
11/4/2015 17:56 – Facebook Post

11/4/2015 17:56 – Facebook Post

From Jonathan David Frechette

“How quickly we forget”

No words have rung truer in my own experience of this play in which so many were given proof of a Presence had created a set up- using the Human belief systems as a Basis to communicate its presence and point of view.

How is it people forget, that which I could never forget.

Why do people forget?

…Lessons, experiences, revelations…

And yet those who were at the other end of these “outrages” , these lessons, and the messengers called the Reminders, who can never forget.

And the Unseen force behind the symmetry of experiences created so that we learn these lessons, observes those who easily forget and those who never forget…

This question plagued me for many years as I witnessed the horror, those who did not forget, pass through the realms of those who chose to forget..

I came to understand that it is a choice..

That some people are so impacted by the Truth that they are moved to the very “Warp Core and Coil” and other who chose to forget by not allowing the lesson or revelations move them, in fact they will not only pay lip service, then deny but stand up and defend their stance…

This morning, as each morning, I contemplated the Exquisite Horror of my Consciousness and circumstances…

The depth of Hatred I can not deny has been the response to sharing the memories of We Are Not from here…
Wake up…

I could perceive the full scope of my being “moved” to present this equations and riddles of Existence on Face Book, each day I look back on my life experiences which has led me to Face Book and this work.
And here at 18 Mountain View- the end of my entire life’s undercover mission to prove that there is no such thing as Forgetting….
That there is memory, collective memory, memory in our D.N.A, memory in our muscle movement, memory called our Conscience, Memory and lesson to remind us everywhere we go in this life of who we are…
23 Years later, I am completing a 44 month riddle of existence before an entire world whose majority chose to forget..
Turning the most exquisite play of the Evolution Awakening into the Horror and nightmare it has become for me personally, a burden of responsibility for my choosing not to Forget, our true Nature, where we really come from, but the Anchor of it all not forget our C of Truth…Our Sol who knows, and who affirms that even deep undercover, we may deny, claim we forget..
But it tells us it is a lie, for we never forget that which is important to us…

What we remember and what people choose to forget- reflects the Nature of being each has chosen…

And I look at my body, 14 years of carrying this condition of A literal Conscious Intelligence in me which even if I chose to ignore this play which I can read the patterns since I was a child, and which I found what I felt was the impossible, an outside influence moving me to this path of which my choosing not to forget all the evidence, revelations, experiences…
I saw the truth of each experience, saw that they formed and pattern and then began to link it, and saw I could read it. And that it would then Echo affirm response and suddenly I was in a conversation..
Which pieced all the pieces together to bring back Full Memory of the “mission”
which I refused to do because I was aware of the Truth of this world..

“They will slaughter me, they will not listen to me…”
I ran and fought and struggled, even as many have witnessed to this very day..

But this morning, as every morning I struggled with the truth of my circumstances, its implication and meanings and what I have endured, been put through by those who Chose to forget…

Even though there is not one person whom I have met in the last 26 years when I left University and began recording my constant “Strange Encounters”- who did not have the knowledge and even awareness and revelations which I had…

I saw that they had chosen Indifference, pleading Ignorance, and that they are blind and could not see..
That they are weak, not brave,…excuses..

But is the awareness of the sheer depth of Hatred which my awareness and Humanity reminds me each morning, which I can objectively conclude and which I can literal feel at the price I have personally paid, and so many others have paid for honoring their “Divine” Revelations and allowing them selves a Pause so that that “Moment of Truth” M.O.T (Tom) may sink in..

What we have understood witnessed and Experienced..

But I have understood that the experience I am going through is not personal to me, though the depth of hate to give this experience to anyone, is the reason I can understood why I feel that the response of my not forgetting and having it move me so deeply that I may have fought to not do what the consequence of my not forgetting had given me..
..I knew that this is the Source of True Hatred…

I feel the hatred of all the beings who were made Victims of such events as Sandy Hook.. S.H..E..
Who were so confident in the Truth of the Human species, that their deaths will never be forgotten, or the abomination done to their life’s and their experiences reflecting the Human Cause and Effect link..
Witnessed that there was no real, justice, no lesson learnt and then even worse, when learnt, forgotten at the drop and a hate and often even banalized and even denied that it ever occured..
Basically arguing out of Existence the Horror done to the lambs, the purest part of human beings, being destroyed my the most bestial cruel aspect of Humanity – no longer can we even call them Human Beings…

My journey to reach my home consciousness was turned into a Shamanic Voyage without my even being aware at first..
A powerful witch doctor who walked the song lines of the World Spirit..

