
4/2/2019 17:13 – Facebook Post

4:10 p.m

Yes, I know this truth

And also this notion of my being alone
And what people assume and do when they think that you are standing alone.

I saw the time twice yesterday and today which registered 3;23…and 2:32 pm.
In Mackayla’s dream vision she was told by a woman that the Shift had taken place on the 23rd of March
And that Judgement Day ( J.D) was over.

For the last 18 yrs and especially the last 7, I found myself alerting all the people I found myself led to, to choose.

I found that my role includes providing people all the Evidence and Facrs of The Evolution Awakening and of a Presence.
Each then was given time ( at my expense) in which I was to provide evidence so each could make a choice.

If they accept the evidence and facts or if they reject it.
It was never my role to convince anyone- though, sometimes the love I felt for certain people made me fight too much for them and of course, get hurt when they do not choose what I have been compelled forced to complete this mission and trained so brutally to provide the evidence that all is fact and True.

That has been the most heartbreaking part of the script, over and over again while knowing each person choice from the moment we meet, because I recognize each from before.

Esteban Steven was the last person and portal of which He and all his dimension had to choose.
That was the play which took place on March 5th at Stephens portal 29.

It’s has been exhausting and cruel to me personally and even to the Actors..

But it is over, that Judgment Day, in which a Script and Play ( Enders Game) was devoted to allowing people to choose, not only down on the ground but also up in Mind as Cyber Space.

That is why, I suppose my Body has begun to loosen and the pain is becoming less and less..
Because I am at the Completion of a mission which was an act of Infinite Compassion so that each person could have in clarity the evidence and facts before making a decision

4:43 p.m

I never expected people to believe me, ( O wouldn’t) but I did expect them to be moved by the Evidence and Facts.

Now I am at the difficult part, the part which has traumatized me through this 29 yr play.
Which is the knowing and yet waiting..
For the next move, but this time there is no moving to another person’s portal, this time it’s about a life times mission at End.

I was aware here, through reading the Script and what I have been resolving that despite its clarity that so few are paying attention or taking me, or this Script seriously.
Which is in Itself a choice of which each has Free Will.
I am aware that people initially are super responsive but become resistant and challenging when they do not see immediate results or Power…

I was not allowed to follow my own heart and had to adapt to simply being a Man.
And I wondered the point of the Script which was making me move through People who I already knew what they would choose.

I played a simple messenger and the only power I was able to access is the one generated by my own Self Love
And Self Truth.

I am tired… saddened by this Script and the necessity of such a Script to alert Humanity to their evolution and the species extinction.

Armed with only Truth and Love.

T L.

6 years
2019. 7 years


I used to cry out to the Heavens “Why Me?
Why have you given me such a role,
Why do you hate me so much?”

And It’s response was ” Because you can do it”

“Do what.. I asked.

Obviously, I now know the answer to that only full revealed in the End
E John of Revelations
Book “Bible” Legend.

5:11 p.m


5:13 p.m
E M.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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