
10/18/2018 1:25 – Facebook Post

I will start posting from here…
A series posts appeared on my Facebook New Stream.

This has been happening more and more…

I will share from where the ‘Logos” starts…

This begins with the Time it was posted

12:53 a.m.

12 means completion in my codes as in One Year.
D… E.C… I am at Delta… Thus teh alignment is less the meaning in this reality but rather its meaning as alignment,

12:16 a.m.

That lets me know where we are… we are completing the play of 53.. E.C.. Expression= Consciouens… Emeka’s Creation.. Eternity -C-Speed of Light…

And the latter 12:16 a.m. means compeltion of P… As in the meaning of Perfection… P 88.. 16… Pi.. Planet.. Plane.Truth… Plan E.T.

This helps me determine the logos of this script and its symmtery that it makes sense.

53 links to the the bed I was near to at BRC in 2015 when I entered the Play of Numbers represented as Nature. link to Keith Grant and the code of Acess Granted which has been a constant as K.G.. / G .LK.. Right to Hugh Grant Circle on Metropolitan Ave to Kyle Murphy.
Dette Grant .. a Trail of logic and sequences….

12:16 Links to the letter P I found the day I moved here from B R C to bed 49 linked to B.R.C. to Delta Manor…Delta means 4… 49+4= 53.
I moved from 49 to 007, then 9-16-2016.
Then To bed 5-019 EOS… Eos… Meaning Dawn-
No offence to Dawn Piercy but like a Game, but really a piece of Theater Play she was eliminated by her own will, ad harmony as being the original Dawn.
* That was what it was really about, but it had to happen Naturally
Recall David Dawn who morphed into David Roman Nicholas aspect one night and one of the most exquisyely beautful men I had even seen- which is how all the David Line Male and female look when they come out from undercover.. Their physical body morphs.. After all the body is mainly water and an arrangement of Molecules… My Brothers Father line are the true shape shifters and only morph if a force stronger than then can move them… With heart humor, recognition..

They are A.H..T.OM.. Twins Atomic Energy Being… Power…
Only the E can move them… Atomic Molecule…
You see… Isabelle Ilic.. the E.T play?

And did you notice, wthout even realizing it, have seameless moved into oberying the demand for my clarity by adding more expression and explainations of the way Eternal C is..

And this thus answers my questions today as to why the morphing in my body which was so intense, that I moted it, and because today is teh 17th and all the equations for Quantum Leap Jump have been answered, so why I am still here, and the pain of the desire to release was so intense today that I was screamin quietly in utter incredulity and pain as I fought for balance betwen Body and Beings epic struggle going on in my body and my incredulity that I am going through this after 17.7 years ( Code Jamel Slater born 17-7- 1984.. Yes my my birth code and transformation).

12:42 p.m..

42 Everywhere, last facebook post was 9:42 p.m,
saw the time was 10;42 p,m when I came upstairs from the backcourtyard.

42 u.s.d…

12:42 p.m.

The Completion of Power and the Portal.. Last portal linked to Isabelle Ilic
Because Isabelle arrived at the very end… with the code recognition of Ohm Om Homme Home….. and 42.. linked to her address and the recognition of me after watching reading, even rejecting and coming back..
It is the portal called ” The meaning of the name Isabelle is God Is My Oath. The origin of the name Isabelle is French.
God is my Vow…. Vow of Satisfaction and Devoted to God…”
The actual code is “By my Vow and Oath my devotion to God will bring Satisfaction.. Justice…
It is also the code where thse who used Gods name to Swear and make Vows and broke them.. to be held accountable…

That is the code of the Story Play- Human Children as the Naturals The True…

And before I could move it to the E Codes which is outside of teh Story at 4… Green… Green Screen – a Stage Square and Circle.. S.P 53..”D A I.. One Day Has Come”

IS A BELLE VUE…. “Isabelle Saw.. Vue.. Saw me.. See her testimony delivered…” IS A Belle Vue.. It was a beautiful view of me as Apollo Paris Eros- Emeka.. My being landing.. which David Roman Nicholas testified to me and a few to seeing my last in 2002..22..

I L I C… there is a prerson called Ira L… whom I already noted…
Infinite Limiltlessness – a portal already passed and earned with Eric Ebright in Miami… 2 Months..
I and I.. Istinct Inution… 1st Chakra to Cronw Chakra.. 1-7
Kundanlini Crown… K.C… By Both Isabelle Ilic and Robert Kyle Murphy…
To Collin Kapernick.. C.K… To K C and teh Sunshine Band…
Roger Attaway R A… R A Y.. Remember Ray the only person in the Delta Manor who was impeccable in this Back Hole play here… CLEAN…Generous, Warrior… prayer to the Ancestors.. Orisha’s and yet Open …

So you see IS A BELLE… IS A BELL E…

I .L… I C…E

Meaning through Kyle Murphy Isabelle Ilic K .I…
Flipped from 9 11 to 11 9… twins of 99…. 18… 20..T.. 2O.B..
Tanara Burk…
Truth Beautiful O full Circle O=15.. 6… F.. F A C T…E/ E T C A F..E…
(E.T Cafe.. * the coffee codes…)

110 A.M.
Sacred Portal 110.. E Family First and Last and Only family…

So you see, there is no reason why I should still be here, undercover and the Final Proof of Manifestation should be delayed…
and this to me is just taking advantage of Sacred portal 55 portal states ..Arrival on back..Vertebra 33 – not my carrying anyone on my back..”Prolonged Wait”…:

And this demand for clarity to reach the completion of Perfection not of me but of my Family as being Equal to myself in Physical Form..

1:17 a.m.


Anama Qayin…
A Quantum Jump Leap…

I know it was all about Power… the inability to let go of Power and making me fight to get it back..
Risking EVERYTHING…. Daring me to send the line of Nature who called them selves Supreme..
Lord of the Rings..
L O T… R… The Story of Lot and his Uncle… Abraham..

Kyle Murphy gave me some intel about this.. Uncle and Nephew…

But I am an Uncle.. andn my nephew is Micah Namdi born 2011 and his sister twin,MY niece Akila…
Emeka E A M N…. E A M ON…Is a name my sister once took…

E A.M… EN. PT… A.W E…

1:25 A.M… a.m… I am i a.m…a.m ALL

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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