All I experienced was the Hatred of those who beings who had been forgotten inspired by those who Choose to forget..
The Callous and the Indifferent… Selfishness
The Inspirer’s of Hatred…

The Ones Truly Hated by the Spirits of the Dead who cried for Vengeance and who hatred for the world and people who chose to betray the Past the Present the Future by choosing to forget to pay attention to their moving through you, creating condition patterns, seeking to capture your attention so that you can see and understand that you are in a play and have to fulfill a purpose larger than simply you…

I woke up to see 18 Likes…
Sandy Hook…

I am at 18 Mountain View,
Upstate New York,
Sacred American Indians…

I can feel the Hatred, of the Natural World
the True Children of Nature who existed here…
The ones who chose to remember who they are by what they focused thier attention on, what moved them, what was important and the priority…of Life.. and then I look at the Conquerors… and the Indifference to that way of Life..
calling they the Natural Ones- Barbarians…
Excusing the abomination they did to this sacred Land,
to Mother Africa, to all that is sacred and Holy…

And I have that experience myself personally and I have understood that in Truth I have been caught in the Spirit realm on my way home and while weaving – that I have been caught in a War of Hatred of the Natural world against the Unnatural world…who are the inspirer’s of Hatred because they chose to Forget what is Important, what is foundation..

And they wished Justice and Vengeance by making me experience
the “White Man” who is actually hated more by the dead ( including those of the “White” Caucasian race, who secretly hate their “own kind” because they know the truth and have experiences by being of the same “race”- just of evil that consciousness has become and infected their “race”- who only really consider themselves the Human Beings and their Source Mother – as Apes of inferior intelligence)
than any other race.

Which affirms my vision of flying as an 8 year old boy to witness a council of Kings and two Queens- ascended Beings, each representing a the apex of Human Understanding and Intelligence of the History of human existence in this time line; in sitting in council to find a way to bring the “White Man” their beloved brothers and sisters back into the fold. But could not penetrate the wall of their Angers and thirst for vengeance of their experience of Africa and why they had to migrate…
Because they were different.. because they who first appeared as Albinos were not suited to the climate and the environment..
That they felt that they had been kicked out of the Garden of Eden…
But there was a reason that they were created that way and purpose which was to build a United State of being…America.. A.M ERIC-AH….


This was all played out on Face Book and affirmed through others that my experience what I knew was the Truth…

They wished to res-establish Pangea…
And many will recall in that realm my Grand Mother and my mother appeared in different from that I knew my mother at least ( I had not met my Grandmother by then since we still lived in Canada and had my siblings and I knew next to nothing about Africa Nigeria or even our Kin)..
My Mother had elected me to go undercover in that world to forge a path through the rage of that realm who had built a wall around their Hearts.. and become Conquerors and Enslavers.
They came back to enslave the world which has rejected them…

But this was not the truth…
This was cause and effect of the erosion in Africa of Memory..
and the sacred Covenant…Between man and ‘God- Harmony- Nature.

But in the Story I have been in it is not only the Ascended Masters who sought Pangea Peace in the World at all costs that they in turn have inspired my personal first experience with unweildly movement of Passion exploited to inspire a Hatred so awful…
It is also the Spirit of Dead- the innocent, who died, just as my younger brother died at the hands of an injustice and violence and play in which had nothing to do with them..

The Illusion called Memory and “Forgetfulness”.. Forget Fullness of Life and focus on creating misery and suffering-Purgatory, Vomitoriom…
And so the innocent waited for their “Sacrifice” on the Altar of Human progress and evolution…
And it inspired a fire of hatred so great that they could no longer control thier rage as the witnessed the expression given in return for that sacrifice…
And the fire grew into a wild fire which they had not intended it to become- but not matter how pure you are, as we all know to dwell in Hatred for too long will in turn contaminate the purity of your sol and the true righteous cry of indignation and justice by this Consciousness way of thinking linked to the “White Race” but which I personally have experienced exists in all race color and creed..

The Caucasian instead of reflection Spectrum-Nature- Black-Brown- Tree-B-ark resin- Throat- 5th Chakra- 5th Element ( Donny Osmond- Donnell, Donald Brown Black World Wielder..) to Caucasian-Cloud 9 Consciousness-White Evanescence Light- Z-ion, Do re me fa sol la ti Do..
The Venue of Venus- the Promised Landing of the Brightest Star…
The Consciousness of Beauty Truth Love Sex Sensuality…

But the Hatred I have witnessed and Given to experience by the Spirit Memory Experience of the Innocents, The Naturals whose purity was tarnished by the outrage which became as an All consuming Fire ( Which believe me, I have truly experienced) which became that uncontrollable hate by those who chose to Forget, that which is important and Natural to life…Aligning themselves to Nature by Being Natural, suddenly turned into the darkness, the Blackness who having witnessed that there is no Justice in this world and thus, no God- Took matters in their Hands by looking the wrong way- looking backward at thier experience instead of moving forward to the Light..
Became consumed with Vengeance at what was done to their offering to the world and human evolution…
A thirst which took them over and by surprise ( as was my experience) of by the intensity of it turning fro Righteous Anger and Passion into Hatred…powered by belief that they had been so wronged.
By those who chose to forget..Who declare in that act of Forgetfulness, forgetting when they were down and how their “prayers” were answered and they were given all they need..
Demanded more and more, without even meriting it or being grateful or even simply acknowledging the gift.. But even going as far as to Negate their gift to Non existence, to forgetfulness and yet at the same time making the thier slaves..
By taking the knowledge given to them such as Natural remedies and turning it into large Pharmaceutical Companies used to poison the people..

