
11/21/2020 16:49 – Facebook Post

12:21 p.m.

E – Kim Play.


There is more…?

I found myself spending most of the morning with Kamora Herrington who did not agree with my post yesterday of the code Sex magic and the play with in which aligned to Kim Arthur Hinds.
It was tiring and draining, there was no asking about my current state, ( it has reached criical mode intense is not the word.
Jae Sherman has been commenting that I do not sleep, how does she know, 6th sense or does she hear me hollering and often my screams of pain and surprise… or is it simple, it’s obvious)
No appreciation of the work, it was a one-sided conversation of the self-absorbed and defensive.

I was draining, nor did I feel after being so transparent with the play which took place – which was she being set up Examined and Tested by the E.T as to whether she had risen to the E which is her original self or if she was still holding on the Ancestral play.
Those not aligned to the Beautiful Ancestors.
The test and check was so simple.
Liberty C Liscomb’s play of her conacting me when I thought of her, and sending a photo of Jeron and Arden …
adding intel of Autumn Smol was the perfect exemplification of the way the play actually works..

Eluwa Amara that is how it works.
perfect timing, perfect harmony, E S P.
E A.. J.
5 1 10
Sacred Portal 51. Sex God of Creation.
Sacred Portal 10 “Baphomet beauty – Dream of the one father code J S.”

E K O.
E A A… E Arden Autumn ( Smol)

The play with the postal represented by Liberty was terrible- I will never forgive of forget it.. it went to far but she did the work and endured a truly awfu play and cleansed herself to a point that she redeemed herself by the E and aligned to Chris Filgueira line as C and she as L= Love.
I do not hold grudges if you are able to redeem yourself and rise though I may keep my distance.

This is was an Examination and Test ( E T) of those qualified to rise back to the E origin by being in Human form and making the choice to be Aware.

Everything has its origins as E.. Eternal Energy, and I who am E and have retained the vibration frequency and truth in this world all my life and paid a price so terrible for it.
E T is simply Eternally True.

I was used against my will as you all know, to exemplify the E consciousness moving through this realm and used to identify the E Family undercover and prove the truth of the E and check all those who I was lead to by the Eternal Family.

My Embodiment and use, ( abuse) by the E was my being put through the worst of all the human family experience and show how I was able to rise above, and to code and document it publicly, so that others could be inspired to remember the way, and identify themselves as E.

It was never my job to fight for you, or even battle the Lie or demonstrate how this is the realm of liars.
Who do not really care about that which is true or false, and do not investigate the facts through their own will.
Who refuse to grow up, because they believe that they are entitled and thus some one else will do the work for them, be thier constant reminder.
It is the intel which is important nothing else, this is a play of 007 Jaymes Bond – Angelina Jolie A J
rep Arden Jeron
Aurelia Jaden.
and he crown rep by E Ferrill Rielly. meaning Valorous Victorious Man in Male and female form. As well as from fetus Baby to Beautiful youth which is linked to Arden Autumn Jeron now confirmed through Kims new Flat mate Jae Sherman J V.
And the end of the nonsense of Gender since all is energy.

Kamora Herrington represented the past seeking to evolve to the E.

The nightmare of this play, has nothing to do with being a Good person’s or having good Intentions – it is about whether you have retained the E vibration and when given the codes and keys of total recall if you would choose to focus all your attention on that which you realize is true by this play of Baphoment Beauty whom so many have called the King of Lies in this reality, but which has been equated to Humanity being the true Satan Devil Lucifer in the distorted twisted version – made obvious from and by the twisted state of my body, which increases each time I am foced to focus and itereact with the liars.
see sacred portal 33 the end of the Terrible dream which has aligned to the line of Kim Arthur Hinds Line as the truth of the Beautiful Past and beautiful ancestors.

Kamora Herrington argued and said that I assume.
The depth of that expression stated to me, who moved through a script of Satya in which for 19.8 years I have been in this country, dragged here against my will to prove that which is True.

Once the script stated that I am Satya and that my truth manifests, to challenge such a being sent my what humanity calles Almight God. A G.
Aka Almighty Truth creates a natural cause and effect of Challenge and thus Existential Death.
People here, in this realm feel that others must be thier servants and slaves- doing the work for them which the once the E family send me to determine if that person has the E perfection in them, and thus have no excuse.

1:11 p.m.

No matter what took place at 900 South Road, Liberty endured for 10-11 months a play of such intensity and fought her own ego and past incarnations to do the work.

And she was representing as Stephen Esteban – this world as the matrix, the on the ground, and she as Heavens as cyberspace.

This habit of arguing and fighting the Truth is a human habit because no one or nothing immedialy reponds to rise and defend the ones who are telling the truth.
So we all know, that there is no end to this cycle of liars and deniars L D, because nothing rises to shut them up for good.

Jae Sherman was speaking today with her friend Debbie Santana- the one who sees the tall ones and who sees and dances with Pan.

5-20= 25… and 100.
see Sacred Portal 100 it is Pan and the Music of his being and recontruction of his true face in hue-man form.

