
12/28/2015 19:55 – Facebook Post

Sophie’s World…
Alberto- “Intelligent Bright…Noble…
Aryan Race..
Noble Race I. B.
Helga Heidi…
HE. I.D. I…
“Heidi” means “Noble”

From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein…


2..37…/7 3..2…

See Sacred Portal 2-3…37 and 73…

73 is Sophia…Wisdom…Lauren-ce…
“Crowned With Laurels Of Victorious Expression”


Code name Cecilia Wiebers…L.O.V.E.

Supreme Alpha D.I..KE…Meaning “Strength IS K.E”
Code name facebook friend Dike Wisdom
is Crowned as that which manifested Love…
And the Source of Loves Expression is
Truth Beautifully expressed
Beautiful C- Speed of Light and Beyond
which creates Epiphany…

Wise Expression Beautiful Expression




Which can never be activated by Humanity in this consciousness, no matter how hard they try and no matter the purity of their intentions…

It has to be activated by reaching the Source,
Frequency and Wave, which in my experience
required one hell of a journey getting there
(I had some unsolicited help from my E-Spirit)
And then, listening and having a conversation with it…
and it telling you, parts of the plan…
– The rest you learn as you experience and read at the same time…
moving through the Wall of this Human Consciousness and point of view..

Meaning having reached that Source frequency,
it enters you, moving you Inside Outside..
And you must retain that I.O Balance (“BOI” Meaning “Boy” Woods…B.O.W…)
By retaining the Boy in you while in the Woods
-Traveling through the Woods of Fear, and Nature…
Transforming from All the aspects of the Sources Nature
until it forms a Personality..
And all the Waves and Understanding, W.U (Meaning 5) of Wu Man, have been transformed from Music Waves, to Manifest Words
in Form of the Family of The Source..
The E line…

As you move through the Wave where it take you…

For I am currently at the Portal 18 Mountain View…
where I have been working for 5 months on opening the portal of the 5th Dimension already proven as 268 East 4th Street…
And to Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan the TWO
Beings linked to Albert at 268 East 4th Street..
A.J.D…A.H.D…(Jonn Haun)…
Alexander James Dean…

A.H.D= “Ah! D=4…
1 8 4…

18 – 18 Mountain View ( Orient East… Orien Laplante came up to Poukeepsie)
East 4th Street…268..between B and C..

Donna O’Sullivan bought me Organic Hemp O.H
Rolling papers called O.C.B..
I did not ask her, and yet I was running out of papers…
It was in such Harmony…
Then I recalled the Hemp String Jonn Blackwell had bought for the three of us, called I-TAL Hemp wick..
Which aligns to the Coleman Black Winter outdoor chair, I have been using which I noticed has a Latern on it as its Logo…
Lamps in the Dark require Hemp Wick…

it is was the same brand…O.C.B..B.C.O…
And it is on my Alter, along with a beaded Wrist Band (W.O.B- B.O.W) had gifted me, which finally broke and I placed it on the Altar Installation-Altar..

Which I did not explain that part when I described the Altar which is “Yuin”
and equation based on “Universal Sound”..

On the Installation, the Wrist Band of three Colored Beaded Hearts, and the Four colors… 4-3..
*Recall the play with Jonn and 4 P.E.N…Knifes (Proton Electron Neuron..6 6 6…Which means I passed through the “Mark of the Beast” transforming that Mark of the beast play (Money Banks..Recall Joseph Carey and Alberto linked..Money Code Banks)
, into code Mark Behman…B.E. Harmonious Man
Code Marcos Quintero, Carlos Mauricio Quintero
Quintero Means ‘5″ Ero.s…E

Meaning that there was no Beast really except Money-Banks..
and what their cruel play of housing mortgage debt
had turned the modern man woman and children- Family Society into
Raging Beasts, filled with Fear, Frustration Anger Violence…
People becoming literal characters such as Satan, Succubus Vampires, Demons Devils…
Because of money..

For 15 years 69..6+9,
I have lived without money but only by the generosity
or Stingy miserliness of this induced fear) of others who contribute based not really based on the worth of my Intel, but rather based on their fear if they have enough…

15 years… I can not tell you how much I saw endured,
living without a constant source of income,

But that stopped here at 18 Mountain View..
of course there was and is a little bit of that but it is the cleanest I have seen money used..
Which began with a play with Marina Burini of cleaning the vibration of money in the World…

That was the Mark of the Beast 666…
6.3 is F.C..
First Contact as well as Filled Circle..
After 63 there is nothing more to expand to..I am already at 18…1-8..
Hence we link to Joseph…Meaning Add…

The Organic Hemp..O.H…O8-8O…88 H.H
2 (8)

