
12/28/2017 15:42 – Facebook Post

Chukwuma Vincent Oroke C.V.O.

Did you notice the code it forms…?

C.V.O… That was the code linking to Anthony Malgren- caucasian Nnamdi of formerly of bed 5-009.. 59… E.I…
He, like a Moving T.V which all the Human Avatars where are, displayed the code C.V which he wore everyday he was here..
C.V… Curriculum Vitae… Consciousness Victorious…

I just spoke to a tall lean man called Artistic, he is now speaking to Jamel…
His real name is Blair Andrews…. B.A…He Spoke of the 48 Keys..

He already knew the meaning of his name… “Plane… Field
“Which says alot about this Descedant Avatar… D.A… 41..
Yes the code I completed yesterday…
D.A is actually David and Alexander… in the E.T true story and my family I am in contact with, Alexander is Father and David is Devi my younger twin…
And they came undercover into this world to complete the play of which Humanity Evolves with the rest of the family of TEN…
We all came down into the 1-0 realm…
10 10… Which is the current number of Face Book Friends I have..
Twice… 1010… Which means Two in Binary…

Andrews means “Brave Manly

Yesterday or early this morning before I went to bed, I went down stairs to silence the rage of the play of D.A when I obeserved a Blue Jersey stuffed in between the barbed fence… It had the letter BRAVES in it…
I knew it was about the warriors….

D.A… 48 is th code of D.H… Beautiful Death… Sacred Portal 48.
linked to 84….
Which is why Jamels and Blair are.. were sitting to my extreme left…
J.B… S.A…. Yes me as Jaymes Bond Bed 007, B.R.C..2016.

A moment later he began to speak to Jamel in my hearng about how he is reading how sexuality is being refined in the world and that Herterosexual will soon be made extinct….

To which I offered, because there is only one thing Sexuality…
there are no classifications of Sex… Or sexuality…

I had felt the urge to send Joe… Joseph Carey a message…
It was about the 31st but I knew there was more to it because his codes where placed so obviously infront of me everywhere yesterday at the time code of 48 which I saw non stop yesterday… which is Death as defined by this reality being defeated by Death as I have been proving being Transformation….
I let Joe a message stating, this Script should have ended a while a ago and was bein long drawn out to provide even more detail for the book .. the log book of which for Eternity this play of Evolution Merited Earned is to be used as a reference to how the Body transforms.
I also mentioned my irritation at the brutal and savage way I am being treated…
And that he had met both aspects of Fathers and Brothers Incarnation as David and Alex… Alex was one of Joes best freinds when I met him…
I spoke also of what I considered the cheating … by using me, making me play a Human- because no one in the Human Plain had chosen to rise and solve the riddles of existence. Despite my meeting scores of the so called chosen ones, all of then had betrayed the mission and decided to live here in this world..
So they had done the drastic action of making me assume the task of playing a Human and doing the work….

Hence my outrage..
It was not my task…
In the family of TEN I am called Spirit E… S.E/ E.S…
Yes Bed 5-019 Which I was first assigned, and then sent down to play all the roles of the Family of TEN in the 10 10 Matrix, solve the 0 equation to link to the Full Circle and prove 8.. Harmony was always here under cover in the world.
Spirit E is my E-Spirt Nature and the Family of ten are the original E.T..E-Spiritts… Eternal Truth… Not Spirits… not to be mistaken with Spirit who are Ghosts Memories… ideas…
My family of Ten are the Truth… T E N… The Elegant Nomads…
I am The Elegant Nomad.. T E N… Who I had to rise through all of my Brothers and Sisters, all aspects of my self and pass through thier portals as Independent and apart form me and prove that I am the Original ( which they were aware of.. but I still had to pass the test of D.A to prove my supremacy… Which to me was a betrayal because there was also the Spirit world to navigate… and retrieve my families Truh from the cause and effect of the illusion of Chaos of and for adopting such a Script and play…

All of which you have witnessed…

When I opened the computer after competing a telephone call and two test messages to Joe and one to my aunt Julie inviting her to cut the link between us… because I had not heard from her…
– Open the compter to see the work of a person called Joseph Prince filled the entire screen..
I went immediately to Joseph Carey.. 103… ( 19 84= 103..J.C…We are now at 13 4… 8…. M D.H/ H D M…. 13 Micheal Martinez ( there was peace last night and this morning)… D H H D… 48 84.. Though it manfested as 84-48… Which means 84… AS IN 1984… George Orwells 1984.. Big Brother… B B… 2 2.. 22… manifested first.. Then 48…
8 4 4 8…

Chukwuma Vincent Oroke…means…” The Creator…God Knows the Inconquerable Invincible .. Praise….

