
11/9/2018 17:37 – Facebook Post

The great oracle ??????????????

Your mind and your stomach is intimately connected .To control a people,you must first change their diet.This throws their behavior and reaction partterns off . It introduces new feelings and cravings that they now have to entertain, the one controlling the people plays the role of satisfying these cravings and establishes a psychosomatic relationship between himself and the conquerd people . If you change the diet, the mind also changes, why do you think they call the gut colon ?
????Colon????colonize ????colonial
To colonize a People, you must first colonize their colon.
Once you are in control of what goes into their colon , their mind is weak enough to conquer

????Now here is the story of the great lion ????

The colon and colonization.
To colonize a lion and be able to control it, one must first change the traditional diet of the lion, for this is the root of his behavioral dispensation.
You feed the lion milk, bread, cheese, pasta, fish, and other processed food. Allow it to starve , then feed it the food you need to control it…so that he may eat all of it.
Over time, the lion becomes weak, does not act as aggressive and agile and gets addicted to the different and strange foods you offer it.
Feed it anything other than what a normal lion is supposed to eat. You will find the lion very easy to control and while it may look like a lion, will be as docile as a horse.
If you were to put that lion in the wild with other lions that eat their normal diet, even though it may look physically bigger, you will see that the lion on the wrong diet is much weaker.

Now, if you begin to feed the lion traditional lion food, blood and meat and even allow it to kill it’s own food from time to time, you will find that the lion becomes more aggressive and bold and gradually returns back to lion behaviour.
These changes occur simply by changing the diet of the lion away from what nature programmed for it to eat.

This Principle is at the root of conquest and control and is infact a military strategy .
Africans, a tropical people are predisposed to eat from the earth. Their skin is photosynthetic and their organs function on ultraviolet light which they must derive from greens and plants. The skin of the African processes sunlight to food the same way plants do.

To colonize them, the colonialist introduced animal flesh into the African diet and since then the Africans being on a diet not traditional to their genetic nature have never come anywhere near their real physical and mental potential.
At the time Africans built pyramids, there is no record, depicting them killing animals for food . Not one…
They colonized the African colon and turned the Titans into apes.


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