
10/22/2018 20:34 – Facebook Post

From Dzidula Offiong

D O…

He sent me this today,
The force moving through my body has become so intense that I finally realized today as I sat at Taylor Avenue – fighting to align it… its twisting which I have endured for 17 years non stop, a quiet agony made worse by the fact that I knew that only one force in existence has the power to do this to me…

GOD..or the one playing God.

You notice that Dzidula Offiong D O… links to DO 4 -15..
Bed 4-015… Which is the bed I occupied which for some reason was changed to from 4-016 which represents 16 P.. as in Perfection.. 88
Two Harmonies as Body and Being merged into one perfection Mann,

And that perfection is represented by the Full Circle which is Symmetry.. Which as the Circle Round represents even in this realm Perfection.

And if you recall from the first day I arrived in this place of testing really the Shamans world, Dibia;s Witches Sorcerers, Druids for a challenge..
that I was assigned to bed 5-019…
and then sent down into the 3rd Dimension called the Planet Earth 3rd planet from the Sun to prove perfection.
The perfection of my Expression was already manifested the moment I arrived at the bed 5-019.. And then bed 3-002.. when in the locker I found a Light blue magnet with the letter P.

The Two Rooms 5-019 and 3-002… 53… 19+2= 21… U..
Code E C U… E C C …
5 3 3…

Fritz Venneiq who is the only line apart from Isabelle Ilic whom I acknowledge but who must pay consequence for it was through his line who first expressed Doubt in my expression sent me 33 usd today at 1:07 p.m ( 17Q… 8. H… Q H/ H Q)
It is 7:33 p.m right now, 7:34 p.m.

5 6…I was in bed 5-006 after leaving Rom 4B Bed 4-016… 40+16= 56…

The line of Fritz Venneiq is the line who played Father Nature… Father Nnamdi… F N…
This is his Play and World which was created perfectly from my Expression but who perversion began when he did not voice a question on the begining when he rose and saw me and we conversed as to how did he know that I was the creator and source of all that he was understanding witnessing and experiencing through my recounting to him who he is and how he rose. So I sent him into Creation manifested not only by myself but by our conversation and both of reflections to discover the truth for himself…

In a way Fritz Venneiq line was the first Adam, line of Nature… but before him there was myself and the C… myself and my mothers future aspect as Cecilia Nonyelum… Onuabuchi… C N.. P.I..
( My case Managers Cassandra, Nicole.. and now Renee.. C N…R… 3.14…. 18… my bed is 18… Renee is me…)

Thus the person in my bed 4-015 Victor Kassim Hudson who stated that he is The Elegant Nomad is an unfortunate pawn of the Shamans Dibias Witch Doctors Secret Societies who used my biological Fathers rage when he was alive and Hurt to challenge me.
To use as a front to twist my truth and my body and being seeking to take over my body and being through Possession.
But science teaches us that that no two energies can occupy the same space…
And Nature abhores a Vacum…
Thus to seek to possess a person body as is being “simulated’ in me.. where it seems as though I am possessed by a Demonic force and my body twisted and the sound which burst forh from my mouth…
But this is all trickery despite so many people witnessing and seeing this…
Geoff Lacour called it out, writing me a hand written book in which he told the truth…
He has the code linked to Randall Michael R M which is a best friend of Robert Kyle Murphy.. R m R m..
and R M links to Roberto Munoz R M..
Rm is Room… Room with a View… x3 is Earth C…
Bed numbers of Randall 5-10 ( Taylor Laws bed.. Randall is a Lawyer… and bed 2-009 .. 5 2.. 10 9…
52 19… E B S… Emeka is the Being Supreme…
which is what Geoff Lacour wrote- telling me of what had been done to me by the Jealous “Brothers” Jealous of my Light, G L.. Randall born 7-12… G L…

He spoke of the Demon he saw in me, planted in me the evil sins of the sum total of the lie of Humans…
Because there is no such thing as Humans .. onlly Children Naturals Radiant Reflection of the Light of the Full Circle CC.. O.. 6… Sixth Sense…
See Fritz Venneiq Isabelle Ilic Kyle Murphy all being and prove of 6th sense.. e s p…

The Demon is an projection.. Ego twisted…
Ego in Igbo means Money… See this vile money play used which of coursem reveals peoples true heart when you ask then to send a donation to something which they should not even be asked once value and worth is deminstrated.
This was also the way Oracles, Dibia Healers were paid and are still paid as Doctors till this day…

I have been confirmed over and over by this script as
an Excellent Healer..
Excellent Healer E H… Eternal Harmony…

Time now 8:00 p.m.

