
6/12/2015 16:46 – Facebook Post

2:54 pm

The Rose.

Uzay Space
S.P Sacred Portal
A. Awareness
C.E…Creator Of Great Deals.

I found a Rose on the way to the Intake Center.
E Rose..
I carried it with me through out the process
Knowing C I…(Intake Center.I.C…Galaxy 1O11 6O X I.C/ C I.X O6 1O 11- 21 3..111- 3 1..U.C- C (Cc-O) the perfection of Awareness of All Being One)..
3:OO pm.

That at Anung Sang
The Intials of my former host at 268, where opposite his building is a Shelter 269 George Haly (78…Nikoma David..Emeka E
E- E N.D..D.E N.E. E D.E N..78 Spring Street 78 78 Nikoma David.. 78+78=156…15=letter O, 6.,66..)..

That the 14 years ago when I entered through this same portal in 2OO1, and wrote The Elegant Nomad..T.E.N..that I had been sent into Space as Death (Murdered ritually in Nigeria) to walk the Galaxy Milky Way MW78/87M – 11O1 6OX I.C, the home of the E Consciousness replicated in this reality as this recently discovered Galaxy by NASA
(A S..NA….Face Book Friends: 3OO..Asung Sangha…Neel Akash..A.S.A N…NASA-H…HASAN…Umm Has an)
which is trillions of Light years away while I walked the City of New York.
That 26 years ago, 33 years ago at the “passing of my brother Nnamdi in 1982” I had been sent into Living Death..
To be turned into a Zombie which did not happen
3:15 pm.
But instead becoming the Spear of Destiny which really was and us the march towards Human Evolution while fighting Death as the Rage of the Black Pharaoh’s magic of illusion and Death as old age.
Mumified from within and bound and cut to pieces in the legend of Osirus (O Sir U.S) king of the Underworld

The journey of 14 years which was marked on 1 of the 111-3 USD dollar bills given to me at the Intake Center by Mrs Tutu .Cold as Space…
You you in Italian after being recieved by A Man called Emeka…Who recognized me by name and the lady Mrs Tutu who recognized me by Name and Expression and the Fair Skinned lady who first interviewed me who shared an office with “Emeka”..
The code formed the Truth.
The three dollars to transport me to Mccguiness Assessment Shelter A S and Freeman’s Street.
Really Facebook Friend Robert Freeman Black.
R.F.B.. R Face Book…Really name Robert Charles Cole..R C.C…Being asked to leave 54 Bean never to return.
An actor in the film movie of the Usurper of the Truth .
Death as Blackness Ignorance Arrogance the not knowing..the lie…?
Of the Light of True Love which is the T S U…
The The Seen Unseen Knowing and Knowledge of Everything already proven.
Even the direction to the place..take train to 28 Street take the F (6 becomes F..had been sleeping on the 6 Train for a Month it is the train to Pelham Bay Park where NY bag still is) train, then transfer to the L train to BedFord..the 62 bus..6=F 2= B .
R F.B..
E F.B.
Emeka Face Book…
Emeka Sixth Sense in Being..
Emeka Akashic Records of the missing link of
Consciousness Awareness…C A.
Being…..C A.B
The Cab in front of 268 today was code Nnamdi..
K B A.C…
Nexus Kari Bazemore..K.B…2 11 B.K
But we saw as B.K 2 11 the Book.
The Akashic Records recorded on E Face Book and given to Nenad M.Djurdjevic to begin editing to turn into the E manual of Orobello Agata O.A
Emmanuel Luna..
The Omega Aloha Manual of the Golden Beautiful Gift of Eternal Life..
That Emmanuel “God is with us”
Read the Neel Akash..
The Open Saphire Blue Open Space.
He read the Environment Atomsohere around him from within…
K is 11..
Thus K C A B.
Read in Hindsight by looking BACK at what your Conscious Aware Being Body (Beateous Be-A.M) reveals to you for your Body is a CAB the Doppelganger 11 of “Being”the Body Conscious and Aware..
Catherine Acholonu…
Born 1O/1O..
And in Balance ” Sheet” of The Knowing if Everything… ” TSU
All that was required was to pay attention to where you Natural walk and mov IE through life..
By moving Naturally and then pausing to look back each evening after you reach a destination of rest.
Then through contemplation serinity look in through the pools of clear reflections by reflection on where you moved through the day the places you went and you will discover a link, a different purpose than your Conscious purpose for going to all those places
Which will reveal a true story.
All that is required is stay true your True Nature.
Keep your reflections clean…
Air conditioning Meaning let things out but not through venting and Exhaust fumes..
But through Beautiful Expression..
Solving riddles together with others instead of burdening them with your anxieties and worries instead make it what it is a riddle
Fun for you and the other person and voila it is transformed into Golden Light to see..
Clear Clean water..Transparency and Air to breathe..A H..