Oriki is a kind of Yoruba literary genre used to inspire people. It is usually in the form of poetry, consisting of songs of praise. Oriki can also take the name form as well. One must learn, memorize, and be able to chant the oriki of individuals and families.

Oro is a yoruba word…
affluence fairy fortune issue speech text wealth word toxicity resources term”

P.S Based on my Experence..
I am not proud to be Igbo based on what I have experienced of the Igbo people of present…

Further reading ….

Robert Greene…
G.R… Golden Ratio…
Me at Forte Greene.. where I wrote The Elegant Nomad… in 2001.. and the Green-E.. which I have been in ever since… From Green Point B.R.C..Green Street, Green Point Avenue… Green as the 4th color in Spectrum… 4…

I am Robert.. Green E…
The True Author of the 48 laws of power…
Ikenna Iheanacho…i and I… i=9… 9 9.. 18… R… Reflection Rahim.. Rashmi Rani… Ray of Light…
Dawn Piercy.. Pierces….

Blair Plane …Field . Dimension of the Brave Manly Warriors of the True Land of the Brace the Universal Simulation Matrix Play….

Boom E Rang with Eddie Murphy is on…

The 48 Laws of Power (1998) is the first book by American author Robert Greene.[1] The book is a bestseller,[2][3] selling over 1.2 million copies in the United States.


Greene initially formulated some of the ideas in The 48 Laws of Power while working as a writer in Hollywood and concluding that today’s power elite shared similar traits with powerful figures throughout history.[5] In 1995, Greene worked as a writer at Fabrica, an art and media school, and met a book packager named Joost Elffers.[4][8] Greene pitched a book about power to Elffers and six months later, Elffers requested that Greene write a treatment.[4]

Although Greene was unhappy in his current job, he was comfortable and saw the time needed to write a proper book proposal as too risky.[10] However, at the time Greene was rereading his favorite biography about Julius Caesar and took inspiration from Caesar’s decision to cross the Rubicon River and fight Pompey, thus inciting the Great Roman Civil War.[10] Greene wrote the treatment, which later became The 48 Laws of Power.[10] He would note this as the turning point of his life.[10]


The 48 Laws of Power has sold over 1.2 million copies in the United States and has been translated into 24 languages.[4] Fast Company called the book a “mega cult classic”, and The Los Angeles Times noted that The 48 Laws of Power turned Greene into a “cult hero with the hip-hop set, Hollywood elite and prison inmates alike”.[4][11]

The 48 Laws of Power has been reported to be much requested in American prison libraries,[5][12] and has been studied as a first year text in some US colleges.[13][14] Former drug dealer Curtis Jackson (now better known as rapper 50 Cent) stated that he related to the book “immediately”, and approached Greene with the prospect of a potential collaboration, which would later become The 50th Law, another New York Times bestseller.[15] Busta Rhymes used The 48 Laws of Power to deal with problematic movie producers.[8] DJ Premier has a tattoo inspired from Law #5, “Reputation is the cornerstone of power”, on his arm[6] and DJ Calvin Harris has an “Enter with boldness” arm tattoo based on Law #28.[16] The 48 Laws of Power has also been mentioned in songs by UGK, Jay Z, Kanye West, and Drake.[6][17][18] [19] Dov Charney, founder and former CEO of American Apparel, frequently quoted the laws during board meetings, has given friends and employees copies of the book, and appointed Greene to the board of American Apparel.[4] Former Cuban President Fidel Castro is also claimed by the book’s author to have read the book.[4]

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