
8/2/2019 16:11 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins

D.H. 4 8

Sacred portal 48 is “Beautiful Death as Transformation ”

Yesterday I was equating the last of these Fractal Equations of Manifestation

E M F × 2. = 48.
48. 12. 3
48. 32.. 5

12 32… 44. 8
1331 Facebook Friends..44..

Brooke Lee Lemery
And John Mack. 44..
And now at 8
August 8.. 44=8. 16. 64. 80. 8 80.
2 8’s..
Todays Date.

3 5… C E.

88 88..

16 16.

4:03 p.m right now .

At 4 8 I paused to link to Dana Hawkins whom I have been using as the 48 code, but I decided not to tag her, despite recognizing that she had intel since E M F x 2 equation had just been embodied
Esteban Miquel Filgueria
John Spencer MacDonald..

4:06 p.m
A.M 46. Jesse Macias
The Field.

It would appear, I did not to have to tag her or her Eternal Self..

Here is the 48 years 12. 32. 44. 8 code.

4:08 p.m

The Equation I have been proving
And hollering to the High Heavens to get everyone’s attention for the last 17 years, because it is happening literally to me..

D N U. My Grandfather

D N E..

AH Tom is From Energy..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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