
3:27 p.m

3:27 p.m

The problem, the never ending problem with Humanity is whenever they hit upon the Truth, the end up destroying it with their conclusion.

It is that consciousness ( not really consciousness is it, if it is not true and does not replicate the speed of Light a.k Perfect Timing.)

For example why must it have been created because beyond it is boring..?

And why would the creation of the Simulation be to entrap, and dominate.

Why can it not be a School

Universal School at which at the end there is graduation and a door opened to True Life.

Why can’t it be about Love and truth, that the species would be annihilated if they were not trained to resonate on the same frequency as the U.N E

Universe Nature


5 28 Hrtz


E B T. Expression Beautiful Truth.

3:39 p.m

Wouldn’t that make more sense?

After all, we have the same models here from the Hebrew Holy of Holies portal where only Samuel was able to pass through without being destroyed

We have it in O.I.Nri Igbo culture of the Portal being the Full Circle represented by the moon.

We have it in Stargates.

The now universal education system of Nursery School to Grade School 1- 12..

Or In Europe 1-6, and 7- 13..

Then University

You can not Ascend to the next class


Multi verse until you pass the Examination and Tests of the class.

I have been proving this since grade 3.

The Obvious reflection of that truth of the Universe reflected right here in this world by us.

And as we evolve ( and Devolve) are sub conscious expression of the Truth of the Universe becomes clearer and clearer..

But we do not recognize what we are creating expressing because we so used to that Victim Mentality

That sense of literally using our own warped twisted and trauma laden unclean, incomplete perception to translate a Universe created from a beauty so astonishing, so elegant so extraodinary..

Humans can not create from nothing.

They copy and yet we impose our corrupted views on to the reasoning and discoveries of Truths on something which by its very natural expression has shown us lessons of beauty wonder and awe.

Talk about self sabotage

But all we see is our

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