
1/13/2021 1:19 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 11

See She devils of the true B A.P H O ME T.
Kamora Liberty

* Benjamin C Krajewski just contacted me a moment before i completed the L K C -C post and this one.
He did so at 12:00 a.m on the dot with out a clue of what is going on – and me playing reminder to his highest self by posting all evening his name… Ben is Love and aligned to Milk of Human KIndness Sacred Portal 68…
though it would be nice if their Loving Kindness as their true nature had extended to include me.

That now makes the trinity 3 plus the reflections “themselves as the beautiful Lie and Eternal Eden Arden Robert and E me

Brad Pitt age code 57 “Meet Joe Back” M JB M Jaymes Bond bed 49 and 101 cycle later bed 007.. OO Seven-900.
Seven of Nine.
7 9 / 9 7
License to Kill… and send the liars to existential Death by me the Black Cock.
B C E..
Nome Alaska the 4th Kind
Ancient Summaria Sumer.
12:18 am.

12 18 63

Brad Pitt as moi. and Arden.

World War Z to the lie of White Woman Zombie.

12:19 am
L S… D

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