
10/23/2018 0:43 – Facebook Post

From Gabriel Binky Signar…

Ah… Anthony Bienke Gabriel Binky Signar ..
but you know and I know that there are so few, so few who respect the Truth.

Look at this reality,
Look at the Depth of Hypocrisy,
the level of Hypocrisy,
the posts on Facebook,
The Empty words,
The perverted self projections…
The refusal to really do the work to come Clean…

A Universe of Lies…
Of in God we TRUST…

Who puts thier money where thier mouth is?
Who lives thier that Truth and comes to testify what it really takes to live by that law…
Which in this realm, of the lie so powerful that the Truth has to fight, and fight to make what should naturally defend its warrior… manifest.

Perhaps the Truth does not respond and strike down all those who claim to be its warriors, because the truth can not abide this reality, this realm of such discordant hypocrisy… – people calling out that they are Truth while living in comforts and making compromises of Truth left right and center.. Vieled.
Who would destoy and person who called them out.

Truth manifests.. but have you noticed how in this world that magic of instant manifestation stopped manifesting…

Perhaps the Truth, left this dimension,
no longer came to fight for its Warriors because its warriors of truth ceased to exist here…

Instead we have Truth Seekers, who pretend that they do not know that the Truth exist in them, seeking an excuse not to fight for it, because they believe that the Truth will not fight or defend them, because the Truth knows that these usurpers imposters are the worst of the lie…
Beyond Evil because Evil knows itself as Evil… recognizes its TRUTH..

But the Good… Oh the Good… who proclaim themselves as Good…
Oh how I despise the Good… the Hypocrites, for they are beyond evil, they are that which caused even Yeshua Christ to say no, to promise to return with a sword to cut them out, because he recognized the depth of horror that the Good are…
Why he prefered the sinners, to sick the infirm so humbled that they could no longer Lie… Pretending to be Good..

Oh the hyprocrisy, the vile contemptuous malice and vile nature of the Good…
That abomination beyond evil. which I have witnessed day and night in this Script, forced by “Father Truth” to examin and see the depth of horror the Good really are…
Amercia the Good.
Europe the Good.
Africa the Good,
Austrailia the Good… who judge and condemn the Evil
The United Nations the Good…

Perhaps Gods true name is THE TRUTH …
and the Truth could not abide this Unverse of hypocrisy…
Perhaps the Truth does not rise as a great sword to cut down this rabble who call them selves “The Good People”.. “I am a Good person”
Because He She wished to see the truth, if there was any one who could recognize the Truth…
Stand up and say .. I remember and recognize what the Truth looks like, smells like, sounds like, acts like… feels like…

Perhaps the Truth name is the God in you and it is in you, undercover having retreated in horror, going deeper and deeer under cover until it seems to no longer exist here…
And it watched.. it watched to see if any one remembered the most obvious quality of the Truth is that it manifests for all to see..
That it manifest through Expression and that it can even by pass the word, and simply manifest through Being and Doing…

Perhaps teh Truth, did not rise to defend its WARRIORS Because there were no longer any warriors of the Truth who would fight an fight and continue to fight even when the Truth did not manifest…
Did nor come to defend them, in face of the abominations of human expression of these contemptuous Good People…

And perhaps the Truth left these people who claimed to be warrior oF TRUTH to fulfill that quality which makes truth recognizable to every one. which is fight to make it manifest without he truth rising to defend them.
Perhaps the Truth wished for those claiming to be warriors in its name, to manifest solid truth, through the process which Truth Itself,
Original Truth which manifested everything to see, ground beneath your feet, bodies solid which feel.. A love so startling that it still moves mournfully through the abomination of this world created and over run by the mutant gutter rats called the Good People… being beyond evil, worse that evil….
So that any warrior who did vernture to go this far, this deep would understand Gods Name is Truth… which manifests with solid evidence Facts Solid manifested by thier own Will…. not by God… and in that way they underestand Gods Point of view, his contempt…

God is Love.. Self Love and God Loves Himself, Her self.. Itself…
And thus in being this warrior of Truth abandoned by the truth, left alone to fight for the Truth, one understands ‘Gods” Point of View .. that HE sHE It is Self Love ( not self preservation ) and why it would retreat from such a world….
And in understanding this, the True Warriors who went to the very end and understood Gods point of View…
Become as He. She .. It and retreat forever from this world, only to fid and the END of the wave of Being the Follower of CHRIST…
THE True Christ Consciousenss.. C C.. 3 3…
Christ age 33…
Fritz Venneiq 33 usd… to me..
11 33…. 44.. 8…
That at the end of this wave… Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme is not the END But the portal of Eternity.. Eternal Begining with Truth IS… Supreme…
The Kingdom of Truth.. Beautiful Truth…

And like HE HER IT.. you turn your back on this realm which can ne saved but is not worth saving, not worth the effort…
For God, is Love.. Self Love most of all and why on earth should it fight for something which has chosen willed it self out of Existence…?

Good is the True Source of Evil…

Gode is The Gracious Ode.. the Music and the Muscian of Harmonies of Awe and ahhh..and Awww….
Naturaness is G-ODE..
N G…
Naturalness is Harmony…
N H…
And Naturalness leads you to the portal of Eternal Harmony.
where in a blink of an eye
Truth Manifests..

Nothing to prove.

This world of the absolute abuse of the Word of God Naturalness was never meant to be rescused…
It was meant to be destroyed… through allowing the manifestaion of the gift given to it…
Free Will and Choice…
And the power each had to recognize the truth…
or deny it…

But destory it…?
Destroy me…
Do not be absurd
Energy can not be created or destroyed…
except by its Source Creator…

12:41 a.m.

Angela Dawn
Isabelle Ilic
‘Emeka Anozie
Fritz Venneiq

12:42 p.m.

Roger Attaway

Can you hear and see me now… 🙂

12:43 p.m.

C E S.P 43 Door of Life.. Eternal.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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