
10/9/2018 12:42 – Facebook Post


rom Facebook Memories… 8 years Ago!!!

This is Chris Franco…. Line of my mothers energy.

You can go back 3 years on teh script on my page which shows the story of how we met through Nikoma Rios who was babysitting him.
He was a kid at the time, 2002/2003 and living in the same building as Nikoma-who was living in Chelsea, in an apartment X.

He was the one, who saw through what I was realy going through and described it as my being forced to repeat a story of which I had already done and cleansed.
An unnecessary suffering and torment imposed by repeating a play I had done before of those who I already knew would betray the Eternal Truth because they never rose the first time when i passed through the Spirit/ Mind realm when Nature was being born…
I wrote the story and recounted it all to the Invisble realm in this re-eanctment of that which was already created and manifested.
These “Spirits” represented being- possibilities which could not ever rise because they refused the principal of harmony.

He move to Hartford Connecticut..
and Berry Becky Berry Becky who is also of the line of the E undercover brought him to New York one night to speak with me.
We met up at Balthazaar – 80 Spring street- but then moved to 78 Spring Street – StarBucks…

Yes the ine of Starbucks.. The Sea… Siren… Star Bucks… Harry Potter- the Magical beings of Harmony…

Notice the 8 years we have been Facebook friends.

When they came I had to ask for money code because that is the rites and rituals of the Shamanic realm, the Witch Doctors, Dibias. Voodun Priests and Mystics…
But it is not the realm of Magic… the magic came from the magical beings the Line evolving back to E who came undercover ( through the Subconscious) to help evolve Human Children ( H.C), who represent the Body- to Eternal Youth… Which could only be done by linking Eternal Light ( The Soul, note of Sol! 5th, and the Soles of ones feet- The Journey) to Eternal Truth ( The Body is Truth which becomes Fact when it aligns to the frequecy of the original Earth frequecny 5-28 Hrtz represented by Nadee Nakandala born 5-28… and Fritz Venneiq line
* who buy the way just sent me a message after I have been calling out where the devil had he gone after arriving in perfect harmony with Roger Attaway and Stephen Filgueira.

He is the line of Nature, and his value was in that everything which was happening to me as I crossed the Mystics Realm as the E, he was experincing as I, the same thing but in this material realm.
* He stated that he is leaving the Town he has been in because he said the have been using his Energy and swindling him … a Town which sapped his energy. He aplogized because he said he was distracted.
Smh… sigh.. if the family had stayed in communication alot of the suffering would have been avoided- But I understand the Distraction – that is they literal evidence I have succeeded in presenting to the world from the movements of my body being medddled with, to the my movement through this world, to the frequencies I ws picking up, to the rooms at Delta Manor…to Mind Control.. Wichcraft as Dark Magic…

The whole world is now becoming aware of something meddling with the natural order of everything from World Politics, to how you see, what your are being forced to focus on…
– yes the money play was meant to Highlight that… Using monet need..

But the distraction was not caused simply by people in power- it was in thier uses of Dark Magic- Illusions..
Distration, and this distraction is what is called Witch Craft… War Locks… So many of these people in power went to Dibias, Shamans, The Ancient Rituals were enacted of ancient Voodun-
What is Voo doo but te ability to move things people through Sound and Vibrations…?
Imagine using that in the subatomic level, using the subconscious and soud which you can not hear, but which animals can- and this sub sonic ultra sound can wreck havoc on your awareness…
Recall Zombies?
That is real…
It is what was being slowly done to Humanity.

11:28 a.m,
Ha.. My Birthday… The “Synchronicity which Kyle Murphy explained so brillantly and so simply that I stepped back to stare at him,
The same Synchronicity which Susan O.Nelso challenged but by using the Dark Magic of vieled intention…
* She was still linked to the Mother Earth and Goddess cult despite her Eternal Truth being in perfect harmony..
– that has been the great war- you lived, the battle with your Selves…
But there was no real battle with the Ego- the Ego is pure and is a self projection of who you are.. truly are. And is meant to be constant in Stillness in Action Motion and in Manifestion…
As Ethereal, Elemental, Embodied.. E E E.. C . Constant and aligned.
5 3… 555 15..6… 63…
1163 Facebook Friends.. Portal 13 Astrological Sign.. The Only MAN.
That is is the portal…
11-29-1963…Kasien Thompson.. K.T… KT Lockett…
Anthony Manino.. ( I saw him now on my way back) Little Jesus with Dread Locks…

Essence- Perfume-Incense-Being and Body…
Stillness Spirit ( Action Motion Expression Gestures) Solid…

Rooms 5 3… 4 5 … 44… =8….

8 Years.

Chris Franco C.F.. 3 6../ 6 3…
Frtiz is age code 36… C.F/ F.C… Circle Filled – brings First Contact with your Eternal self.

