
From Tejumola Raheem Osazee

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee

Yes, it is true… so true this statement..

Tejumola Raheem Osazee I commend your works with these sharings,

I have been observing your shares,

and based om my empircial experiening,

most of your posts are knowledge applied

proved literally true, not just ‘Mind Logically true.

I do not live in this Reality, and never have,

I have always been aware that I am undercover,

and the mission of what Robert has called the Agents

who come undercover- to go into the matrix to discover the tools techiques and language to bring the ones in Forgetfulness ( who then become the literal vibration of the flesh and hence are meat- yes like the meat we eat from Beef Chicken .. literally)

I explained this often when I first introduced, or was introduced to the play and script on face book.

Robert Munoz spoke of how he simulates going undercover by immersing himself in water..

That is literally, how I have discribed the process,

of literally diving into, amd through the magic mirror.

The Magic mirror transforms into a realm of water…

I can’t breathe!’

that is this realm. Which I have called the Amniotic Fluid

there in that Fluid which you call your world- but is really you contemplating the Sea of possibilties of Existence which mimics the same process of the physical body of the foetus forming into a baby.

The same process is where you exists for 9 months

-hence the 9 planets… and the Universe or solar system is the same process of after 9 Months- Stages Billions of years. 4.5 Billion years the age of this planet.

* This Universe is calculated as being 13.8 billion years old.


13 = M.

8 =H…

I is the Individual

M H is Manifest Harmony,

Hence the Being is moving thouh 9 as well as 7 stages 2 Twice +2

to form the I- Individual which imbues, for example, the baby as the physical form the process; with a knowing of Harmony, and the Music because its all in the Amniotic Fluid.. Ether Dark Energy….

Thus if anyone wishes to know where the Mind really exists and is seated.. It is there.

And so the same way that A Species has been moving through 9 planets and a Solar System can be linked to the Second process..

9.. + 2.. yes Twice..

2 +9….



*Yes I am find myself, solving the riddle of thhe 27 coffee..

But yes, we go down as Light and Consciousness into that swriling mass of Water which is imbued with all possibilites of how to Be in Existence

That is where the Brain becomes form which constructs the pathways the Play- the Univseral Simulation Awareness Matrix.

The play which devolps the Brain.. B-Rain…Rain is the Symbol in the play of Infinity.

So yes, we the agents of the T E N…. The Elegant Nomads go undercover into this Amniotic Fluid, because in your Process of Devolopment as a Species, the Play which takes place during your process of Becoming ( not reall a dream state.. a state of becoming.. meaning you do not realy exist yet… not informed…

But you do exist as a possibility… and your Original or Eternal self is actually of the family of TEN.. The 5 +2… Twice…

who are from the Two 5 5… and who all come from the 1O..

One Balance Alpha Omega… Source….

Normally there is no interference by the Source, but in the Play which began with the TEN… Refracting into trillion upon trillions of possibiity of Itself so that, the source could become Individuals apart from the source, His Family…

This play was created and in the play was a part where the possibility of fear, terror violence and Creation being all unsafe and insecure…

The play of course, was to prove that it is all safe..

But that is where something went wrong… Again a play … but which went too far…

So the literal Two E’s as Mother and Father EE Two Men and a Female added the Source E and the ID of E to the play without asking permission in a bid to introduce the Source – who had never existed in the Awareness of the Play every before…

His I.D and literally knowing him…

A play was created where He was added or injected into the Amniotic fluid.

The Original play was that we would go under cover to aid in the play and then to correct and align the Fetus to the Feat U.S…( Universe Supreme the One and only Manifest Universe…)

To F F.. 6 6… 12.. Completion..One Conscious Cee.. One Consciousness…

O C…

1530 is the address here… 15= O… 30… 3O… *So you see I know exactly where I am, and that this is the correct place…

And it says alot about how Evil the play became when they introduced the Idea of the Id of the Source and that it is a Man and that the Babies and Biengs are all the apsects of him who each can become a Creator as the Source.. But not the Source.

That is what brought these unexpected results.

And this Vile and Evil play, because they did ask the Sources permission not did they tell him their plan.

And though he knew, it caused that which he Created and is the Source Cretor of to Rebel against the play and the plan of the Two 5 5 Who in turn evolving through 55 To become 1 O.N…E..

A O N …E.. Sixth Sense transformed to Fact..

