
I noticed that Michaël Trahé now accepted approx the 10th Time has thistime and the last time… 91 Face Book Friend..

I noticed that Michaël Trahé now accepted approx the 10th Time has thistime and the last time… 91 Face Book Friend..

91 is A.I.

Artificial Intelligence/


Original Intelligence.. O.I. I.O…

Natural Intelligence .. N.I…I.N..E

* Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka… I.N..E

Ife-Nna Nna.. Nna Emeka Eze-U.F.O ( Unified Field OH!)

Represented by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…and I.

Nnaemeka’s experience was with the Supernatural…

Not Science Fiction…

And because if the code today he sent me, is why I am here posting the equation of Alpha Intelligence having defeated Artificial Intelligence

And S.F..Sensational Feelings defeating Science Fiction.

Hence the post which comes after this…

Yes, at Manhattan Avenue 910 Star bucks at Green Point, where Patrick Okolo’s Found me ( Surprise surprise he is no longer my Face Book friends…After yesterday.. Nothing personal to me, because the Equation calls for it.. I am the Real Patrick Ikemefuna O-Kolo… He was used in a play not even aware… 510:usd.. 51..I am in Room 5A.. 51.. Area 51…28 Years Later code 10 pm 10 am and 6:31.. Resurrection of 6th Sense 31.. R.. Reflection is the Human Body.. H.B.B.H… 82-28…

I am born 11-28.. Nnamdi left this world age 13 in 1982…

330 usd… 200 130.. 330.. Nenad Nnaemeka.. NN.. 14 14.. 28…

And the Hue-man Being Reflected Creation Nature and Space…

Its Break Down as I am doing.

Today is being devoted to Release the Super Naturals. represent by E I N

I N E//… Add G B … G I N E B…( 9 7 14 5..2.. I have the Two …97 Is 16.. P..88..Planet Heaven -Earth.. 2 8’S… Add 81 H.A/ AH..It becomes 63..

First Contact…N.E..Natural Evolution to Beautiful Men Wu-Men.. Gentlemen and Ladies.. Warriors both line or who were Warriors but are so Weary right now…

As I am.. I feel your Weariness.. It will soon life. if I can get through this day of posting…

Yesterday was devoted to the Naturals..

And Monday to the E…

4:47 p.m… 4:48 Yesterdays with Nenad 4;48 in Italy…

I then found a second bill with the number 48…

47 is the code of Star Trek.. Gene Rodenberry.. G.R…

G.F..R.. E A T… Golden Ratio…

A Family of Supernaturals Elegant Nomads journey through Space- the Music, the Harmonies to a joyous reunion on Earth and with the Body

Mind Spirit and Soul… Suddenly thrown into frequencies emitted by Human imagination of sheer horror and aliens..

None real and yet made real by belief, empowered by fear rage evil expressions of self loathing instead of the imagining of a Beautiful Possibility..

And as all my post, I am realizing unraveling what happened as I write.. Wrote..Using the Golden Ratio the entire Story is coming out through the one hand and one finger I have found myself typing mainly with…

That is why the delay and their sending me messages E.S.P..Codes to clear the Way.. Clear up these stories.. Because.. of course, as I, were at war with Illusion made real in Space of Universal Mind which was not occupying M.U.S.I C… Harmonies… How could they cross through 7-1 to land…

AT the Truth.. 8-1.* S.P 81 is Transformation 3 guys and the fourth who becomes a Ballerina… Swan Lake.. Harmony.. Lisa and Kristen..

Oh Sweet Lord…

Which is why Kenneth and Lawrence are here…

I was sitting near Kenneth.. by the Metropolis side and Lawrence came..

I knew it was a play but I needed to work and not hear about the Shelter world.. I get it already…So I saw an empty table by the Woods Side..

The Transformation took place in Nature, Naturally Veiled from prying eyes, shielded by the Light as the Knight…

And that is where my Journey ends after the Ritz.. I go to Nature..

And After that it is no Longer a Script…

I go there to transform…

That is why Micheal the 55 year old 12 years kept saying to people who looked at him incredulously that he thought I was older than he is..

My body looks like a Youth.. but there are times hear that the Lines and Scars on my face appear so deep that Iook so Haggard that it is possible…

But in all honesty it was mean.. and most people were and are aware when he says it, that he is using my Exhausted state to refute his own aging process..

He looks much older than 55 though his face is much clearer than mine..

But the truth is I had to work through that Vanity but True Vanity of how could I be this Beautiful One.. The representation of Evolution Transformation if my Face was the very image of Age Weariness Fatigue..