I walked through the Realm of Mind Brain Memory called the Spirit Realm where the Illusionist and Spell caster and Binders- the beings of secret societies secret knwoledge used Sacred Knowledge meant to be shared and made transparent to all..
Such as making Hogwarths school of magic known to all but only those who pass the examination can get in. But all know it exists and all know and are aware of what they are studying.
But such was not the case, just as your governments keep secrets from you.

* There was a recent article in about how senior staff at Google resigned when they discovered certain facts about what they were being asked to create and wor on…

This secrecy became a powerful tool, to create fear, speculation and the use of Dark Magic,- the power of sciences which the masses did not even understand, the preyin of peoples insecurities, the taking away of basic requirements which give peace of mind, the uses of Chemicals Opiods drugs, lies, hypnotism, propaganda, and most of all Soud and Language…
I was a slaughter.. they were manipulating the public on a scale that they were re-wiring your brain functions and literally making you beg to feed of Your humanity in exchange for comforts and becoming machines zombies and living death….

This was real..
And the Evidence which I have brought you ( which you still have not grasped the true implications .. because you have been distracted..)
Just as you have no idea just how badly the programs created for Humanity evolved the Nazi Cruelty and experiments to a point beyond Belief… Nazi’s I use not only to refer to that historical enactment but to all acts with the same intent, recorded through out Human History…
The Arts of Cruelty Pain Torture, Domination and Absolute Control of another person, and ultimately the World…
Psycho- Logical War Fare… Fare as in your daily bread…

Dawn Piercy
Isabelle Ilic doyou recall the code of daily Delivery?

Isabelle Ilic contaced me today and all went in harmony…
The code moved from 180 to 380…
from R my bed to C.H.O… Consciousness Harmony having been now confirmed as having been reached Full Circle… O…
C H O… I C E… And that it is a CHOICE… To I Cee U..
I Consciousness Existence….
Not Imigration Control Enforcement… keeping people IN…and Out
Not allowing the Natural migration flow of People… The Elegant Nomads.. In and Out like Breath, Breathing… ‘I can not breathe1
Isis Osiris.. So through movement action the World circulates, people are meant to circulate… Resources are meant to be distributed to all …
Bretixt was the correct concept…
That is how to get to the eternal realm through motio of Mind and Body…

Just as was in the Eternal Beginning… those who chose to Rise became Eternal Light but that act of being moved and rising to the Music .. other refused and thus became the Eternal Stillness of Potential from which the body could be formed – but it had to be purified, rid of all that which could not be, and that which had refused to rise before, by watching the play but not being able to participate- but were allowed to appear as Nature and watch the play.

Some understood and moved through material evolution to begin the journey called Time while others brooded with hate and terrible intent and plans….

12;04 p.m.

L O D…

D. O L… Door Of Life….. Sacred Portal 43.

The Play has ended with D.I… Dawn Piercy and Isabelle Ilic

Caprice Ellene Quinn
Angela Marie Alexander
Anthony Bienke
Ogonna S Omocrafts
Kachy Ihem
Esther Uzoma
Melvin Er-er
Brandon Su
Goat O…
David Powers
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Angela Dawn
Brittany Mightbe
Roger Attaway
Michael Rogers
Michael Love
Kristina Michelle Womack
Sarah Lagrange…
Lisa Levine
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
Chibuzo Okolo
Patrick Okolo
Dean Dunkwu
Dean Rodd
Eric Lile Brown
Will Hunnitpercent Real

There is a quiet a list of people whose portals I passed through over the years..
I have not forgotten any of them, and I have written your names and what your played out on this script and bok of records which forms that Eternal Light merged with the Eterna Truth…
E.T. E.L… E.T.L… E.. 2012… 32… ( Bed 3-002… Emeka Kolo Micheal Belle-VU… (Busayo Alonge 22:21. V U) E..
E M . K.B….
/ B K… M E…

Do you recall the Code B.K… Bilal Khan

* Hurricane Micheal is arriving…
Micheal O linked to Kyle Murphy and to my Family M O.
OM.. Power of Perfection Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic..D


The portal closes and ends with Isabelle…..

I took 3 u.s.d. and 20;00 from Berry Becky Berry Becky…B B B B .. 2222=8.

44= 8…

Chris Franco… 8 years…
3 And 20… 3 20….
E E .. T.L… 2012… 32…. 5…E….
E E E… 15… 6… F.

I found when I saw this picture I saw Michael Frazer M.F..whom I loved as the same line as my Brother Mike Obumneme Ndubisi ( Boom Boom)
M O N…
N O M…

Micheal and Friz were step brothers…
Christ Fritz Micheal…

12:42 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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