
From Axel Love

From Axel Love

Truly… Only Completion…

By the way, Completion required proving with Self Evident Facts

that you are Eternal…

By using the Knowledge linked to Eternal Knowings Code Wave length- yes the Knowledge expressed through the sum expression of Time in

Earth School of University School….

12:44 p.m.

My Empircial Experience- Its last stage made public before the entire world…

..Just a Heads up..

To get an eternal body, you have to emprically prove by your chosen manner of being and profession, without being fully conscious, the truth of who you really are.

After all we were created equal so if that was my Examination Test… Check before I could go home…

One can expect, based in the law of Equality.. that it will be yours too.

But you have an advantage,

I was made to make transparent my Home Work…

12:46 p.m.


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