It does not help the case..

My face began to deform when Nnamdi passed in 82.

Yes, it would go back to my face but it began to settle into this heavy mask of flesh falling on my face which feels so heavy like my muscles had features had melted..

I have literally been consciously holding up my face… Because it Fell..

Literally.. by constant dissapointment…?

Perhaps.. but I know that it is a spell…

My head and body are all sitting in correctly on my frame..

5:11 p.m.

And the strain of the constant jerking and re aligning my features for all these years..

But I am fully aware of the Supernatural aspect of it..

It began to become so noticeable Age 20 in university…

Good Grief! last night when I came back to the Shelter I went to the Bathroom on the Ground Floor but It was occupied

Bill came out and joking sprayed cologne in the bathroom before I entered.

I said That Bad..should I go in

He burst out laughing and told me that it was a Joke which only some one like me would get…The others would take it the wrong way..

( Moe had said this recently Why can’t everyone be like you?

These of course are innocent remarks..

But I am in a play where Supernatural Beings of are Evolving moving through the Human bodies and have passed through Horrendous Journeys like Star Wars and hundreds of thousands of Science Fiction stories held onto by the Human Mind…

I have to pay attention because they are talking to me…

I entered the bathroom like a king in that it smelt amazing with the perfume he used..

In another dimension it would my being accorded perfumed Air…

High Life.. Meaning I am above Naturalness and thus even the Air must be augumented..

5:20 p,m.


I am correct,

Anyway, Bill of course alludes to the 8 42.. and get this 76 cents bill I have until the 19th to pay a very subsidized amount…15 usd .. A Token before the 19 th.. 15..Letter O..6..F…

Which I reject in the Spirit Worlds play and the Alien versus E.T play by my posting the proof that I am the source of it…

Counter Measures.. that is what Robert had described me as doing…

Bill has that body of a child and face though still boyish has been scarred by Age not as growing old.. But as me Old Age rising in rage to demolish our Youthful always youthful appearance…

8 23 44 11 Was the Police car which just passed by.. It tells me where I am..

Now a Truck 76 99.. 99 Is Victorious in outing the Virus of Insolence Contempt Rahab.. Leviathan.. R.L.. ROLES.. False.. from Humanity…

Billy was waiting for me when I came out of the Bathroom and said he had a Web Site for me where I could paste my work free ..

It was the code of the meaning.. He handed me a piece of paper..

Home Twenty I was to tired to care to solve it yesterday..

But I see it clearly now… H20.. HT..E HT.. / THE..ETERNAL BEGINNING…

E B..

Brooke Elizabeth Banwer..

Home 20..S.P.. ECHO…20 is T.. Truth.. I am doing the post as we speak on another window, before I paused to show the cover of the Book I was given by Rahul… It is Green.. See the Code on the Hand which allows me to pass through.. ?


Pass through Existential Death.. Space is Nothingness as the Passed.

You can not exist there.. because it does not exists…It is A Moment then it drags you backwards Negation in a way.. but not really.

It is the passed of Creation…

Beaning the present past is Nature as Earth..

Space is but a Still and once you enter it.. if you are not on the frequency of the Speed of Light C..

You begin to Fade.. as you move back into Your Non Existence Space is the Expression of the Nothingness.. Only the One who was there and rose from it can pass through..

And now his family! Who now know the way through to the correct Frequency which opens up the correct portal to Eternal Life..

Door of True Life..

My Lord! That is what it makes it portal of Existential Death for some and Eternity for others..

The family lines of TEN could exist there because they are the manifest constant which theDark Matter Supports Surrounds.. because the Rose through it in the beginning..

I recounted this all for the first two years on Face Book…!

But they could not cross over until the way was explained..

And it was through Two Men..

The Two Women represent the Entry into Existential Death…Here…

Sacred Portal 43.. D.C.. Is Door of Life but only through the E…

Representing Eternity!..

*Lisa just came in wearing all black and said a quick hi with a peck on the cheek.. Space.. Outer Space.. Perfect Harmony…




i felt like Lucifer today.. Trapped in a place filled with Demons who were all his minions.. And his Brother Represented by J.Roque..

But Lucifer means bringer of Light…

And Micheal who slays the Satan.. Which is not the Alien or the A-Lien Babies’ Humans deformed.. Big Heads Green Monsters.. Oh my God..

It is my Truth all brought back through 59 Months on Face Book and 41 years since I wrote that book as a 7-8 -9 year old 1975..

Hence the stopping at 9 75 Face Book Friends…

The Year I wrote it…

And 19 76.. The Year I became Running Champ and picked for grooming for the Olympic Junior training camp…


Home Twenty..

