
Sacred Portal 46… – At 1046 F

Sacred Portal 46…

At 1046 Facebook Friends…
5:11 p.m.
Yes, this is (was) me, in another dimension…that of the Truth… The Eternal Truth.. What a Trial to reach here…

You will notice the alignment of the movement of Facebook Friends… We moved from 1044…Which linked Blair Andrews..B.A.. Representing me… 147 A B…And Amoza Born… Goddess Bliss… Which Jean truly is of that line… I had to pass through the portal of her line and her heart by passing all the tests… To prove I was Bliss and then Blair… then Amoza line… 2 New Face book Friends arrived.
moving us from 1044 to 46…( 54, 45…56, 47…)
It is a re-earning of the Eternal Truth of the Creator going backwards and forwards passing through portals… over a period of almost 17 years…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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