
Archimedes..meaning of the name..

Archimedes..meaning of the name..

Master Planner..To think and plan ahead –

Foresight Hindsight..F.H..6 8/8 6..One Full Circle..

*Studied Planning Degree and Advanced Patter Cutting Dip.

1O Expanded from 1Ox1Ox1O..to 1OOO..

1O to the power of Three…

1O C…

1OOO and One Nights…


With every Victory of a Principle, of the E line consciousness,

the corresponding Victorious Discoverer Inventor Author of that principle,

in this Time Lines Responds..

Archimedes represented the Science and Mathematics of calculation of the Circle and the Sphere-

weighted against the E line interpretation- in my case the E lines embodiment and explanation of the Circle and Sphere-

through this realities Blue Print…In my case my university thesis on Nri Cosmology of the Full Circles which I began in 1987 and completed in 1988 .And apparently had to complete for 19 more years..

(I used to have this recurring dream, after I graduated, and left Nigeria, of waking up in a state of anxiety that I was still in university, these dream only recently stopped…when I realized in the 4th Dimension I was an am,

after all one version of why I am on Face Book, would obviously be the code of my presenting and defending my thesis before the entire World of the Full Circle, right to the Eternal Beginning of Existence and Universe…to the very alignment of opening up a portal here..

Which would make both my I.E, as Existence and me here as Emeka, the ultimate Master Planner, and the one Victorious human being able to measure, calculate, Universe Existence and Physical Nature..

Quantify both Energetic Spiritual and Physical nature…

And present the Evidence that there was always a Master Plan

for the Planet, a Planet, implemented from beyond even the Nothingness where the E rose, and had planned so far ahead, that he planted in All Creation the E line, and the gift of 6th Sense- 3rd Eye, Second sight, and the one All seeing Eye within all things as well as creating all things in Harmony from Conception Inception, Consciousness Infinity Eternity, so that not matter how lost his creations thought they were, are- there is a G.P.S an Inner Compass, a Tracking Device, Creation as the True Picture, and the world a Story Book of a Roman-C.E which always leads and guides his creations Home..

All they had to do is stay E.S.P, Especially Clean..De Liver Er…(Er is Earth)

Archimedes of Syracuse (/???k?’mi?di?z/;[1] Greek: ????µ?d??; c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC) was an Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.[2] Although few details of his life are known, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. Generally considered the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of the greatest of all time,[3][4] Archimedes anticipated modern calculus and analysis by applying concepts of infinitesimals and the method of exhaustion to derive and rigorously prove a range of geometrical theorems, including the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, and the area under a parabola.[5]

Other mathematical achievements include deriving an accurate approximation of pi, defining and investigating the spiral bearing his name, and creating a system using exponentiation for expressing very large numbers

Born 287 B.C (2 3..)-212

Please see sacred portal 87..Returning the World to its Senses and Sensies..5 6..

212 Is Area code land line Manhattan New York…B.L…Code Budi Lass..

U.B.. Universal Being…

Crown Chakra..


The story of the golden crown does not appear in the known works of Archimedes..

Master Planer See sacred portal 75 Hindsight Fore Sight 7 Seas 5 Continents.. The Sphere Circle Pi Radius, Radiant Radar- Redha Krishna Christo Chrystal Baccarat Clear Mirror..

Jonn Blackwell gave me codes today of a Micro-Phone (M.P)- he purchased

M.X L.. V 67 G… Red White and Grey…

In Roman Numerals..


M=500…Two 500 face book friends S.M..=

1000 which is D…




500 10. 50…5.


56 is the established code for Dawn…See play Dawn Marie..Code 56..

See sacred Portal 56 The E family come to my door with the E Manual

See sacred portal 67 How far will you go for True Love..For the Truth-Love


Sacred Portal 76 The Awakening.6+7=13…M..D..Q H.

The first day I met Michael Ponty close friend of Jonn, and recognized by me as of the Family set to ascend to the E, I noticed as he played his guitar that, and I noticed he pedal-meter, read the number 76…

That is how far I went..

V is Victory the 5th Dimension…

Jonn told me he sensed something difficult to explain happening within his own body, Frequencies moving through his Being, requesting him to lie down to taken it all in.

This I immediately understood the Consciousness of E represented by Nasa Galaxy IC 1101 X… Really C.I.1O 11..Ga La!X,Y,Z The Boogie Awakening..B.A has opened the consciousness of the E realm is not felt and manifesting here.. Transformation has begun, as well as the Bearable Agony’ of these Frequencies which have been moving through me all these years, that despite so many opinions from Voodoo to Motor Neuron Disease, my research affirmed what I already knew, that the conscious F.M Band I exist on, was not aligned with the Frequencies generated in this world.. And without my own aligning the 3 D to the 5 D and this mad mad world, I could die in literally agony if I did not solve the riddles of this Time Line and align the two Realms to 5+3=8…

It is Michael Ponty’s birthday on the 23rd Jonn informed me, he had called to invite us..

4:22 p.m. Marker Ariane Oates Eternal Love.. E.L..Light.

Ponty means Bridge… 2-23 Is B.C.. Double V

M.P is Master Planner..

Jonn a Painter, Michael an Electrician..

P.E.. Planet Earth..

