
From Anthony Bienke… See the Time… 21:10…9:10 pm.

From Anthony Bienke… See the Time… 21:10…9:10 pm.

I noted yesterday that I woke up at 9:10 am..

am.. p.m..

He sent me a message about Presidents..


Duerte Putin Trump…

Rodrigo Rody Roa Duterte, also known as Digong, is a Filipino lawyer and politician who is the 16th and current President of the Philippines.

I am presently at 1016 Facebook Friends…

My 1016th facebook friend is called Goodness Sampson…

See what the code Anthony Bienke BIEN..E.K.

i sent a message to Elizabeth Clarizio because of what she represents in this play… Elizabeth..I kept my Promise… Woman Rises… as does Wu Man but only through the cleansing of the play of the twin in Male and Female form…

The Father of her sons is Anthony….

D.P… Dawn Piercy… David Powers, Pierre David…

T…Tom Bocek Tom Benzian, Tiffany Dawn Haynie Tiffany SD..

Donald means the The Universal Ruler which has been established as Eternal Harmony…

E.H… 5 8… 13… M… Made Manifest even in this reality…

From Delta… 4… by the 2 who is 1…

147 A.. 147 B…. 294… B..I.D…

Duterte is actually originally French and it means Of Earth

Du Terre…

Putin is of mysterious origins and has been traced to the Tver Prince’s whose name is Putyanin…

Trump means Drum as well as Trumpet…

It also means in the game of Bridge ..

In the card game bridge, the trump card is the most powerful card in a particular round and defeats all the others — sort of like when your needs or wishes trump someone else’s. Originally trump implied a deceptive form of victory involving cheating, but that sense has been largely lost, though it’s still around in the term

Cheating… Yes…

But the correct code is D.P.T…

I am at Delta… Perfect Timing…. the Point of this Script and play which you can not cheat…

Anthony.. Means Flower.. Inestimable Value Priceless, Praise Worthy.. It is a portal which I have been made to pass through over and over again… meaning that I am Anthony…Emeka…

Anthony Bein.. K.E… Kolo Emeka.. Sacred portal 11 5….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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