
This is sacred portal 121. It

This is sacred portal 121. It is L.A full circle 1 2 1.
One on One. O O O. C O./ O C.
See what it reads.
LA is 6th Sense.
Liberty to Arden.
12 1.

I am Father Guide. ( F G 6 7)
Human Spirit and Breath of Love.
American- African Indian Spirit
( A-A I S. Alex-Anthony Mercado I S. I Squanto – Tisquantum. The equation IS Qunatum)

Of the Dream of our Mother ( Onuabuchi Cecelia 6th Sense)

or She is Snow Flake Supreme.”

I did this in 2010.

See the numbers on the side.
34 7 517. C D G… E Q.
72 53 B G. E C
31 86. Self Love- 86 H F.

This is what all the fuss was about.

All this is the sacred portal I accessed and carried with me with Esteban Stephen to West Virginia where I met Erabella- Sabrina Frank Gregory and Dylan.. , the 35th state.
E M E K A= 35.

9:39 pm.

I C I…


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