
7/17/2018 0:36 – Facebook Post

From Ele Ife

E .I… 5 9…

@ 11 59 Face book friends again.

He sent me this at 10:50 p.m.

He entitled it ORIGINS…

He is correct..

But this is not the fulll story….

The True Popes
were not from Europe they came From Africa Pangea
and lived in two realms at the same time…
they were evolving All back to the

Link current Pope Francis…
and my niehgbor here Francis who we have never slep side by side since they moved us to that position…

The True Popes where the Spiritual Fathers of the Entire Human Race…
Humans are Spirits… Human Spirts.. as well as Humans Are Ghosts..
Hence Angels & Demons…

The True Orignal Popes P O P E… H O PE… H P O PE…
were Guides who knew the way through Matter and Space… Nature…
as Earth and Heaven represented in the Body…as Being..
The Temple as the Body and thus could Astral Project and guarded the memory of the the Truth and awaited the last Truth which “Father” who would lead All Home…”

Not the time Ele Ife sent me the text… 10 50… 1O 5O… A O E O…
A E…O….

He sent me this at 10:50 p.m.

He entitled it ORIGINS…

He is correct..
But this is not the fulll story….

Sirius Ugo… S.U…

“Su” in Igbo means “Speech, Language” and in French past tense “Su” To Know…”
In Chinese it means “Plain Simple… Respected”

But in Code it means S U…/ U S… Universe Supreme…

A S U S U….

Link to the portal Aylin Sendemir Ukemir…

U S . U S A…. Language..

I am called The Elegant Nomad…

T E N… 5 5… E E…

They came from the The 5th Dimension, the First and Only Dimension and they were evolving through matter back to the 5th Dimension by establishing the Facts of the their Origins through the Narration of the Story of the one…

They moved through Silence and or through Sound.

They Illusion of them or the shadows of them is the what some call the Dark Magic which yes, I have been fighting consciously since 2005…
Yes, when the Pople John Paul passed away and Pope Benedict XVI came to power.

He was the first Pope to voluntarily leave

*Benedict XVI in a popemobile at his final Wednesday General Audience in St. Peter’s Square on 27 February 2013
On 11 February 2013, the Vatican confirmed that Benedict XVI would resign the papacy on 28 February 2013, as a result of his advanced age,[177] becoming the first pope to resign since Gregory XII in 1415.[178] At the age of 85 years and 318 days on the effective date of his retirement, he was the fourth-oldest person to hold the office of pope. The move was unexpected.[179] In modern times, all popes have held office until death. Benedict was the first pope to resign without external pressure since Celestine V in 1294″

The Original Popes were not from Rome-
They were Eze NRI… E N…
And before that E.Z.E… O..I…N R..I ..R E….
see if you can understand the code,

Ele Ife

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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