
4/3/2019 21:34 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins
Sacred Portal 48
Beautiful Death B.D
2 4
Is Transformation

It happens to Every Thing, Every Where, Every One…
And it manifests in the blink of an eye.

And that is how evolution awakening manifest
In a blink of an eye, the everything transforms in perfect timing after everything converges to.the point.

It is not a Miracle
Not really
… but then what is a Miracle?
If not the mystery revealed, worked on for eons, back stage beyond the viel.

Putting everything in order, and in this case the Plan E.T was manifested through This Script which was corrupted and thus had to be cleaned up of Humans whom In call the Naturals
Children of Naturalness whose sum total of expression through the seven stages of man called Time, rising to understand the Art and Science of Creation, and then through that understanding which they link to their Divine Oh God like nature.
D O G. By Being and consequently Doing
First from D the 4 Square Stage, Full Circle in clarity of the Idea of why we are here ( to resolve the equation of Harmony)
And then once more doing the same equation inverse G O D.. 7th Chakra Grace “Ijeamacca”
From the Vision seen full Circle from above and then descending down to the stage to enact out that vision of Harmony Perfection
19 84…S. D.H.

Whose portal is represented Esteban Filgueria
His codes 8-16-1984
8 is H
16 (88) Perfection
48 19 16 8
48 flips to 84 ..85. 86…87.
Transformation of D.N.A to D.N.E.

Aria! Dne
End A.I.R! Of A the Awakening.

Age code 34.
34 C D.
50 to 5th State Hawaii Connecticut

29 his portal and his representation that though blocked from understanding The Script- ( just as I was) so as to demonstrate the purity of the Eternal having always moved on H.P Harmony Perfection and in Supreme Instinct Awareness of Harmony comes through Devotion with out Deviation to the Rebellion with a worthy Cause.

From Here to Eternity
East of Eden
James Dean
Judgment Day.

Esteban asked me some very intelligent questions today.
One of which was about a person who enacted out bad manners, and how could he be in Harmony
The initials of the Two characters formed the code S.D ..E D

But they were in Harmony, but was is Harmony?
To the E or to the Human Script?
It’s is both really
Harmony to the E Script and the Human Script means that the E.T in you ( God in you and outside of you- both your guides and sources of Inspiration and Ahhhh! And Awe), means that your Naturalness is fluidly linking through a passage of time, and Space into
E.T and N..
Eternallyl True Nature
Naturally Eternally True
N E T /
T E N.

Meaning you flow naturally without even any Awareness to where you had always were destined to return to Eternity simply by being True to your Essential Nature.
Which comes effortlessly to you

Then there are those who are moved by the Script of Human Evolution H.E
*attained by reaching the portal of Thomas Lang and Liberty as aligned to John and Mckayla once more through Esteban Steven.
All through his six sense.

The bad manners shown, is not about its perpetrator but rather a reflection given back to Stephen since I came to Connecticut through his portal and Every One reflects him.
His Truth and that what is false, and he in turn is playing a role of being the Truth of the Worlds Human Children in the Western world linked with the ancient world Old and New.

And in turn he is expressing this Worlds point of view and at the same time the Truth of the Eternal Knowing E.K.
As 6th Sense in all things.

And that by playing such a role and blocked from understanding the codes on my page, but doing what came naturally, from sponsoring me, providing shelter and resources, linking me to all the people in a Script which he was and has been intentionally I finally got that confirmation- of his being highest self staying quiet so.he would used to prove that even with person’s of grounded nature of this world and without any Supernatural powers or Awarenes is perfectly aligned to the Eternal Script.
Proving to Humanity “Emmanuel Nnamdi.”.
That the Lord and Father was always present moving in each and every one of you.

And that all that was required was that you stay true to your Naturalness Child Truth- children have the innate nature of being Truthful Honest and Fair
They represent Equality
Without even being Aware.

7:06 p.m
7 O 6 …7. 66. 73 / 37
10 10. J J
20 T


D G. OO. ..GD.

4 7. OO ( 66) 7 4

In 2006 I met Albert Santana at 268 East 4th Street
He was born 1974 and his mother who had just passed away was born 1947.

4 7 in this Script links to Thomas Lang and Olivia cousin of Mckayla.

74 was the bill for some stuff I selected 274.26 usd today.

This just as my mother was born in 1947
47 is 11
47 is x 28.

The birth year code I used before I went through portal of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix last portal of death was yr of birth 1966.
Before it resolved by my passing the tests of Death Nature as Numbers
( Shelters like prison even more so is all about bed numbers unlike prison where you are a number…
In Shelters your are represented by a Bed Number and that is your I.D- a Bed to rest…)
After which I passed through Donna O Sullivan D O S. ( Delta Operating System) D.S
And and Jonn Blackwell ( J.B… Delguidce J.D
Jonn and Donna
In 2016 and on completing my stay of 9 months returned to the portal of the Shelter to Delta Manor Shelter from bed 007 on my return J.B and then to Delta to a play which lasted 27 months.

27 is the Sunshine State
Josh By-water J.B.
The guy ballet dancer James Whiteside on my Altar looks so much like him

27 is the Sunshine State Florida

That is where everything in this Script has aligned to 27..A-Z End
A-A ressurection through passing through the End and you rise either to the Sunshine Stare or you never rise at all.

There is only One state in which you can rise and that is by having embodied no matter what the Eternal Sunshine State the Wave Length of Eternity.
Which does not mean you do not have the right to get angry or feel.rage or become a destroyer but it is lighter ( and more deadly) because it is for those people playing illusions who try to intentionally move you from that Sunshine State.

7:27 p.m
And when I entered the Shelter when I returned from J.D portal
Yes Judgement Day
J D. 10 4..
See sacred portal 10 and 4
And 104 “Terrible Death”
I entered with the age code 1967 and was passed through which is very very difficult in.this system..
The computer changing your yr of birth by your say.
And so when I completed my 27.momths and passed through to link with.Stephen who invited me here, I had to completed 67 to reach at last 68

Sixth Sense is Harmony and then not only.prove it, but then prove that 68 is backwards and that it began as Backwards to go forward B F on Face Book, rep Forwards to go Backwards

2 6 6 2..
On my H P computer bought for 200 u sd by J.D and D’S.

Judgment Day is Dharma Santana Devi Supreme
David Roman Nicholas my Self and Nnamdi
11 22 1968

John MacDonald came in..
And for the first time a space was created for a conversation … the scene he is set up to play on the World Stage..
John of Revelations
Crowned “Esreban -Stephen.. Devi.

I can not write down all which took place
But I will sum it up in one word


9:33 p.m.

No more posting today

Good Night


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