
6:58 p.m.

6:58 p.m.

F.H.E/ E.H.F..License plate of Donna O’Sullivan E.H.F.1O 79..58

1-3-9…A..C.I…M.I…Mi the third Note and third Color Y=G third planet from the Sun..Earth..

A C.I.M..I..E; A Course In Miracles..Exemplified.

3-1-9…C.A.I…Consciousness Alpha Intelligence (First Intelligence F.I..69..Nnamdi..Nna)

31 9…See Sacred Portal 31 Resurrection Restoration Re-birth Rebuilding and Rejuvenation…

Sacred Portal 9, By the Two E.N- Fair Oh, and self as brother Son and the 9-1O Elemental Goddess’s

3 Grace and the 7 Sisters..




4.D..David Donna…




Hello… We are now at 517 Face Book Friends…

Code E.Q…

Area 51 is Portal 7-7.7.7….G.Ti.V.Crown Chakra..4 7…

Code Larry Sax Lady Cecilia O Umeano

11 28..E.K, Nadee Nakandala 5:28, Donna O’Sullivan 8;28

Kevin G Gordon 7:28…

11 5-8 7…28…1 O

1 O N.E Filled Circle…

Completion A.O..Ariane Oates



1 A I.

We complete the equation and weave yesterday with

An Awakening expressed in the OINRI.OS language as A.S.S.A M’Pete…


A of a Beauty sound Extraordinary it makes White Noise-Sound

Mgba Afor Ocha…

Mgba means Wu-man in Igbo as well as Loud Sound..Shout like a clap of Thunder…’

Afor is a Market day as well as the Word for Truth.. Which is represented by a Staff, A Sword and the Tongue…

Ocha means Fair Light Beautiful…White Light…

Tis the name of my Great Grandmother whom I recognized as my Myself when I first met her, and twas She whom Mother Supreme in the Creation story I recalled and wrote in 2OO4, 24..X

who is from Enugwu.. See the Bowl found there marked X

See 268 Generation X Gardens..

The X Factor which is what we know is Light Sound within Silence. Knowing..Sixth Sense.. 24..6..8…

M is 13..Petee..Pete.. means the Rock Stone’ Planet Earth..

The Rock of ages is M… Memory which Pete..The Planet..

Embodied in the 12 Disciples and the 13-14..Jesus and himself as Mary Magdalena ..

The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark report the call of the first disciples by the Sea of Galilee: As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.’

A Lake.. Again Aguleri, Eri Lake, Avalon Lady of the Lake-

Donna O’Sullivan at Lake Minnewaska- and a Mermaid on the Rock..

*See sacred portal 111..Victorious Home Coming’

A Mermaid and Angel, A Boy Stag his Father Achilles, and his two brothers three… the Stag Prince is turned towards the Mermaid

There is a legend I have often recounted in my Bio Spirit family that my Great Grandmother descended from the Sky and landed from this World.

My Grandmother crossed over from the Garden of Eden into the Wilderness Lucy Ojugo (Oji-Efi) Dawn…

And that my Mother Rose from the Sea as Mami Wata.. A Beautiful Goddess from the See..

And My bio sister.. I already knew, from our experience together, from the Underworld…

The Assa! play was completed with Ady Stoian/ Stella Antley Sara Andrews…A.S.S.A.S.A.H!!1

8:58 p.m.

Then after a conversation with Donna O’Sullivan she rushed of to give me a gift she had bought me at Christmas time where She and her daughter Sophie had again taken a apartment, near the Bean cafe and the portal of love..

She brought out a picture she said she had bought at Union Square- 14th Street-at the Street Fair..

From a Tall impressive African man who she said, she instantly felt that he must be of the Family of E…

The E is in all beings but is very noticeable in person who have actively refined them selves Individually and quietly alone doing the work undercover in the world to raise people around them..

They do this with people in communities, by themselves.

The True Elegant Nomads..

Who can stand being alone, and even prefer it to consciousness not on the same frequency..

Because it inevitably causes conflict the way we see…

and eventual envy jealousy competition and resentment…

They do not belong to any group or organizations, or religious ideologies.. They live in the present in this World while at the same time in the highest state of consciousness that of the E.C.H.O

They, just as the Ancients O.INRI people and other Ancients- they could hear and listen and even respond to the E,C.H.O from beyond..

They are living Oracles and Priests and Royalty at once..

The image was is of a portal, a multi dimensional abstract painting of a Drummer… Sacred Portal 121..She smiled…

It was from E.Nna.. E Father Guide..

And the name was signed A.K..A.SS.A!

Akassa is a river and the name of a people from Rivers and Cross River State in Nigeria, the nieghbours the Igbo people and who are a balance of Yoruba Benin but whose origin are Igbo..

And like the Nri people are mostly very Fair complexioned.

Lota George Odabi and his brother were from that world,

both who knew Nnamdi and I.

