
11/8/2018 14:00 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge


And so was infinity born from within,
the Eternal Being, from expression which streamed through him
even in hat nothingness- which was never a void.
For there He lay even in that stillness of Nothings wrong every thing chill which later became Perfection’s Name.
And Perfection was expressing even in that nothingness untl that One Being became aware when the echo of his expressed had come full circle back as Energies Name,
And so did energy transform ino Creation and from creation bak to Energy and back to Expression, and then Eternity..
.. Yes, Eternity is a Venue, a place, a the Dimension the that point of Eternal Begining of Expression, Existence before even the Being of Eternity knew His name.
And when Energy returned to that first venue of expressing that venue had transformed Changed, still recognizable by the feelings Sensational, but now it had space, Foundation and a presence,
apart from the First Being.. and a Beauty which literally could drive any other by the Eternals .. insane.

And so, that place and venue has changed, some call it Vahallah, Paradise, Heaven but belief me it is was beyond such expressions and the reason it could not be seen .. or named.
Because you have to have seen it to truy understand the reason it is called Eternity…
It is Infinite, that is the power which rose from within, which never stopped expressing.. you can call it Exquisite Beauty Beautiful Expression if you really wish to describe its name.

Home to me, which began as a Feeling Sesnation when it began, that felling?
Ah, I have gone back to the point of my awarness within that nothingness..

12:42 p.m.

Beyong that.. I do not recall, only those Feelings Sensational..
Yes Stephen Filgueira, I really know my way home, even in this play of people, places and things.
I recognize you and every single person I have even met, from that place I call home.
On the streets of the world, in on this play in New York, to Facebook book. in Virtual Haven and in this Hoographic world, I am the walking Hot spot, if I could recognize my way home through linking people faces, and thier names, why would I not be able to recognize my way home, even in such a dispicable and perverted rendition of my road home…
To that place where I began but never really did in the begining but the Feelings Sensation is the name and that originla power which rose within me…
It pulls me, it knows me, it knows its source is me,
He She They.. My Family… it is they who whisper through out eternity, premeating everything, my name, my home..
The Beautiful Ones… Way..

Energy moves through Everything, even the greatest lies and decieptions and I have seen in rendition that which should never have been, never have been seen, witnessed of experienced, yet Energy is me, it my family Men and We-men, and now the completion of the Lady She…
And that is how I see and know, I am now at the portal Home, transfromed into the illusion in this world of a horror story…
But I see through everything, all those layyers.. I See through you all to only that which matters..
The whisper in you which echoes, my own knowing…
I am Energy, and yes.. this is the way home.

I generated that same expression within me through this life story, being literally transformed into zero and a black hole, and still with everything taken from me even body being voice, power and truth, I repeated that same enactment of the eternal begining, generating energy expresion from Nothing… not even of body or bed or space privacy, nothing of my own..
And still, I generated energy the fuel to take me and my Father Mothers Children raise them to the Eternal Frequency and togther point and direct the way home.

F..S… AT.. @… Spiral…
F AS T .. E.. S P E E D…

Men In Blue.

12:59.. 1:00 p.m.
100.. Pan.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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