B.A.C K..

Being Aware Consciousness Knowing ( that no matter how momentarily the illusion is you “Don’t know” is that light in you that knows..
That distance or Space as my 14 year March (Yes I arrived in New York in March 2O..C T…Conscious Truth) 26 year walk is that which creates “Time” OGE…
And at the End if Time…
Full Circle you meet as I did Eric Todd..
E T when you began your march which I met them March 21st 2OO1,.
C.U U…(Mrs Tutu you You in Italian as Nenad pointed out as well as in French” )
C Double U
Cecilia Weibers ?
Cecilia Ana..
By Double is my Sixth Sense
6 is a F. FA-CT.
That I went into the into the Shelter down into the System as Neo to evolve it…
Meeting in 2OO1 Eric and David
E D.
54 the Bean Cafe..
1 and 3rd then moved to 2nd and 3rd
13- 23..
Nnamdi to Emeka..
* I began writing to the Silence, voluntarily going down in 1989 age 22-23..Robert O Yonathan George ..as the O..
Taking the O from my name Okolo to change it to Kolo..
Meaning I knew I was the Source but went down as a Man to evolve Nature Naturalness Nnamdi Myself to 1 E by doing the walk my way…
Meaning that Africa NRI who “put a Spell on me” was a lie..
R O.Y.G ..B…
Billy Hung 28,was the last person I worked with but I never lived with him.as all others in my March in 2O12-3..123.. lived Alone.

Thus, in truth my journey was complete in 2O12..July 4th when I left 268 for which was meant to be the last time
4-7..11 28..39 C.I where Sithy Ameena S A.. (now Nadee Nakandala… NN 14+14=28..B.H born 5-28..E B.H saw me perfectly with a week of becoming my Facebook Friend..
“He’s Authoring Harmony A H ”
He us Feeding the People.
He is Gods Gift. GG 77l

Anung Sangha S A.
Siththy Ameena.S.A.
A S S A..
Assa Mpete!
Beauty Beyond Description.
(Umm Hasnaa.. Hasab)
A M.


Nnaemeka 33 once stated that certain people would deny the Truth even if it manifested before thier very faces.

I met Emeka and Tutu at the Intake Center..
Yet I met Eric and Todd before I ever entered the Shelter System.
I met Eric David in the Shelter..
E D.

5-2O is my brother Boom date of Birth.
5-4/is 4-5 backwards My brother Nnamdi Backwards
Nnamdi Emeka.
Emeka Nnamdi..

4:23 pm.

So, it would suggest that I was denied by NG even though the Ancestors knew I was the Obumnene Nnamdi Emeka…
The 1 who is Four..
Afor Orie Eke Nkwo..
Who is 1-7.. AG UN G..
The 1-7 Universal Nature GOde..
And felt that they could control me
that I was doing thier will..
Obeying them when in Truth
I was doing my Will
Do Rey me so fah LA!! TE Do…
And that I was sent down into the Abyss to destroy me.m
But went down to Evolve U N to
The Fifth V Element 7..12
To completion B I..V..
And so there is no reason for me to go to McGuiness Shelter and Freeman’s Steer because the Proof is complete at Full Circle 14 is 1+4=5 V E.
So LA..TE Tutu Emeka..
Tutu in OINRI means
The Morning or Dawn..A.M.
Early Morning Dawn A M.
So it would suggest that all is complete and that the threshold I am at all cost not meant to cross is the McGuiness (That black Stout Drink of the Irish) Freeman as Charles but as the Coal as is Robert Freeman Black because the implications is my utter Denial as Devine Being and the Man who solved the Riddle of Existence

And if I do Cross that threshold tonight.
Then the Consequences of that Denial is not the end of 1/3 of Humanity but the E ND of Everything except the proven E..

4:39 pm.
D C.I.

I know Washington D C..
David Cecilia
Belived Blind..
Have gone this far already
And Universal Nature U.N .allowed the play to go this far to reach U.N.E.
The Femininity Rising.
But from this Point on..
If I cross that blackness McGuiness
Morgan Freeman.M F.
Be aware that I am fully aware of what will Manifest in consequence of Even Shy Anna kicking Robert Freeman Black- Robert Charles Cole out of the Bean.
It ends ROYG
The 4-7 Existence but not me
11-28 C.I…39
Cecilia David
The One Completion.
4:46 pm.
To the False God…the Usurper

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