
7/22/2019 15:35 – Facebook Post

3:22 p.m

This is from Kim Arthur Hines
Tree Sage

On the code

58 58 is the E Harmony Infinity Frequency.
Which brings Manifestation
13 M

As you are aware John Mack is in Florida the 27th State
And left from Connecticut
The 5th State.

You are also perhaps aware that I moved to Jesse Macias portal on the 5-27..2019..

And that Tree Sage T S. 20 19. This year.

And Tree Sage is literal manifested right to its physical rep on my Altar from Alicia Norris
And that Kim is linked his other name Chiefy..
And Alicia and Frank are representing the American Indian Spirit of the 4th and 5th Dimension linked..

Connecticut Florida Connecticut
New York 11th State

11 5 27. 5 11…
See I ntel from John Mack in Florida
52 66
66 everywhere
For info contact #511″

3:31 p.m

John Spencer MacDonald
Kim Arthur Hines

J K.. 10 11. E GA LA XY. I O I I..C.I

S A… Science Art. O. Full Circle

M.H… 13.8 Billion years old M.W.87 69.
Manifest Harmony/ Harmony Infinity Manifested

H I M. E H O M. E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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