
2/22/2020 19:18 – Facebook Post

“The number 22 is said to be the number of Twin Flames
Number Two symbolizes the couple, the double.
The number 2 is the most feminine of all the numbers, and its vibration resonates with the vibration of joy, balance and peace.
It relates to the desire for love, health, harmony and happiness , and those who see this number regularly are authentic,
artistic, creative, tolerant, emotional, highly sensitive, loyal, devoted and intuitive. establishing the struggle between the two powers, YIN and YANG, feminine and masculine, they must find the way, the path.
The 22 is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.
The number 22 represents the spiritual Light, which gives end to suffering on Earth, aims to make the world a better place.
the number 11 is also associated with Twin flames: 11 is the conjunction of the divine and the human.
The perfect sum of 6 and 5 symbolizes the microcosm and the macrocosm of the earth and sky.
And the Taoist tradition is the conjunction of Yin and Yang).
11:11, means the meeting of two masters. Therefore the number 22, by the sum of both 11 means the fusion of both.
Overall, this number is saying to us that we should not give up hope, despite how difficult things may seem,
because our struggles are temporary. We are moving in the right direction, and all will be revealed in divine timing.
“Keep going. Magic happens when you don’t give up, even when you want to. The universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart.”

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