
9:06 p.m.

9:06 p.m.



I am perfect timing


But each one is allowed to assume what they like when I acknowledge the Eternal Source moving through them.

I recognize it because I manifested all of these fractals ..

I am recognizing my own Supreme Expresion moving through another.

The Examination which some call a Test

T E. S.T

T S. .. E.T

Tree Sage E.T..

Estas Tonne.

Are those human Avatars who male claim and owner ship of that force moving through.them.

Each of these people Avatars are chosen because they have the potential in the future to actually become that rep of that expression embodied.

But there must be Humilty of knowing that is not you who are its Source or Creator..

And that my showing you how to align to that force. My ability to Name it as it moves through you, recognizing it, showing you how to rose to it through learning through Hindsight ..

Makes me it’s obvious author.

But to.my amazement nearly all I do this process with start off very humble but then as I acknowledged my family and former expression moving through them and then encourage the Avatar to link with it by my building their confidence and abnegating myself as Its Source, was not because I am not aware of my being its Source, was because it would get in the way of the person’s having the confidence to ascend to that which they feel is impossible ( but which they have also entertained ) that they could be this Beautiful

Yes the Nnamdi play in the Eternal Beginning


But too.many became so arrogant concurred and began to a man challenge me who.brought it to their awareness



How can you make claim for that which you did not create nor were you aware of it until I showed you the play and made you aware..

Without my recognition you do not Exist or that in you does not exist because you did not even know..

And even if you suspect that you have to.make it rise alone as I did and recognize that it is your Teacher and Sensie.

You would not require me to teach you how to.read as I taught the f irsr class in 2011 at Akil Apollo Davis home at Class On Avenue Brooklyn to Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

Evan ALexander Judson

Rachel McWilliams

Altar Art Science

Sacred Portal Science

The E Consciousness

And the Codes of how to read the Matrix and see the Unseen play

Unicorn Pegasus

The same play which I was in for 29 years which stripped me of everything 3-20-2001 so that I would exemplify how it is done..

They even stripped me of memory ..

But of course they could not wipe me clean of memory

Is this not.the most insane play ..?

9:27 p.m

To bring Magic back into the World.

Not through Magic Mushroms

But through

H .U… M M.

Sound Music make magic

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