
5:52 p.m right now

5:52 p.m right now

To Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Axel Love

Brooke Lee Lemery

Brenden Velez

Stephen Johnson

Tree Sage

A White Raven

Sarah Kaizer

Kelsie Bissell

Victoria Jackson

John Mack

Jesse Macias

Response to M.I.

M.I. not A.M.I..

Not M.I. 3rd Note

M.I as Planet

Earth as Woman Supreme..


McKayla Rays

Isabelle Ilic

M.R I. I. As the Brain Mind. Drain.

Mind Games..

Do you see what it says..

Do you see the Blonde youth behind the Warrior Frigga/Freya the Winged Valkyrie VA OUR P…

6:00 p.m

There is a face behind her..

Looks like Stephen Filgueria does it not? Stephen and John

Viking Lore



Thor Loki..

T L…

She is taking Two reps of Humanity back to VA..


Alexa Vertefeuille

To the 5th Dimension

Notice she carries no Sword..

No need

For a Sword of Truth

She already knows their Truth which is why she is carrying them to Vahalla..

V. A H. A L L. A.

22.. 1-8

Anastasia Hart

Anastasia Young

Aryana Luna Leone

A is 1



Defender of Man

* Does She Open the Door..

I watched Thor yesteday..

Thor Lopez

Not even he opens the Portal..

It a Man..

A Black Man

The Actor

Whom Donna O Sullivan said I reminded her off..

Idris Elba…

I Elba…

Wale Idris Ajibade W I A…

I E.


I E.

9 5

I am currently at 12 95 Facebook Friends

Brooke Lee Lemery was born 1995

Brenden Velez 19 94..

On Independence Day


9 4 did we meet.

Idris meabs Ardent Lord..Mountain.( Chair Seat Isis) and is associated with Enoch on the Quaran. Bible Koran

Bible Quaran


B Q… W P. On transformer on Delta Manor

Enoch Metatron

Helmsdall is the name of the Character..

Helm S D. All

Prince of Death leading Weary Warriors of Life battle grounds .

He is the Keeper of the Keys KAY LA..

The Gate Keeper. T. G K. Johnny Newman!

Link to Kim Arthur Hines

He is Black Brown

British Born

Of West African descent

As I..

6:22 p.m


Fritz Venneiq

And so I rest my case.

This was not to prove anything to you but to simply to alert you as in Hitchikes Guide to the Galaxy ( H G. TT. G.. MW 8 7.. 2020. 7.. 7 pm. B L and B V came).. opening scene

To the Facts

That this is the End of your world

And that the lie of Woman and children of Eve as a lie, tried to take over the planet..

Rage and Superiority over Man…

And that this was My Father act of Mercy and Grace to alert you, get your house in order. Go back and clean up your mess so you could rise to the frequency to See

I See E

I Consciousness Energy Aware..

I C E.


I C. Area 51..

I am the Sacred Portal Home.

Anyone who wishes to go Home must pass through me..

Meaning align to.the Role Father cast me in..

Enoch Metatron.

Keeper of the Records of your Beautiful.Truth and I D. By aligning to me as the Rep and


Example of what it is to be E.


6:31 p.m right now

I S E…

Edward Eceinco

I C E… A.H.

I D. R I S. E. L. B. A.H

Nap-ole-on Bon Apart.


Beautiful Devil

Lucifer Lucy

Lucky Luke

Jesse James..


Jaymes Bond 007

License to Kill


The 33 imposter line claiming to be E

6:34 p.m


This is not a game..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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