The Hatred inspired by the Indifferent to the suffering of others, the experiences of others went through to bring them a cure to their cause and effect diseases of being Unclean…
Hatred that these beings who chose to forget while exploiting the knowlegde gained at such cost…
The Inspirer’s of Hate.

This experience of my life from an early age, the experience of the last 26 years, and the daily experience and Hell of the greatest play and my lifes work being regulated and brought to such a forum and such a play- where by I wake up knowing that I am experiencing a reception of Hatred from those Innocents who wish to rationalize their experience and why they transformed by the Fire which overwhelmed them, surprised them of Hatred for the World…and their descendants,by giving me that experience to see if I too would come to their point of reasoning and excuse for transforming into such Hate..
And then there are the “Ascended Master” wishing Pangea at any cost that that they moved a Being to Endure such an experience- to bring Peace through this mission they created to succeed at any cost who are the ones who this overwhelming hatred I conquer each day- is directed at.

Each day I wake up, looking at my life, my body and the response to this Offering, the Hatred feels as if it is directed personally at me, and each day I fight my way from walking away from a play which would go so far demand so much to being an Awakening A,M..Dawn…

Until I solve the riddle of the insult done to my Life and my Offering in this insulting Face Book play, is not directed at me personally but at the Blameless blaming the ones pretending to be Lame- and La Me!
And the Worst the ascended masters or the ancients- acting out the cause and effect of the combination of the Pure Hearted ad the Evil and Cruel Hearted..
And the Evil hearted and Indifferent, infecting the pure transforming them in turn to the cruel of heart..
And the Ascended Masters (A lie) being the merging of the two…who are of the highest representatives of Human Existence who are the cause of the Evil beyond because they had adopted the incorrect Focus and point of view…
and principal…

An awakening at all cost..
making a trinity of black holes of entering non Existence.. literally…
the worst nightmare, I assure you for I have lived each point of view and the three black holes as well as the Whole in one– Ground as Zero..
Nothing to stand upon except a Vacum sucking off Hatred which seeks to suck you in..

This I realized was my experience, the awfulness of this play and my life experience of sharing, caring… for the Truth..
has nothing to do with me but my simpling being given the experience in walking in the Unseen realms you had created and the three in one called this world..

189O…A.H.I.O…Ah Balance! A Harmony Infinity O Circle of perfection of Symmetry…!

This is the correct view and NEWS.

But instead the Spirits- a muscle memory- is instead posting still the true reasons why it hated Humans and their self created point of view… Unnatural..

Yet the foundation and blue print of Existence is the ground which I stand on..
Earths Truth..
Heavens Truth..
Middle Earth’s Truth
This Worlds Truth…

Not on the 1 2 3 points of view which amounted to 3 in 1= 4 =Zero a black hole.

I exist in none of these points of view..
I have experienced them,, even at times thought they were the cause of my point of view..my consciousness, the response to my proof..

But looking at this face book play which aligns with numbers on the pages, face book friends, names.. One can see that there is someone fighting a program set up and quietly transforming it into his point of view…
and not the experience of a Hatred (Self Hatred) beyond Existence (Hence the ground Zero Black Hole Flushing Anus as mouth expression)..
It is Self Hatred..S.H..Sand-y Hooks…S.H…
Because one thing is to deny the truth..
but its is another thing to live with the truth of what you are and what you have done even if it is known (you think) to you..
But everyone knows this is not true..
Everyone has a sense that not only within but outside of you..
Big Brother or Sister.. or Some Supreme thing is watching you..
And it is you who must wake each day to look in the mirror and see in the reflection the Truth of you..and you must live with that knowledge of you every day of your life and now even to the “Great Beyond”…

Hence Paranoia…”Everybody knows”
Self Hate… Lashing Out…Defense Expanded Denial..
Davids Stone Peter..D.S..P
Pierre David…

lode stone drags you down..

but the corner stone of Existence “Grace” brings you home..

“Justice Vengeance is mine said the Lord”

had to be played out before I could finally go home..
For it is the World as Callous and Indifferent who raise themselves higher than others =- even with the purest intentions who are the Source of the Evil beyond evil, from top to bottom but not from the sacred place within…

Sacred World Earth Planet Universe Milky Way H.I.Eternity all is the sacred inviolable space which comes from within…
Where nothing can turn your pure truth and pure intentions..
as exemplified by the use of my life to reflect.. and response to this unwholesome play..

Your perception not mine….

Within is literal…

African American Indians…

119…. 911…

Sacred portal 121 A.B.A…That is the correct view of the Play and the Creamy Way…

Code name Cecilia Wiebers…C.W…Double UU Double VV…
2121..24…22 22…44… Where is 23…?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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