
Code of the Beautiful Devil.

Code of the Beautiful Devil.

B D.. 24.. (6)

Letter X.

Number 1O..

he Tarot are 78 in number.

And represents the House of Cards I have been passing through, destroying and replacing them with my Sacred Portals…

The Devil Card is XV….

Number 15…

The amount Sidney Davis gave me..

His Espirit identifying me as The Devil.

Capricorn as is my current host..

He is Intelligence

The Fool called Air and which is Scorpio He is Brightness, Sunshine…

He is Naturalness.

His Card number is Letter or Symbol O.

Sidney Davis Gave me 15 meaning those who sent him knew I represented the Fool…

Thus we have X V. as 1O 5…,

+x 15…5O…

65…F E. /EF.


65= 11..3O. 41,


Shane Michael Robinson Sr….




Time 9:O1P.M.

I.O A…

9:O2 pm


I Alpha Omega

I Alpha Being ..

Devil +Fool…

D F.


4+6= 1.O

4×6= 24…

A B.D.

A Beautiful Devil.

1O+24= 25.

9:O4-5 pm.

today is the 25th.


Youths Being Emeka

No Age

9:O5-6 pm.

I :O E F…

56 Cods Dawn Marie and Dylan.

The Dawn Of Mari E Dy lan-d.

9:O7 pm.

Sacred Portal 97 .light of Existence

I O.G.

I.O Guerreiro

9:O8 pm


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