They both play music together

Bass and Electric Guitar.

B.G…5 4 (Blue Green)

E.G.. 57../75 ( Example Pangea)

9-12..I.L… Infinite Light… Admit-AH-BA! Buddha… Buddies..

Music links them both,

they formed a Band.


MM= 26 8..Z.H.

BB=22 V..5th Dimension.


Manifest Beings of the Base of Music painted the Picture called the World..

and From music came Electricity…

Planet World.. P.VV..C

Angel Dust…


Arch in Manifest Expression- De-vine Expression..

Supreme O Universal Link..


Loves Ink

Squid Octopus..S.O…L

8 Limbs L=12..3 Complete.

8 X12…


Mirror Jonn Blackwell bought

Bagwa… 8×12 inch…

Bagwa (aka Bagua or Pakua) as a martial art is based on the theory of continuous change in response to a given situation. It is an internal form of traditional Moo Doe that sharpens reflexes and cultivates the understanding of one’s mind and body. Just as Feng Shui is used as a tool to enhance positive Chi energy throughout one’s home, Bagwa, through movement focuses the positive Chi (energy) within the body, redirecting and removing the negative Chi, harmonizing one’s mind and body.

Bagwa movements, when done correctly, balance and center one’s Chi

Did I mention my Grandfathers built the family home in Nsukka, at number 5

Ibagwa Road?

I-Bag Uwa…(Awa Means the Story called the World in OI Nri Igbo.. All about balanced C.H.I…Consciousness Harmony Infinity.. How to move your Chi…Chi-Dume..Ume..Breath..

Chidume.. To bring your Body from Death back to Life.

4:42 p.m

Guardian of the Master Plan..Planet is the Plan E.T

To establish the Eternal Truth here and the P.La! Net…

4:44 p.m.





1O 1OO 1OOO…

X C.D…

111O…111 of OH Full Circles..

3 1..O..

4 is 1 O at completing moves

V=5. E,O..EEEEEE Full Circle the Weave Complete…

John Bruce Lee..Enter the Chinese Dragon and complete the Full Full Circle of the Line of E.

4:48 p.m

4:5O p.m

Just counted how many E’s there are on Woved plate of a Circle in the basement where I sleep chez Jonn (Haun) Donna..

There are 13 E’s..

Expanded from the One E,




Goncalves António Lack

Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves

Being La! C.K



Being of the Lake Erie..

And Sir William Blake…S.W.B…


4:57 p.m.

4th Erie to Emmy.

5:29 p.m

Oh one last Thing…

Arch I Medes..

The Medes..

The Medes[N 1] (/mi?dz/, Old Persian Mada-, Ancient Greek: ??d??, Hebrew: ?????) were an ancient Iranian people[N 2] who lived in an area known as Media (Northwestern Iran) and who spoke the Median language. Their arrival to the region is associated with the first wave of migrating Iranic Aryan tribes into Ancient Iran from the late 2nd millennium BCE (circa 1000 BC) (the Bronze Age collapse) through the beginning of the 1st millennium BCE (circa 900 BC)..

Medes Persians..M.P…Michael Ponty.. M.P.

Iranic-Ayran …A.l…

Lexicon Language of the West..




E 13 E 12 +1..

65..6O…/ O6 56…

Michael wrote a Song he played here in the basement with Jonn..

The Song was Called Freedom.. and the first line Freedom is Responsibility…

F.R..A.N C.O

Chris Franco…


On Face I posted twice on my face book page, the Poem written in 1994 in Paris in the Bastille…

called the Freedom Song.


Feeling Sensation..


San Francisco…

*San Francisco (Spanish for Saint Francis) was founded on June 29, 1776, when colonists from Spain established Presidio of San Francisco at the Golden Gate and Mission San Francisco de Asís named for St. Francis of Assisi a few miles away.

San means Saint, or in French Without’…Francis means Freedom..

Stephen Filgueira..

Crowned with Laurels of Victory

Ariadne Theseus.. After going down into Hades Hell Pluto- Pluto to the planets ad finally to the Sun..9876543210 Then transform the Abyss Zero back to Z-Eros H-Era….

And then back again O123456789…


And Finally merging them back into One..

1O1, 2O2, 3O3, 4O4, 5O5, 6O6, 7O7..8O8 9O9. 1O1O…

1 2 4 (V), 6, 8, 5,..6 7…8-7,9, 1-2O, and 21..U.C..

12+1, 13…12 13…11 23 Jonn Haun Andrese Micheal..Donna..

11 23.. 1 23.. 15..

Todays date and time..

5:55 p.m.



B- 15…3O…

B..54 54… 1O8..




Red Bagwa

Transparent Bagwa



And Grey Matter at the Top.

Solving the riddles of Emerald Thoth.

Brain Matter..

using Reason and Thought..

to clean reflection from Route Chakra Road to

Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind..

A Cee of Expression which capture the light of Dawn and Day..

6:OO p.m,

Lady Fey Mirach..

Birth name and sur names..

Born Day and The one who came..who was dared…The Fisher Man F,M..of the Cod Fish C.F… Code..

3+6=9.. Nikolai Tesla..


3 3 3…


3..9… 12 27…

2..9…. 11 18..



6:11 p.m




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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