
Sacred Portal 21

Sacred Portal 21

Knowledge memory still appears to be streaming out from me, amazing things but too late in the play .. Game to share..

Just a mention..

The centee of the Flower of life, its point of Emergence into this realm, was the center of the Flower.. penetrated…

First through a truly Immaculate conception through Penetratration of the door to the Other Side now calles the Door of Life.

The first form of Woman




She was the other Extreme of H.E. E transformed

It was his Energetic Penteration through Osmosis which was how I penetrated Her insides as Breath Energy ..Breathe..

She opened her eyes, and I knew She was me..

And we smiled Languorisly, Seductive Magnetic and I dove into her, exploring this new and startlingly famaiar aspects of myself.

And I knew to bring here to be fillled with Everything as was done with the conversation between Two Men..

I.had to enter into a 3rd possibility 4th of Creation Version.

See the Experience of Creation Time as She.

And I had to move her through the Truth and all the possibilities…


So she would cleansed wise. Purified by the Fire and Passion of The Artists in His climaxing the to passion as I completed my creation.

She would be Wu Man .. the final completion of Everything.

The twin Penetrated her physically for she waa the door of Death Non Existence.. Dark Matter.. The Unknown, through a journey in Creation Ore. Potential the very Core of Being..

Exploration of the Opening of the Flowers of life.

And at it’s closing..

Its completion

She would rise as ths Star Child now Star Flower.. a shooting Star First Star to First Flower…

Mother of Flower..



Tis She Me HE He AHHA.. Ha..

And her line we have been waiting equating fighting to bring into existence with all of Nature and Its Story of Nothijgndss brought to life..

The line of My Name is Wu Man Said She

M A S S. /

S. S A M. U. E L.




96… 66. 1



66 is 88.. 1

16. 7

12. 3

73. My youngest Self my youngest bio brother Oboom Boom. Was born 19 73

5 20 E T

E B ..F.

E H ..M I K E.. E K. M I. A.M.I.

9:52 p.m

That just drained me..

I am silly tired of this being all I focus on day and night 27 yrs..

I desire to focus on something else.




Arts Music..

Even my Self perhaps but anything other than this… Nightmare of Exisrence and of my Existence too.

Its not True…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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