
5/22/2020 13:31 – Facebook Post

Intel Liberty C Liscomb L L = 1 24. A E M F

Via Jonathan David Frechette. J D F.

Marl Paletti 9:57 a.m. M.P. I. E.G

Jennifer Ann Catrall. J A C. E
* See play Tom Liberty.. T L. 2012.
Jeron Aurelia Christopher. J A C

12:43 p.m

Everthing is Changing Transforming
But what will awaken people is the Change of how they feel.
And instead of seeing the revelations of all the horrors in the world.
But the Point of Completion of this process as Revelations of Beauty ( instead of the Horrors the Night Mare)
This is how the entire world awakens from this Trance Dream school Nightmare

Link the Harry Potter book’s
And the Potters Field
And Pottery, made fashioned, spun using Earth as water and Clay.

To see the Beauty,
The Beautiful Truth
And everything we are currently witnessing is Harmonies Process and Progression to Its Point
Feelings Sensational
E B Y. 5 2-25…
He Sings!
I met him when still 5 months in his Mothers Womb.
He was my bridge to the Family here of 5 Kids and 1 Parent present.

It this process the world is witnessing completes at Beauty.
Beautiful Transformation
But First the E Family wished you to see the what we did clean and restored.

The Curtains have come up, as are the true eye lids of this world peoples.
And the real of Destruction is playing for all to see and understand, but it ends in AH
Eternal Harmony

12:58 p.m right now..

And everyone literally waking up from a This Terrible Dream to see the world, the Planets, themselves.. Every Thing transformed by Beautiful Expression -Truth quietly expressed by One Man and his Youth and the Eternal Family as Every One. EO. Every Where.. E W.
Every Thing E.T

E E E: O W T. O VV T. / T WO. O.V T V

5 55. 15 23 20-= 58

5 55. 58.

*See Schumann Resonance post and play yesterday and today.

@ T I. M. E. Ti Me

5: 55. 58. E: EE. EH 5/5=1. 58= 13.
5: 1 13
E: A.M

Post by E.F Ortega.

1:10 p.m

E.F… Ortega means “Garden or Orchard” in Spanish as well as “Nettle”
As well as a nick name for a “Black Grouse Quail”

The Answer to this last code came to my awareness even as I was looking up the name.
Gerald Ortega ..
I knew a man called Gerald Ortega in France while living near Le Mann France in 1996.
We lived as three men, on a large Farm and Farm House. With Christian and I living up stairs ( C E) and Gerald down stairs, but we all converged downstairs chez Gerald.
He was one of the people I painted in a group called “Portraits From Within”
P F W. 16. 6 23. See yesterdays post at 6:23 p.m

He was depicted as a swashbuckling 16 Century Lone Knight, on a great horse, holding up an Orb in his hand in which he saw all..
There were fish swimming, and the water had formed by a tear which feel from his smiling chill face but inside.. a tear for what he had witnessed on his travels through the Orbs Eye…

Liberty and Jeron Arden, Aurelia are at the Garden Farm now..

John Scott rep Heart as Love lived at Orchard Street
I called him the Elf King ( Dark)
It was Nnamdi…..

Gerald means ” Famous Spear..F.S. Feelings Sensational = 6 19= 25. Y B E. / E B Y. E..
Spear of Destiny.
S O D / D O S.
Donna O Sullivan.
Shirely Davd next door
Dharma Santana
Go means ” 5 ” in Japanese
7 O. Is 76. 5.
765 Horseshoe Hill

Spear of Destination Made Manifest

Yes, right here.


56 O
11 O
Sacred Portal 11O

It Ends Completes at Beauty
Awakening Manifested

1:30 p.m
13 M.O. M.F .
On the Universal E.M.F

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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