
6/13/2019 17:17 – Facebook Post

The last Money Code play at 219-217 South Whitney.

Linked to Sarah Kaizer

Sarai ..
Abraham Sarai Hagar..
A S H.

* Phoenix rises from the Ashes of a the true version which was destroyed and another a lie chosen to take its place
OI Nri HE.Brew. Ham. The Anointed
Replaced by the Jewish Islam Christian version.

Athena .. Recall the Golden Owl gift from Esteban Miguel Filgueira..?
Athena and her Golden Owl.

Kaiser means” Kings”
Priest Kings.
Eze Nri… Nri Warriors of Peace.

S A K E…
Japanese Rice Wine
Link the Japanese Tea Masters ..

A Ritual which literally took place at Generation X Gardens when a Japanese Tea Masters came to the Garden with his daughter to Teach
Albert “Einstein ” Rodriquez to Focus his Awareness and Attention by using Smell…

David Roman Nicholas is an Samurai line as are all his line male and Female whom I have encountered.

Asians are originally African
* See my recent posts.

Now, look at the number on the Money
11 7. K G
Keith Grant bed 53 when I was on bed 49.
11 7
Gavin and Kim
7 11 Johnny Newman ” New Money” was born.

11 7 is linked to Sarai
7 11 to Tree Sage and Serenity.

117-711. 24-7 Always Open.
Full Circle .
7 11 = 7: 77. 11 Doppelgabfers.
7 11= 18
18 years in New York
Since 2001.

3:17 p.m right now
Fair Field.

Serial Number

F 3838 94 41. I

38 is C H. Consciousness Harmony
38 +38 Is 76.
Sacres portal 76
7.6 years on Face book
@ 67 Facebook Friends
7-6 months here at Connecticut

94. Linked to 49/94 And last two digits on Estebans Stephens Phone.

9 4. Is I.D .

Obviously not my Passport,
Nor does this material world give me my I.D based in the play of the last 18 years when my passport was stolen from a Jamaican Restaraunt
” Black Bamboo on 14th Street.

Yes Black Bamboo on my Table.
And the first meal I had here, a gift from Jesse Macias

P.S Last Money Code was here.
140.. was written on it.

I was aware of the play of taking away my Passport and all I.D was a play of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix

U S A M. E.

But nearly every one I met disputed this claim,
despite these codes, evidence…Facts..

* Sacred Portal 50.
Ego One play.

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula
Did you not witness it?
The years of my posting evidence of money with I ntel on it.

Ego means “Money” in O.I Nri Igbo

Oge means “Time”

E G. O

E Golden Owl.
Man Go… link John Mack love for Mangoes

E G O.
Example of the O

5 7 O. Sacres portal 57…

5. 76. O =6

E 76. Sacred Portal ” 123 True Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening..
F D A.

6. 41.

F 3838. 94. 41 I.

I have exactly 41 u sd left in my wallet

Oge means ” Dawn. Time”
O G.E.
O 75
67 5

Wallet Christopher Filgueira
4 USD he bought it.
On it is
Knights Templar Cross and letters Numbers
B K.E. 67..

I am at 12 67 Facebook Friends
O 7 5 is the World.
O 12.
O 3 ..

Jesse code A M. 406. O O 3.

The Money Code play
Began with Nenad Djurdurvic
N D whose name means ” Unexpected”
And Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna via face book
N to E..

Ecuador to Nigeria..
73rd and 74th President.

Have I not been posting Kachy Ihem
The Evidence of Money and Human distorted Ego and Self Projections ( meaning of Ego in English) for the last 4 years?

F I. Is 6 9
383. Full Circle
89. H.I. 29 almost 30 years ago.

444. Is that not one of the numbers M.E M saw under comments on Tree Sage’ s Page.

Ego Oge

Is that not 5O the 50th State Hawaii where I connected with Stephen Filgueria..
And 5 O is that not Connecticut the 5th State?
Where Stephen Filgueria invited me
And is not E.O
Linked to the 5th Dimension completed full circle, and signified by the arrival via McKayla Rays of confirmation of completion of 5 O full circle by Emmanuel Okoli arrival?

And then E O to E.F
Linked to the day Stephen and Sarah returned from Macchu Pichu which Jesse had arranged for them?

4:07 p.m

Have I not made this clear, posting evidence facts
E F for the last for years..

Igbo means “Forest People”
But that I proved it means
“Frank. Francis… Francis who slept besides me on bed 4-017…
And before that David Dawn ( D D. 44 ) on the same bed..
17 is Q

Is 4 not 5

5 17
The code chez Jesse Macias?

E Quantum

And that the true first people were the Eternals who rose at the Completion of The Source E manifesting through Expression O.H. the full circle, and this Family of E
Called ERI C. came down into this 4th Dimension 3rd planet idea, to understand their Source who rose in Hue Man Form, while They journeyed into an Idea of Creation because they rose as Ethereal and then Elemental Form and Composition..
And came to understand how to become Solid Fact.
Stephen Filgueria
By linking the “Fil” Thread, Common Thread.
To reach through a process of Self Refinement of Naturalness through Nature…to evolve back to E..?

A Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Explained so they could experience for Them Selves my Truth of how to become Solid Facts by a play of 101010 deciding what was True and False..
At the end of which at O and after All the Rainbow Spectrum ages of Man were completed…
Right to 6 sixth Sense
66. Fiction to Fact.
666. Carbon to Diamond Clarity
Blindness to Cee becoming Consciousness and Seeing correct my Darkness Blindness transforms to light through the Immortal Technique of Grooming and staying clean?

Have I not provided evidence facts… moved through anothers script and Composition of Chaos Random being an illusion and that beneath it. Seen with the correct focus that there was Darkness just the wrong focus

That every thing has always been as Transparent Light.
24 7 Always Open?

What then is the excuse for people choosing to see me in any other way but through the Truth Proofs presented right to age of Reason
R= 18.
R = 1 8. Full Circle
Kim Arthur Hines .. did you see the Full Circle he posted on his page
Did you see my comment the same day nothing Serenity wearing that T Shirt and set to graduate school the next day.
Age 3 she is…

Do you see, how you chose to see me, deny, ignore all the posts, all the work, all the Evidence of why I have been in New York, how I was brought Here, imprisoned here until I proved that nothing is Random
That all has Reasonable and Logical Explaination.
That there is only Harmony .
And all the Evidence Proof Facts
Of 29-30 years
27 years 26 years 1992. 1993..
43 years..

And still witness how you have chosen to see me address me, ignore what I have been Explaining Demonstrating
Posting Script after Script
7.6 years publicly

You decided what I stated I am, showed told explained.. to see it through your own distorted Ego, projecting on to me the absolute rejection of evidence empirical of the greatest achievement ever, which Frees and Benefits All Man Kind..

Yes.. Jesse is described over and over again as Kind.
I am not Kind… I am simply myself.

But is this Fair..
That after been forced to live this kind of life, all for your Benefits, to be forced into such a position where people can choose to deny the self evident reasons I was brought into their Lifes and treat me like a beggar, a person mentally retarded, a liar a bum, a charity case..
Despite all the Evidence hard work, and not simoly having to entertain and fight for you by entering your world’s, clean up your view, post everything which takes publicly..
Only for you to sustain that point of view which makes your view superior to mine when not one of you..
From Elon Musk to Donald Trump to the man on the streets, people in whose Homes I was sent..
Chose to see me as I saw you without you providing the same empirical evidence and Total Absolute Suffering of the Sacred Journey And Mission to Evolve and Awaken

Your Freedom and Choice was given to each of you.
The Judgment Day was based on a play of my Father – F.M as to how you chose to see me, based on my Being and Doing acknowledged as John Mack recently testified.

And the gestures of appreciation given to me in acknowledgement that I was yes as an Angelic Messenger…

Hermes Mercury.

Every single one of you put yourselves first.
Before the messenger of the Source.
Who happens to be a Man,
The Source.

20 19.
T S. Age 31/ 13..

39. C.I. Jesse age 39..

12. L. Liberty Complete

3 on Earth..

And the supreme insolence insult of my seeing you all, tested by you.
And the literally intentional refusal to see and acknowledge my Humanity, my Divinity and Eternal Consistent expression ..
Because you decide who I am..
What is true..
You negate everything, even your own laws of Reason Logic and Common sense and use my lack of money self generated to not only put me in my place which you Defined.

But do nothing and then scold me, demean me, that I should be grateful for what you have done for me…!!!

Nearly everyone ignoring my literal Expression truth love devotion and proofs

And my body and being evolving painfully, twisted because of what you have done, and responded to my Fathers Message and evidence of Perfection of you?

I can not force you to pay attention to the Script on my page, or your criticisms and Judgements of my own imperfections according to you.
I can not force you against your Free will to see or at least investigate the truth..
I would never have ever, done this New York journey if I had not been forced to….betrayed to the point of my own personal disbelief by the one usurper who sought to be me.

And the One Father in me..
So used by you all, taking his name in vain.

No, you had that right to decide and if wrong, then you failed and simply cease to exists because Acknowledgment Respect Expressed

A R. E. Attention

Aora Rathbum. E A. 51. ( 11 28 39. 12 A B )
A R E A. B 51.
The meaning of Existence

Only through Focus and Attention
Do things begin to Vibrate, send out and travel as Waves
Particle and Wave
Travelling through being Seen, travel as The Elegant Nomads
Landing from the Eternal Dimension
Eternal Beginning
Landing on the 3D world.
And then begin to Acend from within through our expression Solfeggio..
Walking through the 7 ages of Humanity
Aligning through Expression and walking through time all the Rainbow Spectrum to Completio.
1-7-8. 9.

8 is White Light
9 is Dark Light

1 O. Is Comprtion of the 7 +2 colors

Play of Light and Dark is Grey Area, Thought, Thoth Emerald Tablet Green.
4th Dimension
Heart Feelings until all Shadow of Doubt
All fears and suspicions of my Truth and Expression are cleared and the Air Consciousness of all becomes
Transparent Light/ Lighteness recognizing Loves Consciousness

20 12.

S A K. E

5:13 p.m
5:14 p.m right now

Linked to Jesse Macias origins Peru.

Mayan Calendar
I A.M… Inca Aztec Mayan

3 2.
C B. Consciousness Beauty
Cecilia Chukwuemeka my mother taught me about Beauty in her Truth as a youth
And it was always in me.

3 2. 5


5:17 p.m right now


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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