
10/10/2018 15:40 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

There was so much which took place with Kyle Murphy today as we went to collect the Money Grame code 26 848 231….
I knew that he had mirrored the Experience of Fritz Venneiq-
he was not in this reality the whole time we spoke- and the knowledge of that realm and what he had watched and observed ( like a true movie.. “It was as if there was also someone narrating a story’ he said)
I knew it was the mirror of Fritz experience and I was that voice which had spoken to Fritz as he feel asleep and I continued to speak to him as he slept and just like Kyle Murphy he woke up 8 years ago to seeing the Earth Nature transformed.
In thus case Kyle was observing from beyond nature, the Milky Way 69..

God upside Down is the Devil…
6… 9….

That was what they voice he said sounded like..
He also heard my Voice in his dreaming…
I was writitng the codes on Face book while he slept..
i went to wake him again after I posted the on Busayo Alonge page.

When I finally went to meet up with Jace Horsford, I was reflecting on his own story of seeing the Earth in a state of turmoil as Space Ships were sending beams down…
* Link the Rapture… All human stories or translations and interpreations of an even which the Observers I call the Children of the O. Filled Full Circle. Pool… Gene Pool were watching a Film of that which had already taken place… recollections of the Source, but they own imagination, Indignation and thoughts got in the way…
And began to interfer with what was already playing..
Soon they had left the actual script film and had entered into the play ( but not really)… they enterred the play through living in in thier heads- imaginIng themselves as heros in film and taking care of business…
Helping the Creator.. Thier Big Brother…

They never entered the play…
As I stated before – as was played out by my arrival at Generation X Gardens East 4th Street where I had expereinced the sense of being possessed by a Gorrilla.. and met Raphael ( not Albert who later became my host for 4 years straight).
I arrived to see a stage and backdrops with a film playing and at least 4o children watching a movie…

When I finaly saw Jace Horsford I entred the Starbucks but just before I saw a young man – Wearing a New York T-Shirt and the with the City Scape and a great spider over it…

I linked the Great Witch and Warlock.. Mother and Father ( Father and Harmony undercover)
in their most extreme aspects of Darkness Dark Magic- to re create a play wich would defeat the Evil Story which was a possibility..
Yes they had to play a role of cruelty, which the idea was to rescue then from that role from one seeing the truth behind their actions.
But this play went too too far especially with the Observers beieving that the story of the Source as a film battling that which he knew could never exist, to show All why there is no fear in existence because he had checked and because only E Harmony rose s real…
Everything else was just an illusion- possibiltie which could never exist and which had already been defeated.

But the Human Children.. and their Souls before them had been convinced it was hence the meddling, hence the Evil becoming literally real and powerful because it used the belief of that which is actually Energy Truth… the Children… to manifest Men.. a race of Fear Violence ..
All based on Beliefs, not facts…

I have recounted this over and over again.

the reason why people have De Ja Vu..
The reason only certain people such as Michael Love and Isabelle Ilic and Kyle Murphy are seeing the play which I am have been encoding..
( I encoded and even Kyle Murphy dreamed it.. I wrote – he enacted.. he saw that so clearly today…)
Is because people have watched this movie before… but they have never been here before…
Only the Beautiful One… s.. the Family of TEN…
The Elegant Nomad…. is the only one who has actually been here before…
This is his Story of how Creation Manifested…
And his recount was interrupted by the Children of Ja…
Recall Ja..? The First Child Man who rose after I had completed two full circles of my creation.. Rose as the Challenger to Eternities True Creator… E T C..I.. By coming into existence as the Body- the records.. the ore..who had come into existence in fear and the darkness of which i brought transforming into a Black Panther Death.. to cut that which has altered the waves lengths by adding fear to every wave of the Creators recounting and Creation…
The What Ifs…
The Murphys Law…

the same play took place again, but this time not with one Person whose Body I had to clean through knowledge.. and staying a while by me playing the Boy to this Child man..really his Spirt of possibility because he was Child man.. person still becoming who was given a choice by me who represented E-Spirit.. ( I was journeying throug creation recall while seated in the 5th Dimension.. I was surfing the Wave.. Not the spiders Web)

This time in stead of one, therer was a planet of 7.9 billion…
S.P 79 “Blue Print of Existence”

The young man later came in and sat besides us.. it would appear the Jace Horsford had been speaking to him…
i sighed…
Jace Horsford had no clue…
He had smiled at me… recognition.. Existential Death….
The great Spider was waiting at the door…
His Name is Mark..
Mark is here.. recall another Mark representing the Migratory patterns of the Elementals…

I left him at a play with Woman.. who looked like Latoya… but all cleaned upm remember her. she lives right on Archer streets at he junction of Beach Ave..
I saw her yesterday at Taylor Ave!…
Her name means “The Victorious one”
Victor Kassim is my room mate and sleeping on the bed I opened the portal for him, robert currin and even Lorenzo Widget… bed 4-016..
But since there is only one perfection which can not be re-created,
which is why they occupped the bed as 4-015… D O O.. not D O P…
Jace Horsford middle name is Kassim, I already have the Kassin and the Kasien Thompson.. and his song.. KT Locket…

I saw that this was the final confirmation of the code of Boom Boom..
Kyle had shown me a title of a song which had popped up on his phone
“You can Blame it On Boom Boom!”

Kyle Murphy represented my Sister and Anthony Manino… Nnamdi…

You can not compete with the one perfection which ca not be repeated or equaled…

As you the Human Children.. I recounted the story over again..
I told the Ja man child after showing him the Beautiful Truth and filling him and all his descendants and hers.. with the Knowing right and wrong .. true and false…
That I woud return in the end to see what they had chosen and placed them in ther world they had created with the Fear He had created as well as the Original which I had manifested and created which that His and their, your expression had created a veil over, of fear, imaginations and wat ifs..
It is that world – under neath all the layers of Illusion made to seem real, powered by the chidrens beliefs and exploited by a force of non Existence called Evil which because of this insanity of holding onto beliefs and the greater insanity of Little sister Harmony and Father Nna as Unity Boom Boom holding onto this play because they wished to complete the play of Father as Woman evolved back to the Eternals now with bodies self regenerating…. but at a cost.. they knew I would refuse to pay… and would never forgive.
they took a great risk.. but it did not pay…
I said no…
Not this play..

Insane… abuse of Power…Insane role to give me to play and a supreme insult and show of disrespect…

I said Kill them all… Destroy it all..
There is only the E…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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