
11/20/2012 7:51 – Facebook Post

My heart rejoices as I melt into you My Beautiful King and my spirit soars freely throughout the cosmos… In your embrace, these walls I’ve built come tumbling down… Yes, they are no longer necessary… It is safe to be me, to allow the beauty, brilliance, passion, Love and Light that I Am to flow and shine freely upon All… I want only to love You and be a blessing in Your life… To support Your vision and Your calling… To inspire and stimulate You to higher levels… To be Your friend, supporter, partner, confidante, lover… And yes, to receive the blessings of being loved by You… For I am you and you are me, One Flame eternal, blissfully dancing and burning throughout the cosmos eternally… Surrounding and filling everything and everyone with Love… Thank you… You are so very beautiful! I Love You! Thank you… xoxoxoxoxo ??

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