
From Laura Walsh

From Laura Walsh

Absolutely no




And this expressions I have heard and observed every where I go.

So why should there be any forgiveness by the people’s who endured this..

Do you think they are Dead

That the mess created perpetuated just vanished because you say Nah, we paid out debt..

This arrogance and conciet of a society which writes in its money In God We Trust

( Truth) and then break bend distort all the sacred covenants and act as though they are are above the law..

And have the final say on what goes, in a realm they did not create

Who were placed here on a Stage to be observed ..

I have been texting with Alexa Vertefeuille..

A revelation of Intell beyond merely understanding the codes..

But to the embodiment of the same way of Being Doing Experiencjing Seeing since she was in Grade One..

When she drew the Monkey King which lead her to Tripitaka…

Her intel…

Aligned to my journey, journals perception methodology

… expression..

The Evolution Awakening is here..

It does not ask anyone’s permission or acknowledgment

It IS IS..

And as one of Alexa’s writings as well as her friend Ian.. yes

John MacDonald . Ian..

* David Alexa Ian.


See sacred Portal 53

One DAI has Come

I D. E A.


3:17 p.m

3 17 Fair Field Ave

Planet Earth ready to make a Quantum Leap Jump Change…

Leaving such mentalities behind to decompose and pay the Natural Law consequences


Cause and Effect

C E.


8 Natural Law..

Is Eternal Law..

That which is not E must cease to exist

3:20 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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