
This is the Art in my locker..

This is the Art in my locker..

This is the Art in my locker.. created months ago…
And has been evolving through the years..

Does that not look like Stephen FilgueiraStephen I have had that image a long while…

Isabelle IlicI this is my Hoodoo Vodoo response to the Secret inmates of the mystic arts of moving things objects, people minds and hearts even using a secret science I made transparent ..
Which is why they really wanted to make me suffer as no being has ever suffered.
You think I exaggerate?

You will see..
It all things manifest through a process unseen by the naked eye until manifest in completion.

Even to make a cake…it requires a process before you is in the form recognized as a Cake.

The power of Knowledge is in that if you know the process, you can go and interrupt it, meddle with it, deform it (as they do people children born with defects.. it is all chemicals drugs…from Space Universe which is broken down into elements ..
Link the Periodic Table.. P.T.
3:26 p.m
Really meant to be perfect timing..
The PT. .Circumpunct.

See the guy in red.. does that not look like you Stephen (and yes he is a beautiful looking man.. all the family of E are)

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