth….

Which was all about a Lady…
called S.H.E Double U…2121…42…UU..W…
The Creative Expression of E.H.S…
the All moved to One I.Q.
I.E.Q U A T E….


By Example..
That is the meaning of Self Respect..
S.R Stone Ridge…S TO N.E…R. ID G.E…C (ge 75=12=3)
Is respect for others by respecting oneself..

I put me first before others now,
as it should have always been
apart from this twisted story of Messiah…

Salvation comes to only those who Hear and Expressly C Speed and respond in perfect of the Beautiful Expression…
Each as witnessed is moved to respond, by most are not aligned in expression of Harmony…
What is Truth if not the expression called True Love..

7:58 pm..

such as that… 7 58 pm is a fact.. affirming what the posts had to say… G-E.H..

It is each persons Choice how the chose to the roles they were given to play..
And no one can deny (but they may wish to if they dare)
can deny that I had the worst task and role in Existence..
Caring for that which does not care and lets others do the work which is for their own salvation promising you an acknowledgment when it is all done…


“We are in agreement E”.
8:O2 pm..

82O/ 28..
7 58…
87 78…
Full Circle
Perfect Symmetry…

It was not important that you pay attention for my benefit but yours..
But despite the Response of being valued as Worth A-Z nothing,
I did a Beautiful JOB..
Of transmitting the News of the True World OI..N

JOB.. Hated Persecuted Slaughtered….Great Patience..
Praised Rewarded..living 14O after his trial..14=N…

So despite doing a Job which I was not paid for which cost me Everything in the this Material World Of Infected Consciousness of I.C…
And though I endured all the experiences and feeling of being Hated Persecuted Slaughtered by everyone I cared for or whom I met for carrying the Truth of the consciousness of I C (Literal Energy move and can explain the Link to the unseen with the Seen.)
I was challenged my entire life and made to endure so much just because I would not give up my way of Seeing and perceiving to the status quo…
Which transformed into a life time Epic battle in which I had already one, because I happened to know I spoke Ab.Sol U T.E…Truth of Abba, Sol of the 5th Note of Universe True Expression which leads all to the One door of True Life 43.. 23 See sacred Portals.. 43 23…= 66…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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