I just checked the Ital Hemp Wick ( I.H.W) Beaded Wrist O Band, (B.B.O.W) created a Pathway through two Air Cleansers to the Card which looks like a Japanese representation of the the Sacred Portal 5…

Hence the Equation of the completion of Sophies World Alberto…
“Code the Noble Race I.O.N.R.I.O.S…”
Links A.H.D…*(A,J.D…1 1O 4..15..6)
1 8 4…
from 9 years on an off at 268..(Z.H…B.F.H)
to 18 Mountain View..
5 Months..
to 5-9…(14..5…45…9..2O…5+29=34,,
Miracle at 34th Street…
See Sacred Portal 34..C.D..
See code play 2O14…34…7 12..19 84…
1O3…J.C… Joseph Carey..J.C..

M.D.. Michael O’Donnell and all the M.D initialed Face Book Friends..
D.M.. Is the name of the Hand Sanitizer Kieth Grant gifted to me….
its is on the Alter Installation.
Anyan-Wu, Ifunanya….

And thus the “Always 99 cents” O.C.B paper size 1 1/4…4…5/4…
Organic Hemp OH… Thus links to I-Tal Hemp Wick of the same brand bought by Jonn Blackwell x3 links to x1 Organic Hemp
OH to I-T.Al bert…O.I…
18 Mountain View links to East 4th Street 268…Generation X Gardens.
Albert to X..A-X

Alpha Omega A-X, links to Alpha Zeta (Meaning Born Last in Greek) to Alpha Zeina…P.I.E…(Persia Alexander and the Mary Renaults story of The Persian Boy Bagoas…(He was actually Egyptian and was sold into slavery, Bagoas/Soa..GA-B, 8 recall this is the equation of E.N..5+15=19=S.A.O
Supreme Alpha Omega, GA Georgia Augusta 7-1, Rainbow, to 1OO..Spectrum…S.R St-one R-idge-R.ID-G-E..Susan Train S.T…O.N.E.
(Clair..C.L.Air… 3 12…AIR…3 1 2…C.A.B/B.A.C.K…B.O.N.E…See sacred Portal 55.. E.M/M.E
33 Vertebra…two See
Jonn Blackwell just gifted Donna O’Sullivan a Nikon (N-I.K..ON) with the code number 33OO…just arrived as I am doing this equation…

See Deanne Earl post, I shared and Expanded, then added to the Weave on my Page..

O.C.B- O.C.B (Organic Hemp-I-Tall Hemp Wick…O.I..Create a Circle O.H.I-T, H.W.O.H.I-T..Thantos Hypnos Double U, Double V-i.e-W, Victory, Full Circle Harmony I Truth..IT…/ Ti (7th Note) H.O.W…H.T…How Hot…82O…
was Hells Kitchen, where I lived near the Horses Spirits..
How Hot were the Spirits…In the Spirit World…
How Anger were they..
Answer 3 82 O Kelvin….
Represented by Preshy Kelvin)

East 4th Street 268 Between A-Venue B and C….(BC 2 3)

O.C.B-O.C.B-B.C 4th Street (T-RUE)…O.. Forms a Full Circle
Linking 268 which I arrived at August 26, 2OO6…8 26-26…8-52…87…links to Fort Green, Williamsburg, Green point, Green Street “Classon” Savannah Georgia, Forte Lauderdale, Miami, the 5O states, the Americas, Africa Europe, the 5 Continent and the Seven Sees, to Universe Harmony, Existence and Beyond…right back to 18 Mountain View..
And the three..
Alberto Haun (Jonn) Donna…
then to the Last Rite…

Alexander Hephsaetus Bagoas, (Meaning Royal Eunuch..RE…really Egyptian God Re-Ra, E…UN..U.Cee Harmony…I.D…I…)
Roxanne Ouranus…


A.H…B.R.O..T.H.E..R.-A(T) H..


1984..George Orwell..G.O
Which is also the Number 5…”Go”

Meaning that from 2OO6 to 2O15…
9 Years and Four Months…Dec 26th…
2 Days…
9 4 2..
Identity Being
27 years…
1982…when Nnamdi passed…33 years ago..

That My Identity, was taken away,
to prove the Identity of Being
Is Beautiful…

6:51 p.m

Area 51 is Sixth sense,,
This the areas I moved through from 2OO6 to 2O15..
Is the Domain of I…6th Sense… 3rd I.E.

6:53 p.m.

Ectera Ecterra E.C.Terra…Extra Terrestrial…

The Beautiful One.


6;54 pm..

See Post of Michael Frazer…

23.3 Trillion Debt…
Code Cecilia Wiebers.. C.W/ W.C.
23.3…12 Zero’s O’s..12=3..
J.A. C.O.B.

8:49 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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