
1/26/2018 20:18 – Facebook Post

At 9:30 a.m…
( 930…I.C…O..)
Blair sent me a text calling me “Mecca”-

What took place last night with Rey…
and then Blair today… I just do not have the energy to express right now..

I stated that the Black Stone is actually a person and that a Person was forced to play this translation.

Also Ishmael in bed 4-011 left the Shelter after a play between him and T.J bed 4009…
T.J in a way was instrumental in getting Ishmael to leave the Shelter… Ishmael is white or middle eastern complexion Jewish looking…
T.J is a black as Obisidan… Sexual Desire… S.D…
He still calls me “Daddy”…?
Ishmael Abraham… I.A/ A.I… 1 9 9 1… I moved to Paris…via Spain.. “Alhambra”…”Potiter” Sydney Poiter… S.P… Guess whose coming to Diner…

Some Muslims are more willing to believe that the Stone itself has some supernatural powers. They believe that this stone fell from the sky during the time of Adam and Eve, and that it has the power to cleanse worshippers of their sins by absorbing them into itself. They say that the Black Stone was once a pure and dazzling white and it has turned black because of the sins it has absorbed over the years.

It is remarkable, however, that even though the temple contained 360 idols worshipped before Muhammad’s Prophethood, the black stone was never kissed or made an idol of worship. In fact, the Ka’ba was never worshipped by the idolaters prior to Muhammad’s Prophethood. The building contained idols of worship but the building itself was never an object of worship.

The fact that the Ka’ba was rebuilt by Abraham is a historical fact. Since the stone has been there ever since, it stands to reason that Abraham placed the stone in the Ka’ba. The Black Stone is in fact the cornerstone of the Ka’ba and is there as an emblem of the progeny of Abraham which was rejected by the Israelites and became the corner stone of the Kingdom of God.

The Psalms contains a clear reference to it:

The stone which the builders refused is become the head-stone of the corner. Ishmael was looked on as being rejected by God, or so the Israelites believed. Yet it was a progeny of Ishmael that the Last Prophet, the ‘head-stone of the corner’ was to arise.
While David referred to it as the stone which the builders refused, Jesus spoke of it more plainly in the parable of the husbandman, telling the Israelites that the vineyard, which in the parable stands for the Kingdom of God, would be taken away from them and given to other husbandmen.

That by the rejected stone in the prophecy (21:42) was meant a rejected nation (21:43) is made clear by Jesus Christ. That this rejected nation was none other than the Ishmaelites has been borne out by history.

The Black Stone, therefore, passes for the mithaq, the primordial covenant between the Creator and His created. And in the whole world there is only this unhewn stone, the stone, Cut out of the mountains without hands (Daniel 2:45), and that is the corner-stone of a building, which in point of importance, stands unique in the world.

Touching or kissing the stone has a profound impact on the faithful as it is suppose to count in their favor on judgment day.”

*It was never worshiped.

Allen means “Harmony Stone… “…
But it is a Being… Recall the mission I was sent on from Sue in the Green House.. to find the Corner Stone of Existence…
Which I protested was I… And how I found a green block with the words “Grace” on it, in Alphabet City, Avenue E…

Ishmael means “He who Heard.. who Listens…”
See sacred portal 21:42…. 21:43… 21;45… Kemi Sara.. Dawn Piercy… Alicia Sieferd… Eshe Chuki Asale… are you seeing…?
21 Is letter U…42 USD…with Fritz Venneiq and Kemi… 21 43…21+22=43… E=Cme4/3… S,P.. Sacred Portal Door to Life..E.. 43…
45.. Sacred Portal 45.. Throne of Existence…T…Pee!..Release.. Urination…URI…Nation… URIEL…? U R..I E.L… / L.E I… R U ..E…

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