Chiefy gave me 100 usd before he left.

I accepted her challenge that she knew better than me as the Source of E, and that she and the line in illusion she represents when she is not herself seated in her heart.

I already knew I was correct in my conclusion when the time code of our conversation last night ended at 9:59 p.m.
Thus ensuring Olusanya Bey as being the one aligned and in perfect harmony with the E play.
Rumi was and is one of the codes.
Rumi../ I Mur.. I Wall… Mur in french means Wall as well as Mature”

Kamora Herrington also gave evidence of the an envelope delivered to her residence with the code ME OW.
That is sacred portal 59 numbers because E I in letters is me Emeka Ikemefuna.

But this morning when i got up and saw that I had messages from her, and from Kim- Kims message uplifted me because he had seen something with his eyes closed which literally aligned with intel which is in the bathroom here, painted by someone is a image of from what appeard to be from a distance a pupil and and eye, but is really a birth of a being like christ emergng from a black hole which looks like a pupil.
It aligns to Liberty and her great knowleddge of Child birth which she described and link to her painting by Alex Grey.
A G.
Arden Garden’s.
O 12 34 56 78 9 O E.
See the play of 9O.
Spirit E Arden Morgan.

This is the main reason Kim was designated to leave with K C C so that if Kamora Herrington had any questions about the code of the E, he was at hand to aid her.
He wasn’t there as a videographer, film maker and documentist, he could do that anywhere- he was there to play Guide Father by simply being himself, and not for his actions to be challenged because he was being paid by Kamora Herrington and even then, we all witnessed him doing his job.

As I did my Job given to me… without pay

His videos have received admiration and praise right here on Facebook.

His Job as father guide F G 6 7 / Guide Father G F 7 6 was to simply be chill and have fun on an adventure and be available if she and her line had questions or needed help reading the play.

Instead, he had and was given the same experience like the one the world gave me.

Once Jae Sherman and Key Stone Laparole became my Facebook friends, I said it has to be done by now, my body has reached a state of such intensity by the continued tension stress of being forced to go back into this play which was created to prove the truth of the Beautiful Past and the absolute and ultimate destruction of the corrupted ancestors of the past.

I wanted to rest my body today, but instead I found myself in a battle with Kamora instead.

Why was I still explaining to her, after I had said “Begone’, challenged accepted?
I suppose it is a habit, ingrained in me, – natural Respect for the beautiful truth in her, and in all- in honor of what she once was as her higher self – and the battle to bring forth that which is her true self as Africa
But Africa was from Pangea
Pan DE Mic… of Mice and men.
see sacred portal 88 also seen by Kim , Tree Chiefy… Grace Jones is talking into a mic with a record player revolving.
H R H Absoute Ultimate Death.
Au is Gold.

It is only when exhausted tired of explaining that I stopped to see that I had yet another Facebook friend – which perplexed me…

1:40 p.m
140 Ardens weight.
14 O.
New Orleans.

Recall the play of Hurricane Katrina. H K
I was at Hells Kitchen at the Time, in was 2005.. 25.
Aurelia 11-5-2005.

See the cap Jae Sherman is wearing while sitting on the bench with the cap with a Y on it.
Y= 25 and is the male chromosome.
X Y is 25 24 Y E.M F. 49 D I.
Nicole and N.. Intel from Kim in Atlanta Georgia. A G.

H K Hurricane Katrina.
Hells Kitchen
Harmony Kim @ 8
Kim and Benjamin C K.

Do you recall the play at Hells Kitchen with Hurricane Katrina whose storm was traced back to its source: West Africa
New Orleans was literally a french colony but also a slave colony of which Voodoo was founded there by the freed African Slaves.
Voodoo and Vodun
Vous Do O is the code.
see the play of Erik Ebright in “Little Haiti” Miami and what was done to him.

I had been proving that this entire species and the modern world was being possessed the past, by Voodoo which is and originally not only the first, religion but it is a science of Vibrations.
Sound Vibrations affect, as we know, DNA.
But some of the ancients corrupted its use, made it secret, and used it as a source of power to dominate and bring people to heal.

That ancient power and its abuse is seen in the modern world’s use of televisions, propaganda, spells of power.
Sex and its use and abuse- see children rape, that is also the so-called dark magic because Sex is Creation) and the Mind-altering.
( hence my fighting back with object Arts Science)

Micheal Frazer M F.
Geoff Lacour
Axel Anderson (Axel love ) were all witness to my battle with the great battle which took place there which was a War of rage to make the caucasian race pay for not only the insult to the firstborn as Africa which they claimed was the origin of man and the story body of a man but also their meddling and taking the law into their own hands to seek retribution for the atrocities committed against Africa and the black race.
The tarp on the roof I discovered filled with oils and excrement.
The loft in which each object was covered so craftily with the oil and feces and intent to destroy the white race.
The Dogon whom the owner had visited to understand the nature of power.
The woman who lived below who was from Nri and had run away to America – who escaped with her two children – she looked like a lesser version of my mother and her two sons called Emeka and Nnamdi, who loved just below.

