
5/23/2017 14:50 – Facebook Post

From Kezie Egele


I say Yoke

That a Yoke “Chain Collar used to attach Oxen to the Plough the Farmers Field
( George F F. G FF. 766)
To Crack the Cosmic Egg and transform the Oval Office into the Unified Field Of Fact – U F O. F.. An Omelette.

By forcing me against my will to Teach the People of the World the Consciousness of the E line and prove it at the same time over and over and over to people who refused to pay attention because I had no Money Power or Fame.
Because my power my ID was stripped away from me when I entered in this world in order for me to Obey a flipped Script which was bringing to their “Ancestral Guardians” the End of All Existence.
And so in their Fear they betrayed their Source and their Truth by looking and choosing some one who they tested out of many, to solve the Problem of Pangea.
By doing the Unthinkable to Him and then his line and covering their Tracks so no one would find out but the one they had Yoked.

Not realizing that the One Whom they had Yoked was Is the Source under cover

A Man.

And when they discovered they denied and denied and then created an impossible challenge- to make him prove he is the Source while doing everything in their power to discredit, undermine and dishonour him.
So great was Their Fear of what they had done they went as far to move through their Human Descendants using Dna and song lines to mess and meddle with their minds Bodies sense of Reason and beings not to see the One as the Source

Using money employment people to get him to first show them, teach them the way to Eternity Immortality when the understood that He Is.
Using the excuse of Pangea and to save the World which never required saving.

They worked so hard so that none would believe him by each time the People recognized the Truth of E to use this Worlds Movie of Money Fear and Power to plant the seeds of Doubt that which they already knew.

Not that I was am the Source but they recalled that I was am their True Family.

The Nnamdi E line saw this and
Decided to use this as a Test ( He transformed bc of this into the Devil D Evil) why his Was Source why his beloved brother was the Source and came fitst
But there was no malice just a desire to know..
But he did not mean for this to happen and did not know that His First Cause
An Innocent Question
Would go so far and manifest something he had no concept of which was the Nature of Evil
Which now he realized was in Him

Lucifer D Evil
12 4
That is the True Origin of that Fable.

And that is why I was stuck at
12 4
The 4 who are really 1
12 4.
3 4. 11-22. 47 and 68

The chasm was to clean up that Mess of Ages.
2:00 pm
Adam and Eve
Pan and Pandora
Panic Chaos Disease
Death Destruction Old Age
E Rise. As E Rising brings Evil

And so I walked through Evil proving it was not Real
But made real and an abomination of Power because of the Nature of Diseased minds willing to believe in Evil and feed the wrong kind of Wolf.

The Illusion which from Alibi’s transformed into this Lie.

Wrong and Denial Suspension Expulsion



W O R D S. Of E
Twisting them Erasing them

And then Expelling him from Known Existence. K E
And Suspending him in a place of Disbelief
Non Existence

Leonardo Da Vinci

Vitruevivian Man

*Well Done Joseph Carey…
He called it out.

Vitrine in French means ” Window”
Vivian “Lively Wonderful True Life”

A Room with a Beautiful View
Transformed into a Room and a Portal called Bellevue – A Historic New York Shelter where I passed through 3 times
2001. 1 month + Atlantic Bedford
2015. 2 Months. Green Point Assessnent Shelter

2016. 2 Months Green Point 7 months Delta Manor

Recall, the Last time I passed through I was given Single Room with a Hideous View and the door to the cell was marked Juan John.
Meaning Grace of the Creator.

My British name is Victor
V- 22
2:20 pm right now
Robert Vlaun
17 yr old Leonardo
Ana Leonardo Caixas
Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo

Emeka is E my Constant name
Nnamdi is ( and Evolves to Emeka) I was never really Nnamdi but Nnamdi was the Is the First Born Son Of E
It is to me he calls
My FatheR. IS E. Ere Hear ” I C I”

But he did not know what is Evil
Or the true consequences of not going back to clean up your mess, messy message, unclear Expression
Of being in Existence

And believe me no one had penetrated my rear or what even here in this Men’s Shelter is noted as my Beautiful Behind
“Buns” Anthony of the Staff nick named …

But Evil is the Taking My Words
W O R D S. E
And twisting them to give a different meaning and outcome to feed the Need of Fear As Power

Arianne Grande
Manchester England

But Wrong Denial has been Transformed to W Double Victory

And Expulsion Suspension

She did it for Love
He did it for more Light

And I did it to Restore Laughter in the Word and Worlds

Because that is all I could do in the end
I laugh

W is 23 Now Double V
Ring Rung R’ONG D EN I A L S

Transformed to Two Three
Victorious Roads Home to and left behind A Road Map E H
Bed 5-008 Of Harmony

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Elizabeth Clarizio

Rep Lisa Natalie Johnson
Robert Vlaun

D C. 4-3. -11 22. Cecilia David..

Left Right

They have Merited Earned the right to be reinstated as E Eternals.

She Did it for Love
He did it for moore Natural Light

And I ?
Because am the Source of Love Lighter and Laughter … Lightness

But rest
This play of Evil was transformed into your test as entering the state of being Individual

The True Meaning of the word
as in having your own Will and Discernment
Mind Body and Spirit
Or are you renting it from someone else
Which means… Its not yours


Its The Sources

2:50 pm

12 4 5
16 17
7 is 8

No 9 6
Is I Fact F O I

12 4. 5. 48. 60. 12 L. ( 66 43)
Lisa Elizabeth

6 66 18. R Bob. Robert. Jungels

Bergamo Italy

Papa Jungle
Italia Procopio
Jai Italiaander

2:56 pm

Love Light Laughter
Lightness Life Eternal

L x 5
5 12
Limitlessness Listens

L 2

To their Lifes

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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