
8/31/2018 20:10 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal 110…


8:03 pm,


Erik Ebright.. placed the code 6983 on my computer…

Kolo as Kasien on bed 4-016.. Now4-015… 56… me bed 5-006… 56… E F.. represents me Exemplfying the way to DO..P… Perfection..O..Naturalness – Nothingness… Brings Perfection…
by Simply.. D O.. O… Doing Full Circle 88 Twice..
Stop at 88… For you can not compete with the One Perfection…
He has already attained all that can be.. and will always be steps ahead of you for he came first in the family…
So the best thing is to Love and Respect him, and use his examples to be Inspired to do your own thing..
That how we became family… E…
E. Then Kolo… K- 11.. The Twins…
E is 1… A… The Twins A AH.. are E.O.. Full Circle E Fact…

8:09 p.m.
8:10 p.m

H JAY…Alexander..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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