As well as our neighbors when we were children and lived for a while with my father…

I noticed that our neighbors who were from that area and whom my two younger brothers where so close to seemed to be mirror reflections…

And even as far back as then, I noticed that link to the Cross River state, and later my sisters boyfriend whom I mentioned to her- only to find out later that the got together and lasted 16 years together was also of Rivers State…

So I was always aware…

O.I.N.R.I.O.S…Rios River..

A.K =111..See sacred Portal 111… A.S.S.A..Mpetee!..


4 is the Heart Beat.. H.B


E is the Expression

O is the Full Circle Oboom! Boom!

I is Infinity the Magicians

David Nnamdi Emeka…

Beloved Father Is Praise

Well Done..!


But E brings the END.

9:19 p.m


9:2O p.m



Ti!..Si! Yes.

And then something happened, while Jonn was out playing with his band and their new member.. Now complete at 4.

Something happened to Donna and I but more Donna, she was in Euphoria- a Joy and laughter… which was magnificent..

I knew she was crossing the River of Laughter Unity Boom Boom..

Because that is what the River to Garden Ed.En is- they are restorative transformative, through your water being clean and now ready for the transformation..

Donna O’Sullivan is a Virgo..Water Bearer..Chalice..


Ozonnamalu Godwin Nkemakonam…O.G.N/N.G.O

147 Emmy’O.H


Ngozi means The Blessing of the Creator

Code Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka O.I.N

N.I.O..J…Captain Jane Way Line..





/N..I. G.O…J…

9:3O p.m..


Its a message… Joy is IN.. Joy to the world has been attained’

and I as well as N-E C.K (Father Mother – Guide Nurturer G.N) and I.E line will leave the dimension of N=14..

I Go to the 5th Dimension in perfect J..1O..Balance..

I will not remain in the realm of Nature..or the Naturals…

We return home to the 14=5…Home.

My new Face Books Friends are Welcome..

Okocha Devona…O.D/ D.O…NNA…

Okocha means Man..Fair and ‘Sharing.. And Light… See Scared portal 9..

As well as; Okocha means light skin man. Origin of okocha comes from oke. In igbo land, there are four oke’s


2- okori

3- okafor

4 – okonkwo

Oke is a male while mgba is for the women. like someone

Not Rat…Okeke Okike.. Is the Meaning of a Man… To Share and to be Fair, Light…

And a Wu-man Sound…

Silence and Sound..

Which means Volumes- Talking to the Silence, means I was talking to a Masculine Principle, My Twin My E.c.h.o…My Self..

Not to my Feminine aspect, for She was expressed all around me as Universe Natures Expression..U.N.E

And my UN..

Universal Nna…The One Father Sacred portal 1O…

Devona… Recall Devon is where I met my Japanese Austrian Girl friend- Beige Mercedes…And I recounted often, the ride to Devon and the rose tinted glasses she gave me to wear…

Diana Nana.. was her name.. is her name.

United Nations… Sophies World… Sages World.. Wisdom..the To Sophia and Sage..S.I.A…A.S.I.A…

Devona Devon is Meaning of Devona

Celtic name

In Celtic, the name Devona means – Divine one.. Other origins for the name Devona include – Celtic, English, French, English

It also means The Protector

Code Rachael Devon Rios Sessions who once sang me home through A River , but whose son Raphael was born the same day as I and Rachel who can read the Sacred Portals and the E-Art Harmony along with Rachel McWilliams Young…



The Fair One is the Divine One..the Protector..

I am the fairest in my family, I was born very very fair,

and the current condition of my Skin, though still fair in covered area s is what I have already proven is but a spell of the inverse of Michael Jack-Son…

Which was part of the play to see how I would be treated with Dark Skin of a Moor…

516 twice..E.P…Planet E

My last Face Book friend..

E.Q..is Okey Nna

Okey means Male- Sharing Gift-Light-Fair…and O.K..

Nna means Father

Okocha Devona Okey Nna..


Don means; ‘Ruler of the World

From the Gaelic name Domhnall which means ruler of the world, composed of the old Celtic elements dumno world and val rule.

NOD..Oh…Nod of the Source..

The Fair male is the Sharing one, the Light of Okikie and Mgba


the AKASSA. River, which meets the Atlantic after moving flowing through the Nile, to the Niger and out wards through the South Delta the Fair people – River Cross River and flowing outward to the Source the Atlantic Ocean..AO

Code Ariane Oates…

to the One…O.K.E.Y..NNa..


Do NNa…

Red Read..






E.I.Nna. 59-14-5

5 9 5..

5 6 5…

Same thing E.N.O…Sao

1O:1O p.m

1O 1O

Male Female…

Balanced .. 2+8..1O…6+4..1O


1O:11 p.m

GA LA XY Z..C.I…1O11 X F..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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