Home is Truth…


As I wrote this a two men introduced themselves

Brian and Traihe !

20 2O… T.B.O.E…!

I was with Jose today to pick up the code…

he gave me his I.D… 5-15-1969…. E O..10 O… E O Father TEN Full Circle..

S.P..The Dream of the One Father..’

At Twenty My face was photographed in its Fallen state..

And my sister in a pique of anger to get a passport photo of me for my passport used an image that had even my mother in a state of quiet..

My girlfriend say the image…

I look the exact same way most times now…

Not aged one bit.. Disfigured..

And only those who knew me before would know just how disfigured I am facially made now almost semi permanent by the constant duress and torture… The Fall! Lucifer.. The Fall of Face… Japan… Disgrace…

Which is why I can not life my Head up like a normal person or why I am bent twisted.. my Asrse often out as if waiting to be fucked…

In all manners of speaking…

And my trousers keep falling down, but it is not a style it is because my waist is twisted my hips no aligned…

This was not the Aliens or the E.T..Who did this…

This is not their Play or the way they war…

With the E.T it is Intelligence Cold Logical devoid of compassion or any emotion or color…

Black and White… But with bursts of Hidden Color.. Which made them curious about those sensations and Humans… Extra Terrestrials..

The Beautiful Ones in Space they Encountered and gave riddles to as their play…

But did not trust them because of the Ugly Humans on Earth were linked to the E.T..

The Alien were linked to them both too but refused to acknowledge the possibility..

And the E were saying that the Humans were a process in the making and that the Alien asked for an Example of a Hueman Being and they chose me…

Jesus.. it is all coming back to me…through me.

I already knew and know after the Rites of Passage at the Ritz are preformed..

The Awakening happens.. I see the view from my Window and on TV then the Family and I depart for the Woods… The Country..

Where I transform.. Tom Truman played that out in 2011…

Marina Burini was the Witness… as well both Tom and Marina witnessing how the communicated through my Sacred Altar Art through Light signals passing through strategic pieces which spelled out their meaning…

Landing at Central Park.. C.P…

P.C.. Consciousness Perfection.. A Spotless Mind..

Perfection Traihe.. Tre.. 3.. Tre Mont…

IT WAS HUMAN as the lie who created War of which it was not war but Cruelty Evil Barbaric Aware brutality …

Not even war.. but an excuse to right to act out their cruelty their ideas so vile that even they had to veil it in the cloak of war or a cause…

Creatures who enjoy inflicting Pain Torture, even on animals their babies, their friends thier parents.. everyone around them but no not themselves..

Those who do that are the ones who prefer to hurt themselves rather than hurt and torment others..

And their torment is inflicted on them by their knowing Looking and seeing the not the Truth but what they do to the True…

O.M.Good God…

I was Micheal Trahe’s 91st Face Book Friend…


He wrote 500 books…

Oh Dude… The 5 Dollar Bill.. with 500 on it..

One which came through Rob Barr # F.D M.U.S.I.C..C-i-n-q Hash Tag H.T..’Home Twenty…Fifth Dimension Music 5

Which I was not sure if was the Code 500 or 5000…

Confirmed through 5 Dollar Bill with E and 500 Written over the 5..

In blue Ink… inq.. C is 100 Roman Numerals…

500 is D… C.D.. S.P.. 3…Rock Solid’.. R.O..C.K…Sol ID..E…

Serial Number M.E 25 155 86 ( 1986 76 66 ..96 2006…2016..T.P) 2.A

6:31 p.m!!!!

10;00 p.m…10;00 am…6;31am… P.I.O..KOLO

*Isaac Asimov (/’a?z?k ‘æz?m?v/;[2] born Isaak Ozimov; c. January 2, 1920[1] – April 6, 1992) was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He was known for his works of science fiction and popular science. Asimov was a prolific writer, and wrote or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards.[3] His books have been published in 9 of the 10 major categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification.[4]

Asimov wrote hard science fiction and, along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, he was considered one of the Big Three science fiction writers during his lifetime.[5] Asimov’s most famous work is the Foundation Series;[6]

April 6th… 4-6… L IS A.. Room A…

12.. LUKE LOOK.. L.U..C.I..F. E.R.. ( IRON OM) F..A.IR…

Light Bringer..

Lisa is Elizabeth Brenda.. Brandon Su.. B.S….2 19… 21…U.. 3 C Tres ..Bien

…The SHEBA’S… Alien Mothers Tested Me!

Sacred Portal 16…. P… Perrfection

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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