Chi Excellent C E…
See the play with Jace Horsford Jace means Healer…
Observe how he took advantage even fully aware of my I.D..
His middle name is Kasim…

See how much his life was healed from the first day I met him.
See how it was taken advantage – worse by others at least at time he acknowledged even my i.d
He is 24…

The Twisting is the Voodoo of twisting my words which is meant to represent the body…
The Body is the Log Book Akashic Records…
The Body is the Truth… made solid .. Expression Truth Fact…
I exist
I feel
I am..

The sound bursting from my body is “Ayam”
Which means “Signs of the presence of the Creator… ”

There is no God in the E realm….
Only Eternal Harmony and Eternal Family…

This idea called God is a creation of perverted Humans mids in fear need, sense of abandonment…
God was a an idea created as a comforter… and then when early humans began to sense and then perceive a presence… a Harmony.. a Personality who had a sense of Humor…
Suddenly Faith was born and Prophets, Oracle of Apollo and Delphi..
Mohammad in the Cave…
Zarathustra Mohammadi
Mohamed Tharwat El-Gohary
Mohammed Praise Worthy..

– who could channel and suddenly humanity not longer felt so alone…
They began to sense a Logos, and order. a Harmony to things… And finally that everything had a reason…
Meaning Reason.. M.R..
R M… linked to Expression… What we Expresses manifests… Yes.. but what we express manifest in each persons reality .. it does not effect reality ..physical reality,, Eternal Truth that which IS… and is Constant…

But this Lesson brought a greater understanding but … it was also challenged perverted by those who took this idea of God to become their own ideas of God…
Dominating Controlling.. Dictators Tyrants… Fear Mongers War Mongers…
The Good in Humanity versus the Evil..
Not realizing that that the Good brought the Evil and were sustaining it with the idea they would not let go of God as thier Parents who takes care of them…

God did this to my body.. That God is the People and thier Beliefs which has fed the Evil which Priest of Voodoo Shamans who sent Durek Verrett to Istanbul to summon me…

Dzidula Offiong See the meaning of your name…
The Eternal truth moving through you which is the only truth I pay attention to since Humans Love to lie…

Dzidula — Conqueror Victorious Victor.. that is the meaning in Ewe Langauge…

C V… Chukwuemeka Victor….

I presented my C.V to the World… Curriculum Vitae…
Anthoy Malgren Avatar Descendant of Nnamdi was was in bed 5-009… 59…
‘Emeka Anozie E A linked to Isabelle Ilic..
E I… 5 9…

Emeka means “Praise Hallelujah..
Anozie means “We have found a perfect place to settle to land”

Recall what I recounted that Kassin “Victor” Hudson said yesterday… That today was his ex birthday and that he had no desire to ;land that he was content to stay in Orbit and was still getting used to maneuvering his space ship…Vehicle

8:22 p.m..
H V..

I am Harmony Victorious…

And it is Fritz Venneiq Nnamdi Avatar of my Son Song who allowed this play to go too far by doubting me Eternal Triuth and then seeing the mess of ages it made refused to come clean…
But on Face book he did so Twice publicly…
As did Isabelle Ilic did once privately because with her it was a private play…

Fritz Isabelle…
F I… 6 9…
Yes I am even wearing those Vans shoes with the number 69… and 80 19 and Letter P on it with Vintage and a Thunder Lightening Bolt on it…
M W.. 69.. Man Woman… Nnamdi.. 4-5 1969…
4.5 Billion years old Planet…

Offiong means Moon…

Hence Dzidula Offiong D O… Means The Victorious Conqueror… Father Moon…
” SINE… Cos Moves Everything….

R M R M. RM…. 5 2 10 19… R M 2-012… R M/KM 26…
The Room I pass through is Robert me . Robert Kyle Murphy 5-026… 5-08… 58….
8:33 p.m.

See sacred portal 33.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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