
From John Mack

From John Mack

1:31 code.

My going home naturally and as indicated by this Script is from this current portal and Marks the end of a life long journey and the Evolution Awakening of the world experienced by everyone.

I have recieved overwhelming confirmation of this but after the play I have been in,

In which this knowing the orginal script, and my suddenly made aware yestetday that the constant set up dissapointmebts and delays and proofs was Humanities expression of waiting for God, Jesus, the end of this world and return of the Beautiful.. your dissapoints and eventually giving up all hope.

Not realizing that to manifest it is all in our hands, Your Hands.

22 6. 2 26. A Course In Miracles which links to Axel Love

Axel Anderson



If John MacDonald sends me data,

I know it is the Truth.

But I have walked a path, outside of the direction of this reality, chosen the path which was revealed and rediscovered, a golden ratio and a path of discover which I have been loyal to for 27 years which instead choosing the path most choose of comfort and secuirity in the lie.

Where Money is God and Pow34 Control is Key..

2:27 p.m

John MacDonald

He just sent me a message.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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