
From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge

TRUE… But that is allot of work for The One…

And a great deal of Assumption Responsibility and Expectation placed on The Ones shoulders…

8:42 p,m

Phoenix Mode..


That caught my attention…

Myself and Robert Kyle Murphy are wearing black…

Anthony Manino and Mark Watkins were wearing Red…

E R… A . M…

And it is Rob Barr’s birthday today…

He is the one I met 16 or 15 years ago at a cafe at University Place..

And who came to New York and we went to the MET together…

He gave me a gift code of 100 usd twice…

Both had codes on them as had all the moneies I had to take or even ask for from people whom this script in this Matrix Hologram dictated as well as coming all the way to this place called Delta Manor to prove the Insanity of Humans and Human Existence…

I have a phoenix tatoo…

The Phoenix Rises from the Ashes…

What are the Ashes, and how does he rise..

Apollo 11… Is a Spaceship… Mother Ship… it means Destroyer

Apollo is the God or Principal of …

The ideal of the kouros (a beardless, athletic youth), Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste huntress Artemis..

the A S H E S…. Date 16.. Letter P

Art Science Harmony Expression Supreme…

Aturo Snow… Harry ( Potter.. Potters Wheel He who Fashions: )

Ejaz Saim… Paul… meaning :Rare….

A She S..Supreme… ?

No, prove it… by breaking down the Art of Existence and Creation to a Science…of Harmony… by proving Expression Supreme is Perfection…Beautiful Being…

That is how one rises from that which is Destroyed which is the meaning of the name Apollo.. by building it back up as a Science…

And so from the Ashes…/ Flip… S E H… S A Y E…A H…

S….Stephan.. Crowned with Sweet Bay Leaves

See Eternal Harmony…

Sun Rise.. S R…


E R O S…

E S .. O R E O… Eros Crowned … O.. Robert Emeka Oscar…

Spear of Destiny

Not Micro-Soft DO.S… Paul Allen died yesterday at 65…

The Truth of P.A… 16..1.. Replaced him.

R S.. 18 19.. Beds 19 18… S R…

I E. I E.. D D…

I D E S I R…


R I S E….@ D.. Delta…Manners… it is not a Manor…

it was the play of Manners and the Manniere

Communication and way of Being in Existence…

9:07 p.m.


It is extraordinary even to me, that I am still coding…

frightening actually.. this will in me.

9:08 p.m


17… Q


H…E… Expression.. through Letters Action Words … Gestures which create Clarity Harmony…

L A W… G..W C..C..H..

*That which created this play is an abomination… truly…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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