
7:17 -18 p.m.

7:17 -18 p.m.

I just had a chat with Stephen Filgueira..

He is with Shambala- code of the young dude he went to pick up, and whose code I read by a synchronicity play from Tibet Himalayas Tibet, Nepal to my arriving here to see on T.V a documentary speaking about attaining Shambala.Paradise

The Boogie

Which he literally manifested.

And then to an expression about Sweat Lodges and the purification of the American Indian truths of cleansing purification..

Same as all ancient sacred spaces rites..

Right to my page

It was Helll..

Codes Witnessed as 47 by Victoria Jackson.. the code 47 everywhere.

Recall 44 she saw after our meeting and then yesterday and then me at 440 Asylum St.

And then they went to a portal of Bliss 44 then to Hell..

A terrible perversion.

Of that which is sacred ancient and the way through death..

Igbo GA. /AG

Ahuasca .. Ahu A.S C A.H.

Sacred rites

Rites of Passage to the Astral Plane


Surfing the Wave.

Recall me at the American Indian Circle of Statues

Scouts for Clara



Stephen Victoria


Kelsie Bissell..

To check my Truth.

After our talk…

I took a little walk weather nice .

Walked into this place 19 97..

My Body leapt with Joy, like I was in a game a testing by the 11 ..

And I got it right..

Elvis Presely..


Grace Land.


S.P 47… Hell is also us, and we are have made the He’ll of Misery and suffering you held onto for so long …

We have made it real.. now a fact for those of you to purify your Truth by walking through it and the few who survive that purging … and and the Will get to exist .. last prize.

16 is P.


License Plate


C T.V. 815

The Codes are Every Where..

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