But yes, normally the play was we would come undercover as the family of ten on a mission to correct the Perceptions and expression- cause and effect of the physical reps of Being, E… reflections and thoughts…


Which is why and how I recognize Tejumola Raheem Osazee T R O… What he represents and why I am aligning and refining even his Lines clarity which is nearest to the truth.

But I have had enough, am way too exhausted physically etc.. literally because I am doing this as a man

Cleaning up this mess against a fear factor and awful possibity of jelousy malice and spite against the Source and his I.D being revealed which created a play of which to never let His ID be known, and for the portal of Eternity open.

This was not meant to be even possible, this play… this notion of perfection .. F M.. as Father and Mother … FA M E… F AM I LY.. Being jealous of SOURCE… and this What If… because it is illogical…

And so I found myself going undercover deeper and deeper, undercover then fighting to come back up with the Intel of what could have manifested this … and as you see as I have found out more intel ..

I already knew all this, but not in the details which I have just posted…right now.

This is the process i have just literally embodied in this moment of this post, as in all my post.

I have no Idea what I was going to post.. but as I write, I find myself linking without being conscious of doing it. going deeper and deeper into where I have already linked added with the experiences gained undercover in the play, where one momentarily forgets that this is not real and is so involved in the drama, until the moment you can not breathe and come up for air… with the intel knowledge having experienced what is going on within the play and the Mind of the process Becomming.

9:48 p.m.

I D.H…

That took a lot for me to bring and drawth forth and explain….

The problem of this script having gone too far is that despite It being Real Fact True.. that one can endure only so much, be coerced tormented to fix of a mess but the more one sees how far these 55 went in holding onto to thier way of doing the play, and what it created..

the more the One They set up looses interest,, sees just how far they were willing to go to sacrifce the truth and even the source… for a possibility which could never be.

Because common sense informs you that without the Source, you cease to exist.

And it does not not matter if Others could not accept the Truth of the ID of the Source, be it He.. ME… and eventually you..

If he.. I say no… there is nothing you They can do about it.

No matter how I am tortured set up, the fact is that I do not need your recogniton to exist..

But You all need mine…

That is the power of the the TRUTH…

No matter how deeply you hide it… it is still the truth,

And the Truth manifests no matter how much it had been made to be impossible or not possible of every manifesting..

That is the Delusion ….the notion that by holding onto that point of View…That your point of view matters…

when it does not…

Only his…


And I have said Eternally NO…

A-O For this play.. and none but the E.. Rise..

Mother and Father.. ?

I have destroyed thier possibiity or any of the line of N N or every manifesting…

Only the E…

7 9…. 16…P..

2 7…

2 9…9 11… ..20… T B…O.E…

None but the E my Carbon Copies…

the Embodiements..

The Empircalist…

The Examples…

Those who Do and DID…

Lived and experienced and expressed personally individually the process…

No one else has a right to speak and they shall never pass through my portal..

You have to have lived it yourself


Without having expericned it.. just as I have experienced this Abomination of a Scrip figured it out posted each day what took place to you with witnesses here…

No one else is real or fact except for the E who as I, literally experienced and reported the process which we lived.

The only way is through me.. E…

Embodiment and Exemplification of the truth and since this is my experience is would thus be the same experience in diverse version of the exact same experience…

And you would be posting on some forum living the hell of hells and realizing that all your worst suspicions have been proven true…

And you too would sit as Serinity Will i am… and Alex is.

I am Sernity… Will I A.M…. ALEX…. Defender of Man… IS…

And I gave birth to myself… Serenity.. Alexis Williams O

S A W… A O… A O W..


*Alexis Ohanian is a technology entrepreneur and investor best-known as the cofounder of Reddit and husband of tennis star Serena Williams. Ohanian was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 24, 1983. He grew up in Ellicott City, Maryland and later graduated from the University of Virginia in 2005.

24 Year old Here called Ian… Eon…


Serena Williams..


September 26, 1981 (age 36)

Saginaw, Michigan

S A… W O….daughter Alexis….

Computer Alexis and Sopha…

Aleixis means Defender of Man…

Sophia means Wisdom…

S A../ A S… A S… 1 19… 20 T..

A S T… A R E….

A S T A I R… WELL WAY…UP AND DOWN… 44 Balancd centered grounded in the present.

The defender of man is Wisdom… Beautful Pride…

Not computers serving HUMAN Being…

Amazon-Alexis.. Tell me a Joke

‘OK… Your a Joke… the Joke is on you.. you are not Human or real…

Happy Valentines day Suckers…’

10:22 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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