
Sacred Portal 50.

Sacred Portal 50.

Recall that this is the portal which aligned to Stephen Filgueira at Hawaii..

50th State.

It’s where Stephen met Shagan, Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp.

On the Mountain.

Tree Sage.. see the name of this portal it is Ego-Oge

Monety – Dawn

The Man who sold the world because he could not contain the challenge given to him to evolve man from state of Animal Rage to Hue-Man Being, who instead Tempers Rage to become a Sword of Truth which allows the Evolution of Men Women by their ability to master their Tempers.

By finding its True Source and then honing it into a Blade to Cut it out


Connect I Cut .

Thus, enabling Evolution and Dawn

Yes, my own story which many of you were witness to my constantly being provoked to rage from that challenge to my own Biological Fathers Rage which I felt from my Mothers womb, to my pissing in his food at 18 months urged by my E-spirit later to become my younger Brother Nnamdi.

And to his battle with me from that moment on, from childhood, to boarding school, Kidnapping to Death..

And even after death..

Witnesses here on Facebook by all and my own mother and uncle both Seers, warning me of his presence.

To A.Santana..

To Juliene and Coco witnesses by Marina Burini

EG.O -Dawn in


Ego O.G.E.

E G O -O G E..

Is the correct equation

5 7 O O 7 5..

Solfeggio Rainbow S R.

OO7. E. James Bond.

Locker 007

7 continent and 5 Oceans

S R Panera Pangeah.

5 7 O is 1 5.. 6

5. 76 67 5..

Social security N Z 67 67 46 B.

9:12 p.m


The portal is called Raging Blue.

I just walked Into the Elvis Presley place

I was shaken by experiencing Temper Wild untamed Venomous..

It’s was not from Stephen or Kim Tree..

It was something which I knew was using others because today is Ophiuchus Aclepius

13 Gate

Why would that rage come back after all I have had to endure of people vomiting on me in this world and the Spirit realm Mind..

When I know the Truth that the Heart is a Hearth not a raging fury..

Is it the play Script..?

Obviously, and the power of this play, like the idea of the Devils Greatest Trick, is convincing you that it is not real.

That this Evolution Awakening Script is not real.

It is

And my battle apart from the Script being a literal pathway of my being tested 49 yrs later since I pissed in my Bio Fathers food..

Maurice was his name..

It means Moor

Grant Moor


H M.


H.O M E..

H O M M E.

Newington Motel.




NN A M. D I.

/ I D MA N. N E. S. A O

we are not sick..

The Elvis Presley bar has also Jimi Hendrix poster

E P. 5. 16.. 21. 3. C

J H. 108. 18. 9. I.

AND A BULL at the Door.

A Live band and a Girl singing Tennessee


Ah Yes Kyle Murphy..

His song

Tennessee Grace Land..

No, I am the Raging Bull..

No one’s Temper Anger can come near mine.

Many of you have witnesses fractions of it.

It is Terrible Death.

It is Quiet Deadly..

I had to understand its power since a kid.

Recall how I shaved my head as a kid looking for the 666 sign not bc I felt evil but because of this power of true rage in me which made even my father afraid of me..

9:26 p.m.

Yes the End ..

I have lived it.

Absolute End never rise from seeing somethings in that eternal begining..

Black Panther..


Peter Bragino.


18 me bed 18


No I had to battle with my rage through the insult of this Script

I am Venom

True Rage so much so that I almost became afraid of it but this Script life of the last 18 almost in New York created nonstop provocations insults.. this journey to make me go insane with rage

I fought back..

And I defeated it when I realized that it was set up, used to test me, push me to violence as so many are pushed to..

It did not stop..

I master it, through mastering the understanding of this Script was designed to make me feel Hurt so profond that they..

No, rage is me..

It rises and I am no longer afraid of it, nevereas really because I knew it had a reason to come into existence.

Not to cause hurt and pain but to Cut out that lie the Illusions which caused my bio father to turn from Nnamdi to the Raging Fury..

Dionysus defeated Pentheus ..

It was for me to bear and master alone..

9:35 p.m.

I C E.

No one has the right to use such Venom in Rage apart from the Lord and Micheal..

(WHO is as God.. B’eau..

Harmony Water…Avalon


Enough Witches

Be Gone!

B G.

2 7


I Witch Doctor or their King Demon

Be gone.

B G.

John born Feb 27


P..is C.E.S.


9:38 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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