Micheal Frazer Atlantis had presented me with an Alien Druid presented me after that great battle of transforming that loft from a Hellish Intent to my transforming it into the Eternal City Paradise had presented me with the Dagger afterward, saying he was directed to give me this naming me lord of the alien Druids.

I fought them because this is not the way of Natual Law, Divine law or Eternal Law.
The beautiful ones had come to this reality and had given humanity the elders a gift of such power.
They did not realize that it was a test of the truth of Humanities right to evolve.
Test of Power… which only corrupts those tempted to use it for their own intent and purpose no matter how noble the original intention had been.
They had taken the power and hid.. not all.

Hence see the play of Dark Crystal.

So while Jae, spoke to her friend Debbie Santana.. ( Dharma Santana) D S Sacred portal 89 “8th Ball of destruction from the High elevated mount peak, I was incredulously listening to Kamora argue …
I was sitting right across from Jae who was confirming without knowing Eternal law and never abuse power, especially the one made transparent as to the cause and effect.

And since, despite my teeth, my body, my so-called “Poverty and Homeless state” ( Poverty Hollow) and body…
I am still The Source E as confirmed over and over through this script…
To challenge and contest my expression after evidence and facts are given…

2:49 p.m

It manifests a response.

That is when I checked the meaning of the name Hemenegildo Carlos Sousa

He. Men. He ME…N E Gildo

Hemen means

“King of Gold.
Made of Gold.

* “According to a user from India, the name Hemen is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin and means “Made of Gold”. … A submission from Ethiopia says the name Hemen means “Faithful” and is of Hebrew origin.”

* “The name Hemen is usually given to a Boy. And we are pleased to let you know that we found the meaning of your name, “The King of Gold.” ( T K O G) The origin of the name lies in Hindi.”

See Sacred Portal 37 “Sophia Oscar Lauren”

Kim means “Gold”
Aurelia means “Golden one”
Au is Gold.
Oscar is a statute meant to be made of Solid Gold awarded as a prize for Film and entertainment Editing Music…

Kim has a golden rose in his room, as does Aurelia.
and a Golden Man Oscar sculpture.

*”Kamora means Golden Meadow.
and A user from Michigan, U.S. says the name Kamora is of English origin and means “Love”. According to a user from Florida, U.S., the name Kamora is of African origin and means “God blessing”.

*Golden Man G M.
Golden Meadow.
the keyword is “Faithful…”
To the E.
King of Gold… K. O G… KG.
AF KG = 25. Y B E
Made of Gold…

He is also the true male Kamora Came-era.
Love aligned now to him via Liberty.

Jae Sherman
J S.
E Gild O

E Gildo
“as a name for boys is an Old German name, and the name Gildo means “great valor”. Gildo is an alternate spelling of Ermenegildo (Old German): Italian name from Irmingild. STARTS WITH Gi- ASSOCIATED WITH great, valor (brave)

Gildo also means “Germanic origin, German and Italian use: It is derived from the element ‘gild’ meaning sacrifice, tribute. From the short form of other given name”

“A sacrifice, a tribute …”

Gild “www.dictionary.com › browse › gild
Gild definition, to coat with gold, gold leaf, or a gold-colored substance. ..”

King of Gold being of great valor.
used as a Sacrifice and Tribute… smh.

Carlos means “Carlos means “man” and “warrior”, “army”.

Sousa who I met with Kim and who lived here- and I connected him to Sousa Susa ancient capital of Persia Babylon.

* (Portugese) One who came from Sousa or Souza (salty place), the names of several places in Portugal; dweller near the Sousa, a river in Portugal.”

S A L T… S A L T…
T L A S…T.


Do you recall the play of Liberty and the Salt baths she invited me to? Venus-Mars play.
The Movie Salt. with Angelina Jolie..?

Jae Sherman was speaking to me about a play in which she used salt.

I spoke about the Dead Sea
D S.
Dharma Santana


* It’s 3:19 p.m right now.
C S.
H C S… Hartford Connecticut Steven Serenity Sherman
Harmony Consciousness. Supreme Cher Man…
Jae told me S.HE does not mind being called He, in fact, S.He prefers it to “She”

So, obviously, this is the response that acknowledges Kim as the true KK… 4 in 1.
KK 11 11… 22. V 11 -22…33
KK = 1. A.

South Carolina Harmony.
South Carolina is the 8th State.
Oregon to South Carolina.
33 8= 41 Sacred portal 41 Elu Elegua Eshu.

Atlanta Georgia.. A G
Esteban – At Alantis Hotel.

3:26 p.m.

There is no doubt that this response from the E A via facebook, that the E Family Unseen, have made it clear whom they are referring to, that Kim told the Truth.
And that they too agree with me- Jeron Satya Santana Love.
Agree with me and are referring to a valorous victorious former Army man.

Harmony Kim.
The Golden man and dawn.

I rest my case for the Hopeless.
who never learn.

3:49 p.m

C D I…
C Sacred portal 49.
DI.. Is

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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