
4/11/2019 17:32 – Facebook Post

4:35 p.m

John MackJohn just sent this
Recall the play and post yesterday, which brought Heru Macc as a Facebook Friend
And my stating and proven even through you all, that that I and the E Line Manifested Harmony as the Universe Harmonious M.H. 13.8 Billion years
And Earth 4.5 Billion years ago
And that Billion has 9 zeros really 9 full Circles called Planets..
Mercury/Hermes H to Pluto.
And the 1 3 8
Is M.H- Earth…Neptune.
M/E N.. H-M E N
And that Pluto as the 9th is the one I
Infinity Individual portal manifested by The Source ..The Created Designer …

And recall John Mack had a Dream where he was showing his sister H.M..Holly MacDonald H.M.. a sports car he had which could transform into a Space Ship.

Which then was followed by Ian Stewart arrival here I S
I S I S..
Middle name Partrick, whose name Ian Stewart links to same meaning as John Spencer..
And how he to spoke of his sister from out of the blue…
Her name Gentry he asked me about ..
See meaning of the name Patrick ” Patrician Noble Aristocratic ”
And Gentry meanung the Aristocracy The Noble lines are called the Gentry
Gentlemen and Gentle Women
Graceful Gracious John Ian. I. A.N/ N A..
Stewart is a Steward.. a Guardian.

Now see what John sent me at 4:31 pm
4 is Delta Heart Chakra
31 is 13/31. 44. 8
Sacred Portal Resurection Erection Building a New Reality.

Now link Nathaniel Thomas Bywater code O full circle of Natures True Being OHM Harmony is the name of his Partner a reflection of him.
He is Esteban Miguel Filgueira brother.
N E..

Link arrival of Neeon after H.M.

H M E..

4-11 links to Tree Sage born 11-4
Full Circle
T S whose name is Kim Arthur Hines
B A..
Kim means Gold.. California is called the Golden State.
Which is where N.T B lives.

T S. K A H.. N TB..
The Script The Source KA..H Ancient Egyptian Book of The Dead.
A Maze in the Pyramids of Egypt
Pans Labyrinth P.L / L.P vinyl on a Turn Table
Dee Jay..
4 10 ..Rays Birthday McKayla Rays Dads Bi

Thus N T B T S..
Energy Naturalness is True Transparency Being The Script T S
Of K A H..
11. 1. 8
Linked in perfect symmetry
( I.P.S)
To Harmony Infinity.

5:11 pm

To I.P Address Computer H.P (My Lap Top is a H P)
Linked to Stephen Filgueira born 8 16.

4 11…11 4 ..1987.. Christopher Filgueira
Tree Sage born 1987
Universe MW is classified as M87.
Sacred Portal 87 is Returning the World to Its Senses and Sensei’s.
Which signals the Transformation of the world and all Nature back to its True I.D.

411 = 15 ..Letter O.

H M.E 87

What is missing was the O
H O M E ..

Home is beyond T S
Time and Space
Tree is on the 2nd Floor meaning he was representing a Story 12 A-B
A-Z which had to evolve and be resolved to The it’s Meaning and point


J = B
J.B. I ( Josh By-water brother of Nathaniel)
Sacred J is Balance at J B I. 10 1O 2 9
29 Street addres .

S.P Sacred Portal
M.S Manifestation Supreme

5:20 p.m

As I stared it is a play of Natural Awareness which is what I have been doing for 29 yrs.
Since 1989.

Oh my bill for ordering a meal for us tested at came to 21:89 u sd ( not 79 as the woman had stated)
I began my Journey Mission Adventure in 1989.
29 yrs ago.
Completing the full Circle over and over for 29 years with full awareness carried and enacted exquisitely by John MacDonald .

John reps a line Not of Time and Space but beyond the Birth of Creation where I sat in Infinity with my Family of E H.
Eternal Harmony
And I.E manifested alone and then with my Family who rose when the I became I and I who are about to rise in all of you.

H M E. 87
H O M E 87.. 87 15..O. 6.. F. 87 = 56..E Family
56 11 2. 11 1
O F. E F. B. A./E.

O F E F B A. B E.

Yeah BABE .
It’s Me.
O F E. F B A B…E
Two Full circles F E F. B A B…E.

Insane play

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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