
From Kathryn de Mente

From Kathryn de Mente

See my Sacred Portal 50… A Man Matador fighting the Bull, with tears in his eyes- because what he is really fighting is the resulting expression of Anger as Cruelty and Rage… at the Bull Shit.

See the Caves

In 1609, Henry Hudson discovered what is now known as the Hudson River. In 1940, near Montignac, France, the prehistoric Lascaux cave paintings, believed to be 15,000-17,000 years old, were discovered by four teenagers who stumbled upon the ancient artwork after following their dog down a narrow entrance into a cavern

Minotaur Legend at the bottom of a Maze.

birthed by a Queen.

See the Apis Bull..

Taurus – May 5th Month..

Woman and the Bull- Her Strength…

Matador taming the bulls Rage at the color Red.. First Color…

First note Do..

The Power of the bul according to Legend is that it is the Sun of Poseidon…Neptune… P N… 16 14…30… CO… C F…

Christoper means Follower of the Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme.

The Power of Nature, as the Ocean…

Can Woman be tamed?

Hephaestus and his Wife Aphrodite Venus.

A V!

Alexa Vertefeuille. A V.

Alex Vidaud A V…

Hephaestus the Black Smith – Inventor God and Genius..

The creator of the Maze…

Eddies Current… water waves.. air waves…

Who understood the Nature of Woman.. recognizing her in Himself…

and thus did he tame the Ocean and like mist, now longer just Ocean by understanding her, did she lighten up… to become Aphrodite rising from the Sea,,,

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