
Ressurection – Sacred Portal 3

Ressurection – Sacred Portal 3

Ressurection – Sacred Portal 31.

*”Yes, the deeper the love, the greater the Hurt, not for yourself but because something so magical in someone, so glorious, that when it is compromised, traded in for something banal… When they leave their true Existence behind to embrace mediocrity.
Our hurt is so deep because not only has another light gone out…but a part of us feels they have betrayed life itself. And we who love life, die for just a moment, wondering for just an instant if our love of life is true…But that last only for a moment before our voices rise again, with the sailing voice of the Phoenix rising even more glorious in our song for our love for existence…that is after the grief is gone of another one we must say farewell to, forevermore…We must move on, climber higher the steps to home, until we stand at the Apex, knowing we were right to believe in to the end….the glorious song of Existence is Insistence that we knew that true Existence always finds the beauty within the bars of that inner song.

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